May/June 2022
Welcome to ARS NEWS, a members-only e-newsletter that has taken the place of our printed quarterly ARS Newsletter. In here, you will find all the same news that's featured in the paper version, but with the addition of clickable links. This will allow you to learn more and also sign up for events that interest you. Please make sure to scroll to the bottom to see some upcoming events happening in the recorder world. Enjoy! Click here to view email as a Webpage
AR Magazine has been mailed and is available online!
The Summer issue of American Recorder is on its way to members -- here is a sneak peek of what to expect:
  • Composer, professional recorder player and music journalist Markus Zahnhausen (1965-2022) has died. Read about his life and music in NEWS & NOTES.
  • Another composer has been busy writing music and being interviewed by The Recorder Magazine, the magazine read by recorder players in the UK. Read their interview with Victor Eijkhout as an extra posted online, with a link to the PDF in NEWS & NOTES.
  • In the FEATURE article about Flutes of the Americas, researcher Jacob Miller and his advisor Trudi Wright have found similarities between recorders and many early folk flutes, after studying a small portion of the Constance M. Primus Folk Flute Collection of the Recorder Music Center at Regis University, Denver, CO.
  • American professional recorder player Vicki Boeckman traveled to Denmark before the pandemic, and interviewed recorder builder Nikolaj Ronimus. Photos taken on that trip by William Stickney illustrate the article, as well as provide this issue's cover image.
  • In LISTEN & PLAY, more events are now being held in person, while a few continue to be offered online. Read about Musica Pacifica's belated 30th anniversary concert, complete with birthday hats and after-concert champagne at the Bay Area (CA) venue; a Berkeley (CA) concert by Tabea Debus; and an online workshop on Brazilian music with Cléa Galhano.
  • A few more method books are reviewed in CRITIQUE, plus some summer music.
  • Do your palms get sweaty when you perform? Does your heart race? Is your mind a blank? In LEARN, AR editor Gail Nickless shares ideas she has gleaned from several books, about how to make performance anxiety into your superpower.
  • In CRITIQUE, Tom Bickley reviews a multritracked version of The Brandenburg Concertos by J.S. Bach, with all parts played by Denmark-based recorder player James Howard Young. Reviews are rounded out with music to enjoy at home, by daughter-father team Emily O'Brien and Michael O'Brien; and compositions played by recorderist John Turner to honor Sir John Manduell.
This issue's Members' Library Edition, Tham-ma-rong ("The Ring") is by Thai composer Sikharin Dit-em. It evokes joyful conversation while planning a wedding. The music was inspired by a traditional Thai instrument called a khene. This edition was generously sponsored by Connie Confer, a member of the ARS Diversity Committee.
News for ARS Members
The 2022 ARS Election Voting Cycle Ends June 1
It's time to choose candidates for the Board of Directors, as well as decide on some proposed bylaw changes. Please vote if you haven't already. View the ARS 2022 Election Page
Spring ARS Board Meeting: Brief Update
The ARS Board met via Zoom on April 8-10 to discuss current and future initiatives of the ARS. Fourteen board members participated from various parts of the country in planning for member benefits, fundraising, communications, and board governance. It was the last meeting for retiring Board members David Podeschi, Barbara Prescott, Mollie Habermeier, and David Melanson. Board members serve a maximum of eight years. Their contributions are greatly appreciated, and they will be missed.
Meet our Newest ARS Board Member
Virginia Felton of Seattle, WA, was recently appointed to the ARS Board. To read more, click here

