
I play at golf about once a week, and one day as I was on the course, getting ready to drive, the phrase “take dead aim” just popped up out of nowhere in my head. I knew the phrase, for I had read it often. It was among ten or so other framed quotes, all from his “Little Red Book” that adorned the walls of a restaurant in Austin called Harveys’.  

Harvey Penick was a renowned, beloved pro golfer at Austin Country Club. He was a teacher, author, friend and associate of many well known golfers.  But why now...why did this quote pop in my head years later.  Obviously I know what it meant, so I tried it… don’t even remember if the advise paid off but what I do remember is that even after the golf round the quote stayed front and center in my thoughts.  So when I got home I asked my husband if he has a copy of the book and of course it was on my desk in no time.  I had never read that “Little Red Book” but as I did I found it to have some profound thoughts not only associated with golf but they also could be significant life lessons ….beginning with “take dead aim”.

Penick says, “Take dead aim" on a spot on the fairway or the green, refuse to allow any negative thought to enter your head, and swing away.”  We are all bombarded by distractions everyday that often turn into anxious or negative thoughts. And when we let them take hold, they effect our daily routines and attitudes, and tamper with our forward seeking outlook; thus stealing the joy that God is vying for us to have.  

What if we really put the “take dead aim” theory into focus and let go of the ‘what ifs’ and the past. What if we used fact and truth instead of our own assumptions when unexpected situations come into play.  The dead aim would be to look strategically at our circumstance… through the lens of Christ. Then depend on his help to negotiate whatever it is before us. So often we gather our self-carrying bag of tools, step up to the tee and just fire away.  Instead of stopping for a moment and asking God to guide our way or our next shot at fixing something.   He is the only one who is able to give us wisdom and help us to remain in HIS lock step ‘will”.  When we depend on our own will we miss out on the glory of watching God guide and intercede to promote a positive outcome. Its not an easy transition to change the control buttons, but maybe worth the effort to try. 

I know this is long but there are three other Penick quotes that were worth sharing.

1)“Be brave if you lose and meek if you win.” – We have all been on both sides of this! Now think a minute on this  …Since God is always watching…I would suspect his response to each of the above suggestions would be positive! Hasn’t he promised to be with us always, carry our burdens…and be our helper in any situation? Then that means he will help us get through our losses and celebrate our wins. 
Psalm 118:7 The Lord is with me; he is my helper

2)“Life is full of many annoyances, and few real consequences.” – Its often the little things that get under our skin… and in the end they really have no bearing on an outcome.  So let them go and think of grander things to do effect an outcome…like service, love, compassion, and stepping away from the annoyance.  
Philippians 2:14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing

3) “Be yourself. Play within yourself. Play your own game.”– I ended with this one because it is so very relative to all of us.  We so often find ourselves in the comparison mode…am I good enough, smart enough, cute enough, skinny enough, fit enough, productive enough etc…? God has packaged each of us not to compete but to complete the individual goals that he alone has ordained and equipped us personally to do.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Christ calls us to truly believe in HIS power; trusting him and living according to his word and doing our best to follow his example. You are a masterpiece ….in the making. We all are…when we accept God’s truth and realize that we are being molded day by day not by how we measure up to others but how God has already measured us to HIS perfection…that is where our success and confidence lies. Do what you are called to do and be YOU!!!! Enjoy and share the gifts that God has created within you. Play your own game in life....not one that you think others would be impressed by. 

Thank you Lord for thoughts of your wisdom that you filter through our minds and surprise us with.  If we quietly listen and pray for your direction, you freely give it through your Holy Spirit.  How grateful are we that you love us and are willing to guide us through any situation that comes before us. Amen

Praise God wherever you are, or whatever situation He has allowed you to be in....His glory will shine through!
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