Welcome to RVCC Moments--a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Virtual Open House Tonight
Learn about all Raritan Valley Community College has to offer and how to enroll in Spring Semester classes at several virtual events in October.

RVCC will hold a Virtual Open House on October 8, at 6 p.m. The webinar is designed for high school students, recent high school graduates, and adults who are interested in pursuing a college degree or certificate at RVCC. Visiting and transferring college students who are interested in enrolling at RVCC for the Spring Semester are welcome to participate. Hear from admissions and financial aid specialists, current students and alumni as you learn about:

•   Enrolling in Winter Session, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 Semester classes at RVCC
•   The College’s innovative academic programs designed to help students transfer to top four-year colleges and universities
•   Career training programs, designed in partnership with local industry
•   Financial aid options, including scholarships, loans and grants
•   Fee tuition for those who qualify, though RVCC’s participation in the New Jersey Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG) Program

RVCC is also offering Virtual Admissions Information Sessions throughout the month, including special sessions focusing on its Honors College, Automotive, and Cosmetology/Esthetics programs. For dates and times of events, visit Registration is strongly suggested for all Admissions events.
Registration is strongly suggested.

Click here to register for tonight’s Open House

Click here to register for an information session

More information:
Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 x7009
New Faculty Members
RVCC is welcoming several new faculty members to the College community this fall.

Click here to meet them
Free Educational Resources
RVCC is helping students reduce their college costs by providing free instructional materials in a growing number of classes. In the past two years, the use of free Open Educational Resources has saved RVCC students $931,578.25 in textbook costs.

Click here to learn more
RVCC President a Top Influencer in Higher Ed
RVCC President Dr. Michael J. McDonough has been named one of four top Influencers in Higher Education (County College Presidents) by ROI-NJ, a new media company created to inform and connect businesses in New Jersey.

Click here to learn more
President’s Volunteer Service Award
Several RVCC students have been recognized with the President's Volunteer Service Award, a civil honor bestowed by the President of the United States that recognizes volunteers who give hundreds of hours each year helping others.

Click here to learn more
Honors for Student Voting
RVCC has been included in Washington Monthly’s 2020 Best Colleges for Student Voting Honor Roll. The College’s student voting rates increased from 14.4 to 41.4 percent from the 2014 to 2018 elections.

Click here to learn more
Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar
RVCC student Elijah Perlman of Branchburg has been named a 2020 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar. Elijah, a General Business major, is one of 207 Phi Theta Kappa members selected for this honor, which includes a $1,000 scholarship.

Click here to learn more
Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month
In celebration of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month, the RVCC Women’s Center will host a virtual performance featuring the artists of In Full Color, October 14, at 4:30 p.m. The event is free of charge and open to the public.

Click here for information/registration
The RVCC Planetarium offers virtual field trips that can be tailored to any grade level. A live Planetarium presenter guides participates through our solar system, the night sky, or to the edge of the Universe. Presentations are $75 per class or group (for 30 participants) and run approximately 45-50 minutes.

More information email:
Opportunity in Every Moment
118 Lamington Road
Branchburg, NJ 08876