A community of learners over 50
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June, 2022 | Vol 2, No. 8 | |
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Looking Forward To The Summer
Our OLLI had a busy month of May, with several end-of-season gatherings large and small.
We had our first in-person Open House in two years, a big production which many of you attended, seeing old friends again and meeting new ones. This month’s newsletter chronicles this and other end-of-season events such as our Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and special meetings of the Shared Interest Groups (SIGs).
Reading below you also will find some upcoming special events and activities to add some spice to your summer.
Whether you like to take classes in person or prefer them online, you will find lots of interesting courses to take this term. The survey many of you filled out about your preferences for in-person classes or online courses found that our OLLI members are closely divided in their choices, so we will keep offering many of each.
People who are away for the summer will be able to take Zoom courses wherever they are. If you are not yet comfortable using Zoom, there are many volunteers who can get you up and running. Check with our technology coordinator, Jeanne Dyer at 813-974-8037.
The search for a new OLLI director for when Ara Rogers retires at the end of the year is fully underway. It will be very hard to find someone to follow her. If you know of someone who might be a good candidate, please send them here for more information.
The start of summer that Memorial Weekend brings us each year seems to bring a bit of surrealism with it this year. I talk with people who have been staying home to avoid COVID for two years who now are planning visits to see loved ones or scheduling trips they have put off for so long. Yet others are watching the numbers go up and focusing on trying to stay safe at home. Wherever you go or stay, may you all have a safe and happy summer.
I love summer, and I think it deserves a poem. Here’s part of the poem “The Vision of Sir Launfal,” by James Russell Lowell:
And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days;
Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune,
And over it softly her warm ear lays;
Whether we look, or whether we listen
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June 21-26 - Live From Korea video classes on YouTube.
June 27 - Asian Americans in Florida virtual event
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Are You Interested in Learning to Prepare Class Videos for Further Distribution?
The ability to view recorded OLLI classes is a great benefit to using Zoom. After two years of experience, we have developed our procedure for creating class recordings.
Here’s how you can help!
You’ll need an adequate computer and moderate computer skills.
You’ll also need knowledge of Keynote or PowerPoint and have a video editing program such as iMovie, Filmora, ScreenFlow, Camtasia or other program.
You will use PowerPoint (on a PC) or Keynote (on a Mac) to add a standard video open and close, use your video editing program to edit the video, and put everything together into a single video.
We will train you from there.
This is a great project for someone wanting to develop or hone simple video editing skills.
It's also a great way to contribute to OLLI and not leave your chair. E-mail Jeanne Dyer, or call her at 813-974-8037, for more information or to sign up.
How does OLLI decide which courses to record?
We occasionally get questions about recorded courses at OLLI-USF. Here's how we decide whether to record a class:
Instructor Permission
Some instructors prefer not to have their courses recorded. because the class includes their intellectual property or because they have concerns about the impact on students' willingness to participate in discussion.
Class Format and Size - Lecture vs Discussion and Active Participation
• Processing class recordings for students to view is time-consuming and requires attention to detail. Because of this, we focus on larger/high enrollment courses. Lecture courses tend to be larger and instructor-centric, where instructors are focused on sharing their extensive expertise and knowledge.
• As a rule, we do not record small discussions or active participation courses. The primary benefit of those classes is to show up, participate, and interact with the instructor. An exception is made for courses where students can use the recording to review and practice a procedure or process.
• We also want to avoid creating a situation where the instructor shows up for his/her class of 15 -20 enrolled students and only five students actually join the class on Zoom.
Impact of Recording on Class Discussion and Member Privacy
Recordings are meant to be a benefit. We don’t record classes where members are likely to share personal aspects of their lives or where a recording might discourage class participation (poetry/memoir/challenging topics).
Free classes on YouTube
Tuesdays, June 21- July 26, 7:00pm-8:30pm EST
The following list of free classes can be accessed via YouTube https://youtube.com/c/OLLIGeorgeMasonUniversity so there is no need for a Zoom link. Just subscribe and enjoy!
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June 21: Four Decades of Change in Korea
Suzanna Samstag Oh
This session will be about Korea’s transformation from a “recipient country,” as exemplified in programs like the Peace Corps, to a “donor country,” as exemplified in Korea’s own version of Peace Corps, KOICA, and Korea’s emergence internationally as a known quantity in popular culture. This session will be based on the instructor’s own experience. Suzanna Samstag Oh serves as senior advisor to the chairman of Daesung Group.
June 28: The Miracle of the Han River and Beyond
Moon Joon Kim
This course provides an overview of Korea’s remarkable economic development since the early 1960s. After the Korean War, South Korea transformed in the past decades from an agriculture-based economy to one of the world’s most dynamic industrial economies, with an average annual growth rate of 7.3 percent and per capita income reaching $27,000 in 2015. Dr. Moon Joon Kim is an assistant professor of economics at George Mason University Korea.
July 5: Inter-Korea Relations and North Korea
Dr. Soyoung Kwon
The current status of Korea invites many questions: How did North Korea avoid the domino-like collapse of communism in 1989? Why can’t the two Koreas find the peace and reconciliation to be reunified? Why does North Korea want to possess nuclear weapons? What would be the most ideal approach toward North Korea to facilitate change? Addressing these questions, this session will trace the historical and political developments of the two Koreas. Soyoung Kwon is a professor of global affairs and director of Security Policy Studies-Korea at George Mason University Korea.
July 12: Korean Unification: Resolving the Unresolvable Protracted Social Conflict
Dr. Roland Wilson
The Korean War and the continued division of the Korean peninsula was the first real test of the past Cold War and the struggle between communism and democracy (East and West).
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The lecture will try to promote alternative ways to transform the relationship between north and south, to resolve the conflict in order for peaceful unification to occur. Roland Wilson is program coordinator and professor for the Conflict Analysis and Resolution Program and the founder and co-director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Center Asia at George Mason University Korea. Dr. Wilson received his PhD from George Mason University.
July 19: Making Korean Cuisine
Hyang Lee & EunKyung Park
Korean food has recently gained a lot of attention for its many fermented dishes and seasonal ingredients and is considered very healthy. This lecture aims to provide a deeper understanding of South Korea by introducing the most important parts of everyday South Korean life:the Korean food culture. The instructors will demonstrate how to make some of the most common homecooked meals. Hyang Lee is a professor of modern and classical languages at George Mason University Korea. Eunkyung Park is an instructor of modern and classical languages at George Mason University Korea.
July 26: Between Cultural Hybridization and Appropriation: The Meaning of “K” in K-Pop.
Gyu Tag Lee
K-Pop began as local Korean popular music in the late 1990s, became a global popular music genre in East Asia in the early 2000s, and then became popular outside East Asia in the early 2010s. Especially after the big success of BTS and other bands in the late 2010s, K-Pop is considered one of the hottest rising musical genres in the world. Gyu Tag Lee is an expert on popular music, media studies, globalization of culture, and especially, K-Pop.
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Are You 66-72 Years Old?
Study Seeks Participants To Help Further Computer Sciences
This study is still looking for participants
USF is offering OLLI members ages 66-72 year old an opportunity be part of a National Science Foundation study with Dr. Tempestt Neal, USF assistant professor in computer science and engineering (pictured).
The study will investigate age-aware user authentication methods in home settings. User authentication is important for protecting you against unauthorized use of your personal electronics. You probably already use an authentication method like a password or face recognition. However, these methods are not always easily usable for people of different age groups. This study will collect data to help develop new user authentication techniques that support people of all ages.
There will be four sessions. The first is virtual where you will have a chance to decide if you want to complete the other three that will be held in-person in a lab. Each session will last approximate one hour.
Please contact Dr. Neal at tjneal@usf.edu if you're interested in participating. Thank you for helping make OLLI a valued partner in research at USF!
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CHINA SIG to Host Co-sponsored Virtual Event
The China SIG is proud to host this special virtual program sponsored by OLLI-USF, USF World and the Florida Chinese Cultural Center. This lecture is open to all OLLI members and guests.
To register, click the red button below the flyer.
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Another Great Trip - Iceland
Where can you find beautiful waterfalls, shimmering waters inside a crater, glaciers, bubbling mud pools, lava fields, frolicking Minke, humpback, and blue whales, with a side of puffins and terns and a dozen species of duck? Join an OLLI-USF tour of
Epic Iceland: Dynamic Lands and Enduring People
June 15 – 24, 2023
Find out all about it and get your questions answered in a Zoom introduction session:
Friday, June 17
10 a.m.
Link for registration for Zoom session
If you have questions, please contact Charise at (813) 974 -5848, Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or e-mail Charise at OLLIRegistration@usf.edu
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The recent member travel survey of OLLI Members’ Travel Preferences ranked “Natural wonders and spectacular scenery” as the #1 type of tour our members want. We have booked two of the finest examples you’ll find anywhere in the world through Premier World Discovery. | |
Holland Windmills, Waterways and Tulips River Cruise
April 26, 2023
There’s more spectacular scenery and important history in your near future with the Holland Windmills, Waterways & Tulips River Cruise. You'll fly overnight from Tampa to Amsterdam, meet your tour guide and enjoy a welcome dinner at the hotel on the first night. Then board the MS Amadeus Queen for seven nights cruising down scenic waterways past homes on the intricate canal systems while taking in the Dutch countryside. You’ll make stops in quaint villages known for their windmills, wooden shoes, gothic and medieval churches and cities with rich history. Visit the famous Keukenhof Gardens, the world’s second largest flower garden with seven million bulbs planted annually, a showplace for the tulip growers of the Netherlands.
•Amsterdam Canal Cruise Tour
•Zaanse Schans Visit
•Arnhem City Tour and WWII History
•Kinderdijk and Windmills Visit
•Bruges City Tour
•Antwerp City Tour
•Keukenhof Flower Gardens
If you missed the virtual presentation on May 6, you can view it by clicking here.
Ten cabins are on hold for OLLI-USF, and three of them are already booked. Click here to view the flyer and registration information.
The tour may be nearly a year away, but early demand is high and European travel is expected to continue to grow, so it’s best to book now and reserve your spot.
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Utah’s Mighty National Park Tour Begins
Oct 7
Travel along Scenic Byway 128 referred to by locals as the River Road and one of the most beautiful and breathtaking drives imaginable. Travel through canyons carved by the Colorado River and see the iconic Fisher Towers, towering cliffs and mesas, incredible rock formations, beautiful ranch resorts, painted canyons and enough red rock to overload the senses. And there’s more…
· Roundtrip flight from Tampa to Grand Junction, CO
· Scenic Byway 128 from Grand Junction, CO to Moab, UT
· One night in Grand Junction, CO, and five nights in Moab, UT
· Colorado River Cruise
· Canyonlands National Park and Dead Horse State Park
· Monument Valley
· Goulding Museum
· Arches National Park
Thirty-one travelers are registered for Utah’s Mighty National Park Tour. We have a few seats left, so if you have been thinking about going, now is the timeto act. It would be great to fill the tour with OLLI-USF members.
If you are single and looking for a roommate on the Utah tour, notify Karen Wright for help.
The flyer and registration can be found here. You can view the virtual presentation on this trip right here.
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OLLI Honors Our Excellent Volunteers
Congratulations to the winners of the OLLI-USF Volunteer Achievement Awards, which were presented at the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on May 10.
The winners were Kathy Palmer, honored with the Award of Excellence, and Susan Northcutt and Nancy Stuart, recipients of Lifetime Achievement Awards. The winner of the Above and Beyond award, however, has not yet been announced. Because that person was not able to attend the event, the award will be presented at a surprise date and time to be announced.
This event is held every year to honor OLLI volunteers – instructors, committee members, SIG leaders and others. But this was the first to be held in person rather than over Zoom since the pandemic began.
Some 77 OLLI members and staff gathered at Centro Asturiano de Tampa for the brunch and awards program. The theme was “You help make OLLI ‘POP.’” As explained by Volunteer Management Committee Co-Chair Diane White, “All of you are tasty kernels of ideas. You add your energy, your creativity, your passion, and they explode with ideas.”
OLLI-USF Director Ara Rogers had good news for the group: while OLLIs around Florida lost some members during the pandemic lockdown, OLLI-USF is now “bouncing back better than ever.”
Eleven OLLI instructors who have taught 10 or more classes were added to the Faculty Honor Roll at the brunch. Those instructors include Gail Carleo, John Carleo, Douglas Gatchell, Bruce Gobioff, Howard Kerner, Sheryl Long, Marilyn Myerson, Steven Specter, Lynn Wadsworth, Larry Weatherby, and Ronald Weaver.
Ara also recognized Pat Dodge, who is stepping down from her position as Travel Committee chair, and Anne Haywood, who is retiring from her post as SIG liaison, which she created two years ago.
