August 18, 2023

Shabbas Parshas Shoftim

Candle lighting: 7:36pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 8:30pm

Shabbos Ends: 8:35pm


4:30pm-Beis HaMedrash, Daf HaYomi

Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

5:50pm-Beis HaMedrash, Pirkei Avos, Perek 6

Magid Shiur: Rabbi Avraham Wein

Full Season Davening Schedule

Beaver Lake Estates is honored this Shabbas by the presence of Rabbi Avraham Wein, who is the Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Keter Torah (Romer) in Teaneck, NJ.

Rabbi Wein will be the Magid Shiur for the Pirkei Avos Shiur at 5:50pm in the Beis HaMedrash.

Malki Szpigiel

in honor of my new grandson

Mordechai Avraham Leib

(Micah Aiden)

born to

Yossi and Sarah Szpigiel


big sister


To enhance a kiddush or

to sponsor a L'Chaim

please contact Moishy at 917-434-5999

Or Click Here

BLDC held its end of camp Banquet

Thursday, August 16

Beaver Lake shareholders and residents thank Yael Elias and her staff for a wonderful camp experience. We thank Lisa Friedlander, head lifeguard, and her staff for a safe summer pool time.

End of Summer

Concession Sale!

Concession will close Sunday, August 20

All pizza pretzels, cheese pretzels and regular hot pretzels are now: $1.75/each.

Onion rings are now: $1.75/each.

All bars of ice cream are now: $1.75/each.

Soda bottles are now: $2.25/each.

Ginger Ale soda cans are now: $1/each.

In case you wanted to know

The most ordered item this summer was: milkshakes

2nd was: mozzarella sticks

3rd was: spicy and regular French Fries

4th was: chicken nuggets

We are planning, as usual, to hold Rosh Hashanah services in BL. It is important to get an accurate count of people planning to attend. If you will be in BL for either/all RH, YK or Sukkot please let us know.

 Chagim Survey

Our very own

Dovid Pearlman in concert

Saturday night, August 19

@the lake @10:15pm

and end-of-season roast @ the fire pit Shea Berger

Roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.

Beer, soda and water will be available


Monday, August 21, 8am1983

Recycling Flyer

A Trivia Quiz

Please submit all Trivia correspondence to

the editor:

It is exclusively on

Beaver Lake history.

Last week's question was:

Who was the longest standing

Executive Director of Beaver Lake?

Answer: Tomi Karfunkel

A bonus question:

How many years was this person the Executive Director?

Answer: 36 years.

Wendy Nenner correctly answered last week's

Trivia question.

She submitted this week's

Trivia question:

Who was the first captain

of the OBBL

Beaver Lakers?

A bonus question:

What year was the

team formed?

the answers are hidden somewhere in this Bulletin

The judges. ME, MYSELF and I, could not agree. Me voted for one submission, Myself voted for the other and I was no where to be found!

What to do?

Kind of simple... here are both

this week's co winner is:

Gitel Liebler

This week's other winner

Wendy Nenner

Any future Bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to

Roz Wiesel
189 Southwoods Drive
Monticello, NY 12701

Connect With Us:

BL Instagram
