From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

February 2024 | No. 11

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Dear James,

 "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." 

(Matthew 25:35)

     The Khmer Rouge was active in Cambodia when I was in high school and many Cambodians fled the country. My home congregation got involved in hosting Cambodian refugees, and I ended up getting "tasked" by my father to help one of them to find a job. Remember, I was in high school! Somewhat unwillingly, I got him a job working with me as a night-time janitor. I had to pick him up at his apartment every evening before work and drop him off afterwards. He was married and had two small children, and they lived in a small, barren apartment. It was my first-ever experience working with refugees. I couldn't believe that their sole source of income was this measly janitor job! 

     Pretty much against my will, I ended up doing what Jesus talked about in the verse above (thanks, dad!). Lesson: Obedience - even reluctant obedience - leads to discipleship. Jesus wants disciples; people who follow Him and imitate Him. It wasn't easy to do 'way back when I was in high school, and it hasn't gotten any easier since then. But it's the way forward!

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

    This is our second installment on Cambodia (read last month's issue here). This month the focus is on Joe and Viya Stoltenow and their "Ray of Hope” ministry.

Cambodia fast facts:

· Located in Southeast Asia

· Bordered by Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos. 

· Language: Khmer

· Population: about 17 million

· Religion: Buddhist  97.1%, Muslim 2%, Christian 0.3%

· Poverty rank: 182 out of 227 countries, on par with Nigeria and Kenya.

Interesting history: After the Vietnam war, Cambodia was occupied by the Khmer Rouge, a brutal communist regime popularized in the movie "The Killing Fields". According to many historians, during that time over 1 million Cambodians were massacred. 

     Cambodia eventually came under the protection of the United Nations and is currently ruled by a "constitutional monarchy", which is when decision-making is shared: the King is the head of State, and the Prime Minister is the head of the government. 

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise. Together, we rise up. 

Rise with us!

The Cambodian flag

Mission Focus: Cambodia

A Ray of Hope for Street Children

    Joe Stoltenow is an ordinary guy with an extraordinary calling. In 2014, while on a mission trip with his church to Cambodia, Joe was deeply impacted while working with a ministry to street children. When it came to for the team to return, Joe announced that he would not be going back to the States! He felt the Lord calling him to serve in Cambodia and so he stayed. The fact that he met his eventual wife, Viya, may also have had something to do with his decision!

      Viya was born in Battambang, Cambodia and was raised as a Christian. Viya and Joe were married in November 2015, and soon after that got connected to Global Lutheran Outreach. In 2017, they decided to start their own ministry to street children, called Ray of Hope. The primary goal of their ministry to the children is teaching and showing them the love of Jesus through words and actions. From an initial five students, the program has grown to include up to 20 children each year. Every day they pick the street kids up off the street, bring them to the center, bathe them, feed them, cloth them, and take them to school. They also feed them lunch and provide daily bible classes for them.

     Joe and Viya have two children, Ray (6 1/2 years old) and Ellie, who is almost 3.

Christmas: True Hope at Ray of Hope

    Joe writes:

"This year we celebrated Christmas on the 22nd of December and it was a full day of celebration. We went to pick up the kids earlier than usual, around 5 am in the morning, because we needed to ensure that everything was ready to go. We divided the celebration into three main parts: A Christmas lunch, our Christmas Program, and Christmas presents.

"The food for Christmas was essential and we wanted to make sure everyone was well-fed and had a wonderful time as a big family in Christ. This year we fed 40 people including our students, their families, and our staff. Our Ministry Cook, Meng Liv, made Chicken Curry with noodles, and our staff and big kids helped prepare all the vegetables. 

"After lunch it was time for our Christmas Program. While the food was being prepared, our staff helped the girls with their makeup, hair, and dressed them up in traditional dresses for our dancing team performance. They all looked fabulous in their dresses. ...The celebration included an opening prayer from our staff, various dance performances from our students, Bible readings, and a heartfelt message from Nora, our Facility Manager and Bible teacher. One of our goals this year was to empower younger students to help lead the Christmas program, and they did a fantastic job even though it was their first time leading such a big event at our center.

"After the Christmas program it was time to open Christmas presents.... The funds for each of our student's gifts were provided by their sponsors back in the United States and we are very grateful to them for helping make the kids Christmas that much better! The joy on the faces of our students as they opened their presents was priceless."

Teachers needed and wanted!

    Are you feeling the Lord calling you to something new? We have received many requests for teachers, both certified educators and "amateur" teachers. Some of the opportunities are English-language based, while others are teaching English to Spanish-speaking students. If you would like to explore this opportunity, email GLO director Jim Tino.

Stuff I love

   The joy of a child! I’m not sure what Christmas is like in the average Cambodian household. Being that over 90% of the population is Buddhist, I doubt that many people celebrate the birth of Jesus. Still, I have been surprised a number of times in non-Christian nations where the “Western” celebration of Christmas has somehow gained a foothold, usually driven by commercialism and completely unconnected to the religious significance.

But for this child, at this time and in this place, Ray of Hope connected the dots!

Bringing the joy of Jesus to people who otherwise would not know Him. That’s what missionaries do!

Together before the Throne

* Thank you, God, for the staff at Ray of Hope children’s ministry in Cambodia. We pray that each child will grow in his/her faith as they receive physical, academic and spiritual guidance.

* Source of all wisdom, grant your blessing and guidance on GLO Director Jim Tino and the Ray of Hope mission council as they meet on March 18th in Colorado. Prosper the work of their hands!

* We implore you, Heavenly Father, to send more Lutherans with willing hearts to serve cross-culturally. You have placed your gifts in your children. Help us rely on You to accomplish Your will.

* Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! Last month we prayed for God to provide the financial support so that they could deploy to Kenya, and He provided! Lord of all goodness, thank you for providing faithful supporters for the ministry of the Pittmans in Kenya. Bless their preparations for deployment! You can read their latest newsletter here.

* Spirit of God, bless the Gospel seeds that were sown by your servant missionaries "Alex and Diana" (from Kazakhstan to Mongolia) among young Muslims in western Mongolia. Feed them by Your Word!

* Thank you, Lord, for the faithful stewards whom You have called to serve on the Board of Global Lutheran Outreach. Bless our decisions and keep us focused on what You would have us to do.

* Giver of Life, we join GLO director Jim and Liisa Tino in thanking you for the gift of a new grandson! Bless little Caiden James and his parents, Daniel and Gabriela Sipp.

* Divine Healer, look with favor on your servant, GLO missionary Rev. Amos Otula (Kenya) as he receives treatment for recurring cancer. Pour out Your healing power on him so that he can serve you as You have called him to do, and as a living testimony of Your grace!

* Holy Spirit, bless our missionaries currently on furlough as they renew relationships with their supporters and make new friends: Ben and Scarlett Tino (USA/Guatemala to Guatemala); and Victor and Belen Rivas (from Guatemala to Guyana).

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.