Pictured above, from left: Susan Northcutt, Lifetime Achievement Award; Director Ara Rogers; Nancy Stuart, Lifetime Achievement Award; and Kathy Palmer, Award of Excellence.
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Summer Open House Sizzles
An astonishing view of the universe and opportunities to meet and greet each other were the highlights of the Summer Open House, our first OLLI-wide in-person gathering in two years.
“It’s so nice to see so many people in person,” said Mike Viren, chair of OLLI’s Board of Advisors and the program’s emcee.
The meeting began with an order of business: to elect nominees Kevin Chittim and Linda Tournade to the Board of Advisors. They join the board’s membership of eight elected members and chairs of the standing committees.
That was followed by brief descriptions of some of the new classes and programs coming up this summer.
Keynote speaker Fulvia Fiorani, an OLLI instructor and retired military physicist, provided a slide show of incredible images taken by the Hubble Telescope deep into space.
Launched in 1990, the telescope has given us a view of space never before seen and has allowed us to observe the formation of stars, planets, and galaxies.
Fulvia also discussed the even more powerful James Webb Space Telescope. Launched in December 2021, this telescope “can see deeper into space and thus further into time” than Hubble, Fulvia said. The Webb images should start becoming available this summer she said.
Before and after the meeting, Open House attendees had the chance to meet and ask questions of representatives of our Shared Interest Groups and committees as well as of many instructors and leaders of this summer’s programs.
Among them was Don Clark (pictured meeting with an OLLI member), who is leading two tours of Tampa landmarks this summer. Check out the Summer 2022 Class Catalog for more information here.
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Food, Glorious Food Meets Beer, Glorious Beer
Thanks to OLLI Instructor Pete Terzian, a group of Food, Glorious Food SIG members and friends were recently treated to a beer tasting and tour at Southern Brewing & Winery on North Nebraska Avenue in Tampa.
Pete is best known for his technological expertise and the technology classes he teaches for OLLI, but he told us the first class he taught for OLLI was actually one on brewing homecrafted beer.
An avid home brewer, Pete purchases his supplies at Southern Brewing & Winery. He explained the steps involved in brewing beer and distributed an instructional brochure. He also passed around hops samples for us to smell and observe to help us understand and appreciate the ingredients that go into a batch of beer.
Kelly Dempsey, one of the company owners, guided us on a tour through the facility. We tasted a sample of grains used in making beer and met Brewer Mike Bode in action as he boiled huge pots of several varieties of brews in the making. Kelly also treated us to a few samples of different beers that the craft brewery produces.
Additionally, the brewery is licensed for winemaking, so we were also offered a sample of one of their sweeter delights. After the tasting and tour, we enjoyed a perfect pairing of lunch from Rene’s Mexican Kitchen, adjacent to the brewery, and our favorite newly discovered beverages.
Simply Glorious!
--Kathy Palmer
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OLLI Outdoors Ends Season On High Point
Members of the OLLI Outdoors SIG take in the view from the observation tower at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa on May 12.
The hike to the tower was the culmination of an end-of-the-year brunch at the park to celebrate the group's successes and look forward to the future.
OLLI Outdoors activities are now suspended for the summer but will return in full force in the fall.
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Learning, Adventure, Sharing, Lunch:
A Perfect Combo!
Food, Glorious Food! SIG members, a.k.a. “foodies,” recently spent the day in Dunedin. We covered a lot of territory and learned so much.
For example, did you know who the first foodies in Florida were? Do you know how to cook squirrel? Keep reading for the answers.
First stop: TüKrō Coffee where we met for coffee, tea and pastries. The amaretto gluten-free cookie was pronounced delish, and the cappuccino was excellent.
Next stop: the Dunedin History Museum’s Florida Foodways exhibit where we learned that Florida’s original foodies were hunters and gatherers who arrived here 15,000 years ago. They would have hunted megafauna, including mammoths, mastodons and giant land tortoises.
Another fun and informative exhibit included old Florida recipes using ingredients the early residents would have used, such as okra, guava, fish, opossum and, of course, squirrels.
How do you make Broiled Squirrel?
- 2 cleaned squirrels
- cooking oil
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2T lemon or lime juice.
Rub squirrels with salt and pepper. Brush with cooking oil. Place under broiler for about 40 minutes. (courtesy of the Fort Lauderdale Historical Society).
