February 1, 2022

You will find a copy of this newslettter in the NEWSLETTER section on our website

This short excerpt from a recent newsletter from Ducks Unlimited provides a hopeful peek into the future of wetlands along with the possibly endangered species that live there.

Canada's sprint to 2030 starts now

Conservation organizations including DUC rang in the new year with new hope for the future. Just weeks before, nations from around the world signed a landmark agreement at the United Nations Conference for Biodiversity (COP15) to save more than a million species from extinction by protecting and restoring 30 per cent of the world’s land and water by 2030. Now that the celebrations are over, the real work begins. Read the article from DUC’s Jim Brennan, originally published in The Hill Times, about the need for accelerated actions and a whole-of-society approach in Canada to meet our ambitious biodiversity targets. The sprint to 2030 starts now.  

Celebrating Canada's newest wetland policy

Last week, the Government of Yukon released the territory’s first-ever wetland policy. Six years in the making, the Policy for Wetland Stewardship is a step in the right direction for wetland protection. Since 2017, DUC has joined other conservation organizations, Indigenous communities, industry and the public in guiding the policy by offering comments and information to support a well-informed final version that will enhance wetland knowledge, management and protection in the Yukon