Thursday 5/19
6:30 pm Alpha

Friday 5/20
8:00 am Mass

Saturday 5/21
3:00 pm Coffey/Purvis Wedding
5:00 pm Mass

Sunday 5/22
8:00 am Mass
10:00 am Mass

Monday 5/23
8:00 am Mass
1:00 pm Parish Staff Afternoon of Reflection
6:30 pm School Board Meeting

Tuesday 5/24
8:00 am Mass
10:00 am Breaking Open the Word
7:00 pm Holy Hour

Wednesday 5/25
8:00 am All School Mass*
7:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
*Wednesday 8:00 am All School Mass is exclusively for SJS Students and Staff.
Vocation Chalice Program
We are asking that our parish families join us in praying for our young people and their discernment into the priesthood, diaconate or religious life. We are inviting any parishioner/parish family to take the chalice home and pray with it for a week (prayers included), asking for the Holy Spirit to help those discerning this important vocation. Thank you in advance for praying for our young as they receive the call to follow Jesus. Learn More/Sign Up >
Sunday Offering
Thank you for your continued support of our parish! Please click here for Give Central, or text SUNDAY to 312-625-5666.
Amazon Smile
Select St.Josaphat Parish and School as your charity of choice at and 5% of the purchase price of eligible items will be donated to the parish. Shop on your phone? Download the Amazon app, tap "Settings" and then tap "Smile".

Please Support our Parishioner Owned Restaurants:
Chicago Brewhouse 31 E Riverwalk
Corcoran's 1615 N Wells St
Emerald Loop 216 N Wabash Ave
Vaughan's Pub 2917 N Sheffield Ave
Broken Barrel 2548 Southport
Mezza Mediterranean Grill Locations throughout the Loop.
By using the "Update Profile" link below, you may choose which email programs, Take Five for Faith, or JosaFAST, you would like to receive. By unsubscribing, you revoke our permission to send you email.