Rainy Days
I love rainy days....my mom loved them too! She used to make tents for us out of blankets in the den and serve us lunch under the tents. She would say “weather its cold or whether its hot we will have weather whether or not”. Rainy day memories will always be a tender spot in my heart. It has been raining for several days now. Most outdoor activities have been thwarted, and events that have been planned for months have had to be rearranged, especially many of the graduation venues. But though the weather deems its dominant position, hopefully it will not take the joy away from the celebration.  

For when rain is a backdrop, I have found that once inside looking out there is a warm and gentle flow of peace that captivates my spirit. Rain is the nourishment that the ground needs but it also serves as nourishment to my soul. Rain, not only deters previous plans, but seems to just slow things down....even traffic moves at a different tempo. If we let it, it has the ability to quiet souls and soothe senses. It provides refreshment for a parched ground, and a distinct display of heavens watering system. Rains change the color of the landscape and most times sends us looking for shelter. 

But have you ever thought about rain as representing God's showering down on us his provisions of His love, His grace and His wisdom? His showers just keep coming....and are intended to saturate our souls with His goodness. He doesn't flood us with an overbearing load rather he gives us just what we need to get through tough situations and quiet our souls and refresh our parched senses. God's showers don't linger on the surface of our blooms, they go down deep into the root of our souls and His showers supply us with strength to withstand the outside pressures that leave us drained and brittle.

 We have needed these recent rains....just as we need the blessings that God showers us with. For without them things start looking wilted and even barren. Just as plants need rain, we too need the grace of God to rain down upon us.

We have a pool in our backyard and yesterday as I walked past it, I stopped a minute to watch as the raindrops danced on the surface....and I remember once many years ago when the grandkids were little and swimming and the skies began to turn dark. William, now 14, (yes I can still remember some things) started to get a little concerned. We have to get out.....he insisted....but there was no lighting or no thunder.. only dark skies so promising him that together we were safe, we stayed a few more minutes in the pool and waited and watched as the weather changed and the clouds moved across the sky.  Before long the sprinkles started coming down... and the game to catch the bubbles that the rain was making overcame the fear of the darkened skies.

When it rains, we have a tendency to run for shelter....as we try to stay dry and out of harms way. But next time you see rains come sprinkling down...consider the grace that God showers us with each day...Don't run from them but allow His showers to go down to the root of your soul....and let His warm and gentle peace flow through you....and refresh you in the midst of a parching situation. Stay tucked in His arms and one by one, pop the bubbles of uncertainty and fear and disappointment....that have come raining down in your life. It is a pretty wonderful state of mind when I allow God's goodness to saturate my soul. For when I trust in Him....and allow God's provisions to be the nutrients that sustain me....and envelop me ....then the yuk stuff just loses its effectiveness...and is diluted by all the righteousness that surround it.
Isaiah 45
 8 "You heavens above, rain down righteousness; 
      let the clouds shower it down. 
      Let the earth open wide, 
      let salvation spring up, 
      let righteousness grow with it; 
      I, the LORD, have created it. 

I hope that the weather does not preclude the joyfulless of these graduation ceremonies; for the rain could also be a factor that shows that it is not the plans that have been made, or the location that has been provided but the blessing of growing up out of one one stage and beginning another phase that hold the true meaning of these events. May God’s rain of love, wisdom, guidance and goodness shower over these children and their families as they celebrate new beginnings.   

Dear Lord, May your showers of righteousness rain down upon us and refresh us. And may they give us strength to carry on in a way that would be glorifying to you. Amen  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation 
He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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