A Note from Mike

Thank you to all who participated in our annual convention. We had a productive meeting. ACEC OKLAHOMA is in both good fiscal and organizational position to grow in membership, visibility and influence statewide. Our organization has been blessed with good leadership at the board level and this strong tradition continues into our next fiscal year. Congratulations to ACEC OKLAHOMA's newly elected board of directors. The newly elected board is listed below:

Mr. Hollis Allen, Chairman of the Board
Walter P. Moore

Mr. Mike Vahabzadegan, Chairman-Elect
EST, Inc.

Mr. David Neuhauser, Treasurer
CP&Y, Inc.

Mr. Keith Angier, ACEC National Director
MacArthur Associated Consultants

Mr. Adam West, Vice Chair of Membership
Benham Design, LLC

Mr. Doug Glenn, Vice Chair of Business Practices
CEC Corporation

Mr. David Streb, Vice Chair of Education and P.R.
Poe and Associates

Finally, a special thanks is in order for the tremendous help, leadership and oversight provided by our newly minted, Immediate Past Chairman, Chad Grinsteiner. Chad guided our organization during a pandemic and a transition. He deserves the thanks of ACEC OKLAHOMA for his outstanding performance during this period.

-Mike Thompson- President & CEO