Fresh For Your Success. Right For Our Environment.


Tasteful Selections®

Triple washed, no need to peel Nibbles bite sized potatoes new from Tasteful Selections®

To learn more about the Nibbles and recipes please visit the link below




Not just for pies, Hot house Rhubarb is now available from Sterino Farms.

Botanically Rhubarb is a vegetable, recently being classified as a fruit Rhubarb can be used to make Ketchup or even a Rhubarb Ginger Strawberry Soup... The possibilities are endless

Green Muscat grapes are small to medium in size and are round to oblong in shape, growing in tight clusters on medium-sized, cylindrical bunches. The smooth skin ranges in color from pale yellow to green and is slightly firm and crisp, but not crunchy. The translucent green flesh is juicy, plump, soft, and seedlesM. Green muscat grapes are very sweet with a unique grapey aroma that is musky with hints of honey and strong floral notes.


Local Bounti Product Update

Formally known as Pete's Living lettuce, Local Bounti Living Butter lettuces are now in stock with the same quality and freshness as we all know and love.


Easter Lilies Pre Order 3/31/2024

2 Options are available for pre order, 3 bloom & 4-7 Bloom.

Please reach out to our Floral Buyer Kasey Thornton McGrath for more details.

Email: Kasey Thornton McGrath

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