The A-Blast of News and Events from the
Church of the Annunciation
The Second Sunday of Easter
April 11, 2021

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To access the liturgy for the Second Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 1, click here.

To access the midweek liturgy for St. Damien and St. Marianne of Hawaii, April 15, click here.

For a pdf copy of the bulletin for Sunday, April 11, click here.

If you are not regularly attending church in person and would like to do so, please call the church office at 941-778-1638 or send an email.
From the Rector:

Dear People of Annunciation,

With Lent and Holy Week behind us, one of my current projects is navigating our livestreaming to a permanent platform.  If you have not been in the church since the beginning of the pandemic, I have had a small tripod set up on the third pew of the church.  My iPhone has been the device through which we have gone online through Facebook Live.  We’ve made a few tweaks, including upgrading to a faster broadband speed through Spectrum, and I have created a “mesh” Wi-Fi setup in the Nave which connects to the internet connection in the rectory.

Like many things in the early stages of the pandemic, I figured that livestreaming would be a temporary measure that would last a few weeks.  A year later, it is clear that broadcasting liturgies online is going to be a permanent adaptation of the church.  I am not aware of any parish that plans to terminate livestreaming once COVID-related safety measures come to an end.  While livestreaming services should not be a perpetual substitute for physically engaging with in-person Christian community for those who are able, we have seen some clear benefits from maintaining an online liturgical presence.  I think this is especially true for a parish such as ours where portions of our congregation live elsewhere for part of the year.

Beginning with the Thursday liturgy for April 8, and covering the next three Sundays, we will be using a free trial to stream on a platform called Boxcast.  Many parishes in our diocese are using this platform and are satisfied with the results.  For those of you who would prefer not to use Facebook, we will also be able to broadcast on YouTube as well as Boxcast’s own system.  The links above to the online services will take you to our Boxcast site.  (For those of you who have become accustomed to seeing us on Facebook, fear not, we will still appear there also.)

You will notice a few changes to how things look online.  Boxcast is designed to automatically turn on and turn off the livestream.  In order to ensure that the system is on when we begin, the livestream will begin 5 minutes before the scheduled service time.  Do not fear if you pull us up when we begin, and it looks like “dead air” for a few minutes.  For those coming to the 9:30 service in person, please be aware that anything you say may be broadcast without the warnings I have given in the past that we were about to go live.  The same holds true at the end of a liturgy.

For now, I am continuing to livestream through my cell phone.  The real advantage to this system is that if we choose to invest in this system on a permanent basis, we will be able to acquire an encoder that can integrate into our sound system as well as an inconspicuous mounted camera.  This is important, because I hope people will once again be sitting where my cell phone is currently located!

As we are in a trial period, please let me your experience.  It’s hard for me to know what’s happening in your home while I am presiding, so I rely on your feedback to make tweaks.  Plus I want to make sure it works as advertised before asking our Vestry to invest money in the system.  Do you find getting to the livestream easy to use?  While the permanent system would be using better equipment, how is the video and sound?  Let me know!

Christ’s peace,
Welcome Walkway Project
WE DID IT! Our vision is realized, and our Welcome Walkway Project is finished and ready for Easter!

You may have seen pictures as the work progressed. Here is what we accomplished this week:
  • all the green outdoor carpeting was removed and the glue holding it down was sanded off
  • the sagging plywood ramps were removed and replaced with poured concrete ramps
  • the brick pavers were installed
  • the walkways and ramps were painted to match our other walkways

Unfortunately, we could not salvage the handrails on the ramps due to considerable rot, so we are looking into replacing them soon. There is still plenty of room for additional brick sponsorships. Our minimum order is five bricks at one time. If you would like to sponsor a brick, please contact the office for an order form.

We now truly have a Welcome Walkway, and the St. Dorothea fountain and cascade add to the joy of the Memorial Garden.

THANK YOU AGAIN TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS whose donations made this big project possible!

OUR MEMORIAL GARDEN IS FEATURED IN THE EASTER 2021 EDITION OF "THE SOUTHERN CROSS," the quarterly magazine of the Diocese of Southwest Florida! For those who are on the diocesan mailing list, a hard copy should arrive in your mailbox soon. A digital copy can be found by clicking here. We are on Page 21.
The Florida Department of Health has updated the Vaccination Screening and Consent Form being used at state-run vaccination sites. The current edition of the form is available on the information table of Lowe Hall.
Monday Book Club
The Annunciation Monday Book Group is reading Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others by Barbara Brown Taylor.

The Book Group is still being conducted it in a hybrid format. We meet at 1pm and have two options: a physically-distanced in-person gathering in Lowe Hall and also one to join via Zoom:
Call church office for Zoom ID and Passcode.

If you need a book mailed, please contact Fran Miller at 312.315.6212.
2021 Bishop's Appeal
The Bishop's Appeal is a diocesan-wide effort that supports two funds, one for outreach programs in Southwest Florida and a second for the camp and conference center DaySpring Episcopal Center.

Episcopal Charities is the funding support organization for parish-based community outreach and special needs ministries. The DaySpring Endowment Fund enhances DaySpring for future generations by supporting essential maintenance.

Zoom Coffee Hour
Join us for our virtual coffee hour and check-in on Zoom on Sundays at 1:05 p.m.

Call church office for Zoom ID and Passcode.
Monday Book Group
The Monday Book Group will meet in a hybrid format from Lowe Hall and on Zoom.

Call church office for Zoom ID and Passcode.
Zoom via Telephone
The best way to join a Zoom meeting is with a computer with a web-camera, smartphone, or tablet. This will allow you to see and hear everyone in the meeting. You can also join audio-only via telephone. (If you are having problems with your computer audio, you can login with your computer for video and dial-in for audio). Here are phone numbers to join via telephone:

United States: +1 301 715 8592
Canada:   +1 647 374 4685

Once you have dialed in, you will be asked to key in the Meeting ID and Password.
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Holy Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Easter in Lowe Hall at 8:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Easter from the Nave (live-streamed) at 9:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Easter at the Memorial Garden altar at 10:45 a.m.

Thursday, April 15, 2021
Holy Eucharist. Feast of St. Damien of Hawaii from the Nave (live-streamed) at 9:30 a.m.