Lunch at Casa Tina followed, which included authentic dishes like Tacos Estillo Guadalajara – soft corn tortillas with filling choices such as carne asada and panela (grilled Mexican cheese), or American tacos with chicken or cactus.
At least a few of the ten foodies who participated were later spotted shopping at the charming shops along Main Street. All in all, it was a great day of learning, adventure, sharing and, of course, food.
--Diane White
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Shutterbugs SIG
Activities for the Summer
The OLLI Shutterbugs SIG will continue to have activities during the summer .... but in sheltered places or inside air conditioned buildings.
Our June outing will be an Ybor photo shoot on Thursday, June 9, starting at 10 a.m. The group will meet in front of Columbia Restaurant and take photos of the historic architecture and "street" photography of the activities along 7th Avenue. Afterwards, lunch!
Weather permitting, Shutterbugs is planning a sunset photo shoot along the Tampa Riverwalk on Thursday, June 30, during the "blue" hour.
Also, there will be several Zoom programs on photography topics during the summer. Check out Rich Edwards' Ybor City and Street Photography presentation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 2.
Contact Jean Nixon or Rich Edwards if you're interested in joining the Shutterbugs SIG or you want more information.
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Spanish Conversation SIG Now Forming
This group provides a place for Spanish speakers to meet and discuss topics of interest in Spanish. A basic knowledge of Spanish is required, but all levels of speaking ability are welcome. This SIG is still organizing itself and will meet Tuesday, June 7, at 6 p.m., on Zoom for a practice session, followed by a little group business. Join us:
or use Meeting ID: 817 6220 1008 with Passcode: hablemos.
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SIGnificant EVENTS FOR JUNE 2022
Anne Haywood, SIG Liaison
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For more information on OLLI SIGs see the full list here. Most of the SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a few are starting to organize small group outings. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below. | |
China SIG
Mon., June 27, at 4 p.m. Asian Americans in Florida: Their Histories and Contributions to the Sunshine State, presented by Prof. Wenxian Zhang, Rollins College. See informational flyer in "Opportunities" section above. For more information about the China SIG, please contact Nancy Stuart.
Community of Readers and Writers
For more information about this SIG, email readersandwriters@aol.com.
Food, Glorious Food!
Summer is here, and many OLLI members are out and about. There will be no formal meetings for June, July and August. There will be some lunches and excursions. Watch the newsletter and your email for announcements. Please contact Becky Heimstead for more information.
Ici on parle français!
Mon., Jun 6 and 20, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.
Thurs., Jun 9, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the link.
German Conversation
Tues., Jun 14 and 21, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.
Write Time for Poets
Thurs., Jun 9 and 23, at 2 p.m. Email Cath Mason for more information.
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Thurs., Jun 2, at 7 p.m. Zoom presentation by Rich Edwards: Ybor City and Street Photography. For the Zoom link, please contact Jean Nixon.
Thurs., Jun 9 at 10 a.m. Meet in Ybor City in front of the Columbia Restaurant for a photo stroll of this important area of Tampa's history and share lunch together after. See Shutterbugs' SIG article in "Out and About" section above. For further information, please contact Jean Nixon or Rich Edwards.
OLLI Outdoors
Summer hiking will be on hiatus June, July and August. If you are interested in learning more about the Outdoors SIG, email
OLLIOutdoors@gmail.com for more information.
For information about this SIG, contact Derrie Perez.
The next meeting will be in person on Wed., Jul 13. Email Doug Dallio for more information.
Spanish Conversation (now forming)
The group will meet Tues., Jun 7, at 6 p.m., on Zoom for a practice session, followed by a little group business. See article above for Zoom link. For more information contact Anne Haywood.
Talking Movies
Fri., Jun 17, at 1:30 p.m. Watch a movie and then get together on Zoom to talk about it. Movie selection to be announced. For more information about this SIG, contact Kathy Palmer.
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OLLI Welcomes Our New SIG Liaison
On July 1, OLLI-USF will welcome a new SIG Liaison, Kathy Palmer.
Kathy is active in several Shared Interest Groups and is the originator and host of online Scattergories for the Online Games SIG.
She is also an editor of OLLILife and was recently honored with OLLI's 2022 Award of Excellence.
Welcome, Kathy!
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Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know. | |
Send Us Your News
OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.
Send your article to ollinewsusf@gmail.com to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Mary Ettinger, Kathy Palmer and Ara Rogers. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.
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