Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence technologies that creates new, original content based on patterns it learned from a vast amount of training data. Perhaps the most well-known example is ChatGPT, which gained a remarkable 100 million users in just 60 days. With the advent of this new technology, many have questioned how AI may impact the labor market. While this is still a new and ever evolving topic, here are the top five things we have learned about generative AI and the workforce after our first LEAD article on ChatGPT.
AI may impact jobs that were previously thought to be safe from automation.
AI was developed to replicate and extend human cognitive functions through advanced technologies like machine learning and natural language processing. Unlike traditional automation, which is designed to perform repetitive tasks, generative AI excels in creating new content, processing large amounts of data, and facilitating decision-making. Its capacity to learn and adapt makes AI capable of reshaping and automating a broader range of tasks than traditional automation. Thus, AI has the potential to influence jobs traditionally considered immune to automation, including roles requiring creativity or complex cognitive skills.