Roslyn Public Schools
April 6, 2021

Dear Roslyn Families,

I hope you all had a relaxing spring break. What a pleasure it is to know that warmer weather is just around the corner! However, as temperatures rise, the need for us to be vigilant remains the same. 

Vaccinations are becoming more widespread, but the virus is still out there. Over the break, we had 15 positive student cases and 1 positive staff case at RHS. Many families who traveled during the break have chosen to keep their children home out of an abundance of caution and we are hopeful that this decision will help keep our numbers down in the next few weeks.

As we welcome students back, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone to continue to practice all of the safety guidelines that have permitted us to get to this point in the school year:

  • Any individual feeling sick, or awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, should stay home until they get a negative test result.
  • All safety protocols must continue to be followed, including mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and maintaining distance from others whenever possible. 
  • Any positive test result should be promptly communicated to Security Consultant Keith Macias ([email protected]) so that we may initiate contact tracing.
  • Any student who travels outside of the country should adhere to the travel advisory and guidelines set forth by the NYS department of health. NYS COVID-19 Travel Advisory.

A big thank you to everyone in Roslyn who has worked with us to ensure that our students have a safe environment to learn in. Many schools across our nation haven’t been able to open for a single day this year, and it warms my heart to see our community continuing to pull together to make public education possible in the time of a pandemic. 

The finish line is on the horizon. We can do this!


Allison Brown
Superintendent of Schools