2021-22 Lancer Link #6
Palmetto Middle PTSA
November 14, 2021
National Recycling Day
November 15 is National Recycling Day. Follow along on our social media as we give tips and tricks on what you can do to help protect our Earth, reduce global warming and minimize our carbon footprint.
Sneaker Recycling Program
There is still time, gather those sneakers!

Each year in America, 300 million pairs of shoes are thrown away, taking an average of 30-40 years for just one pair to decompose! Make a lasting impact towards global and environmental health! Donate sneakers of all types and sizes. Collections are going on now until 11/15. Drop off your donations in Room #819 (Mrs. Banks) or the Main Office.
Thank YOU!
Thank YOU!

THANK YOU to our families and community for your participation in Bandingo and the Holiday Mini-photo sessions. We appreciate you, your time and your support.
Troupe 88203

Congrats to Mrs. Potter and Troupe 88203 for their performance at the 2021 Junior Thespian District 4 Festival…11 Superiors, 1 Excellent and TOP HONORS for Large Group Musical.

Way to go Palmetto Middle Thespians!
MPHS AP & Capstone/Magnet Informational Meeting
MPHS AP & Capstone/Magnet Informational Meeting

Palmetto Senior High School is hosting an informational session on December 1, 2021 at 6:30 PM on Zoom. The session will go in-depth on Advanced Placement, AP Capstone, FIA Capstone and iPrep Magnet Programs. Link TBD.
Ring, Ring!

New buzzer and camera systems have been installed throughout our school!
School Tours...Dates Updated

Palmetto Middle is offering School Tours for prospective parents. Pre-registration is required. Please spread the word and have your family and friends see what makes Palmetto Middle so amazing!

To sign-up for a tour, contact Ms. Perez-Diaz at (305) 238-3911
Parent Opt Out Procedures
As of Friday, November 12, 2021, Miami-Dade County Public Schools changed their face covering policy to a parental opt out policy for Elementary and K-8 students. This change will now make the parent opt-out option available to all students.

Parents can utilize form FM7809 to indicate their preference if they would like their child to opt out of the requirement to wear a face covering, see below.
Parents Rights and Responsibilities
Parents’ Bill of Rights: Parent Rights and Responsibilities Under Florida Statutes

MDCPS has provided a detailed list of the Rights and Responsibilities of parents and guardians of MDCPS students.

Join the PTSA!
There are so many ways to participate in your child's education. We invite you to join our parent community! You can volunteer in many ways, big and small. To get additional information on volunteering, please email

Please also consider becoming a member! The funds raised with membership provide academic resources to our students and teachers.

PTA is not a noun. It's a verb. #HowdoyouPTA.
Amazon Smile and
Palmetto Middle PTSA
Did you know that you could give back to Palmetto Middle just by shopping on Amazon?

Just in time for the HOLIDAYS!!! Please support Palmetto Middle while you shop for the holidays!

Please take the a quick few seconds to assign Palmetto Middle PTSA as your recipient for your Amazon Smile donations. Open the Amazon app and find "Settings" in the main menu. Tap on "Amazon Smile" and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile.

Every dollar that is raised goes straight into the classrooms...think technology, air purifiers and in-school programming. Small things can make big impacts in our school community!
Online School Store
Our school store is always open... ONLINE! Get your PTSA Membership, event tickets, car decals and more! Check it out at

For your convenience, you could also order your Spirit wear at Sharing Wear. Choose from a variety of approved Palmetto Middle Spirit Wear and show us your Lancer Pride!

Order direct at - all orders shipped directly to your home!
All profits from Sharingwear’s Palmetto Middle Online Store go 100% to the Palmetto Middle PTSA.
Legacy Brick Fundraiser
The Palmetto Middle PTSA is excited to present our 
Brick Fundraising Campaign 2021-22.

This is a great way to become a permanent part of Palmetto Middle School by honoring a graduate, memorializing someone special, acknowledging a favorite teacher, etc. Bricks will be placed on the path in front of the school.

Leave Your Mark! Order your personalized 2021-2022 Legacy Brick now ➡️
Thank you to our PTSA Members & Corporate Sponsors
Corporate Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors