Northwest Aerospace Defense Conference featuring NASA                          
6/10/2021 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM   
Learn to do business with NASA and gain the market intelligence and analytics you need to navigate the changing landscape of the aerospace defense marketplace.

The 9th Annual Aerospace Defense Conference will feature expert speakers in aerospace defense who will share where the market is going in the next year, which programs have funding, and the new programs on the horizon.

This year we welcome NASA procurement, as they share the opportunities available to support their agency and how to do business within their supply chain.

Following the morning presentation, attendees will be able to participate in one-on-one matchmaking meetings with NASA and their prime contractors.

*Note: the one-on-one match making will open up first to businesses who register early. If you are planning to attend the conference then make plans to attend the pre-event webinar to learn best tips and practices to make the most of your time at the conference. It will be held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM on zoom.