For a list of our past and present Board members, please click here.
A Great ARS Member Benefit: Find a Recorder Teacher!
Did you know you can search for a teacher on the ARS website? ARS maintains a comprehensive searchable list of ARS member teachers.  Click here to access the directory. No teacher nearby? Find teachers who offer online lessons here.
Achievement Award Nominations Sought
Members are invited to make nominations for the ARS Distinguished Achievement Award.
In Memoriam
Three members, Sally Taylor of Mystic CT, Nancy Buss of Atlanta GA, and Roberta (Bobbie) Blanc of Denver CO, passed away recently.
New Publisher Discount for ARS Members
Basilisk Editions, a new Swiss publishing outfit (Raphael B. Meyer and Manfred Harras), has added an English interface to its web site, and some of editions are now available in a download version. Through the end of 2022, use the following code for a 10% ARS member discount:
Watch future issues of American Recorder for reviews of music published by Basilisk.
Join the Rondo Club!
The Rondo Club, people who give monthly to the ARS, is an easy way for you to donate to the ARS. Some members prefer monthly giving because they "don't have to think about it." Even a small monthly contribution of $5, $8, or $10 lets you make a significant gift to the ARS over the year. If you would like to join, go to You'll even get a certificate for framing!
Checking in with Chapters, Consorts, and Recorder Orchestras
Chapter Grant awarded to British Columbia Recorder Society
BCRS has successfully applied for an ARS chapter grant which will enable them to purchase the technology needed to offer hybrid (Zoom/in person) meetings.
A Brief Reminder of ARS Deadlines
Weekend Workshop Applications: two months before funding is needed
Virtual events are eligible for funding from Grants and Scholarships, as long as the amounts do not exceed stated limits.
Educational Outreach Grant applications: May 1-June 15
Weeklong scholarship applications: August 31
Professional Development Grant applications: September 15
Want to Share Your News?
To submit your news using an online form, please go to You may also email an article and photos. We love to hear stories of how the recorder community is still going strong. Send any of the types of news items you have seen in the paper newsletter. Digital photos are welcome, as are digital videos for YouTube (DropBox suggested). Send either your event basics or articles/photos to

Newsletter editors and publicity officers for Chapters, Consorts & Recorder Orchestras should make sure that your regular communications like e-newsletters are sent to the ARS office,
Upcoming Recorder Events
Check the ARS Calendar of Events for a list of recorder happenings
Early Music Workshops & Festivals
Don’t miss out on the joy of spring and summer workshops and festivals! Some are returning to in-person opportunities. Check out the ARS Workshops & Festivals page featuring our Partner members and advertisers to see some wonderful possibilities.
The Berkeley (CA) Festival & Exhibition to be held June 5-12, 2022
The biennial Berkeley Festival and Exhibition (BFX), which had to be canceled in 2020, is being held in person. There will be a fringe concert featuring local recorder players (see schedule here).
Boston Early Music Festival is Offering a FREE Online Recorder Event
Special Presentation:
Saturday, June 4, 12pm
Recorders Beyond Borders with Nina Stern
Virtual Events
American Recorder Society's Online Beginners’ Course for alto recorder
with Marea Chernoff
Multiple Class Options
with Recorder Players West and Inga Funck
Small Group Short Course: Four Weeks to Better Tone
with Anne Timberlake

An Ornamentation Booster with
Mr. Corelli
with Alison Melville
The North American Virtual Recorder Society 
June Playing Meeting
with Frances Feldon
Traveling Teacher Workshop with Jody Miller
(online and in-person)
Mountain Collegium is offering a Virtual Summer Workshop!

When: June 16-19, 2022
Cost: Full workshop fee is $225 for the week; individual classes may be purchased separately. 

We have quite a spectacular array of faculty offering diverse topics. There will be offerings specific to recorder, viol, and folk music, but also plenty of topical classes that accommodate almost any early instrument and voice.  

For more information, to see the faculty and the class offerings, please visiMountain Collegium's website.
The Denver Recorder Society is hosting free online "Summer Recorder Sessions in the Rockies" June 1-August 21, on first Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. and third Sundays from 4-5 p.m. (Mountain time). Each Zoom session will be 60 minutes. Goals will be to keep up skills, improve them, and have fun playing. Anyone may attend who may be just a bit rusty on their instruments, or might like a fun way to get back in shape or to stay in shape. Selections will be geared mostly to C instruments, but some repertoire will also work on F instruments.

There is no charge, and recorder players of all levels are welcome, regardless of whether they are Denver Recorder Society members. For more info or to indicate interest, contact Bill Urban,
ARS offers a webpage with all the chapters offering virtual meetings. There are several chapters with a worldwide membership, led by world-class music directors, thanks to the wonders of Zoom.
(Is your group offering virtual meetings but not on the list? Email us!)

How to submit event information to ARS:
Do you enjoy our ARS NEWS emails? Be a part of it and submit your news story here!

If you've received this from a friend, sign up for your own monthly subscription using this link.
Give the Gift of ARS!
Take advantage of our 1/2 price rate for first-time members and get a membership for a friend! They will receive immediate access to all the information available on our website, as well as other member benefits including the quarterly American Recorder magazine. The first year is just $25 for a US Standard or electronic membership.