The RNA Transcript, February 6th 2023

Chemistry Seminar

DNA Nanostructures: From Design to Biological Function

Hanadi Sleiman, PhD

Professor of Chemistry

McGill University

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Chem 1640

RNA Collaborative Seminar

4ec83525-03e6-48cf-9d4b-661e27ac9a6b image

Tropomyosin 1-I/C co-ordinates kinesin-1 and dynein motors during oskar mRNA transport

Speaker: Simone Heber, Ph.D

Postdoctoral Fellow

The structural basis of intron branch site recognition by the human spliceosome

Speaker: Jonas Tholen, Ph.D

Postdoctoral Fellow

Moderator: Wojtek Galej, Ph.D

Wednesday, February 15, 2023.

10:00 am.


U-M RNA Innovation Seminar

Why did the RNA Cross the Nanotube? Many questions and (some) answers on tuelling-nantoube medicated RNA transfer between mammalian cells

Gal Haimovich, Ph.D.

Assistant Staff Scientist

Department of Molecular Genetics

Weizmann Institute of Science

Monday, February 13, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Virtual Only, Zoom

MCDB Seminar

The Landscape of Mitochrondrial Translation in Health and Human Disease

James Marks, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

RNA Molecular Biology Laboratory

National Institute of Health

Monday, February 13 2023

12:00 PM 

BSB 1010

U-M RNA Innovation Seminar

A Complicated Family: Conserved and Distinct Functions of tRNA Methyltransferases from Yeast to Humans

Jane Jackman, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry

The Ohio State University

Monday, February 27 2023

4:00 - 5:00 PM

BSRB ABC Seminars


U-M Medical School - Fellowship Application

The Research Operations, Management & Strategy (ROMS) Fellowship Application

The ROMS Fellowship is a two-year, paid, full-time position at the U-M Medical School designed to transition biomedical trainees from the bench to careers in research operations and administration through a series of unit rotations, hands-on learning experiences, and direct mentorship from leaders in the field.

The application will be open January 1 – February 19, 2023. 

Any additional questions can be addressed to 

OSU Nakanishi Lab - Postdoctoral Position Application

Postdoctoral Position to Explore “Tiny RNAs” in Humans 

An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Kotaro Nakanishi at The Ohio State University. The Nakanishi group studies the roles of tiny RNAs, 10 - 18 nt non coding RNAs. We recently discovered that specific 3′→5′ exonucleases trim microRNAs to  

tiny RNAs. While more than 200,000 papers about microRNAs have been reported, only about 10 articles have described tiny RNAs. The physiological functions of tiny RNAs remain to be studied. My group uses molecular biology, biochemistry, RNA-seq, cell biology (confocal microscope), and structural biology (cryo-EM and crystallography) to investigate tiny RNAs. We are looking for a postdoc who explores this new world together. 


Strong candidates are highly motivated individuals with an excellent academic track record, including first-author publication(s). Candidates should have or be in the process of completing a Ph.D. in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, or structural biology. Experience in large-scale protein purification and structure determination in cryo-EM and/or X ray crystallography will be advantageous.


To apply 

For more information, please visit HERE. 


If you have any questions, please email

Recent publications: 

1. Sim GY, Kehling AC, Park MS, Secor J, Divoky C, Zhang H, Malhotra N, Bhagdikar D, Abd El Wahab EW, Nakanishi K. (2022). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 

2. Park MS, Sim GY, Kehling AC, Nakanishi K (2020). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 3. Park MS, Araya-Secchi R, Brackbill JA, Phan HD, Kehling AC, Abd El-Wahab EW, Dayeh DM, Sotomayor M., Nakanishi K. (2019). Molecular Cell. 

4. Dayeh DM., Cantara WA., Kitzrow J., Musier-Forsyth K., Nakanishi K. (2018). Nucleic Acids 

RNA Structure and Folding Prediction Guided by Innovative Technologies - Funding Opportunities

IN-PART Discover is running a Request for Proposals (RFP) on behalf of their client, AstraZeneca. As part of their biannual CoSolve Challenge.

Deadline to register: March 10th

Registration Link Here

6th International Course on "Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation: From Mechanisms to RNA Chemistry & Therapeutics" - Conference

The 6th international course on “Post-transcriptional gene regulation: from mechanisms to RNA chemistry and therapeutics" will take place on 24-28 April 2023 at Institut Curie in Orsay (Paris area, France).

We would greatly appreciate if you could transfer this information to your team and colleagues.

For more information, please visit the course webpage:

Deadline to register: February 17th

Registration is free but mandatory HERE.

Audience: Master and PhD students coming from European laboratories.

Candidates are selected based on their CV & a letter of motivation (mentioning the research theme and the authorization from the PI).

We would greatly appreciate if you could transfer this information to your team and colleagues.

SAVE THE DATE 28th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society

RNA 2023 - the 28th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society - will be held at the Suntec Convention Center in downtown Singapore from May 30th - June 4th. 


Please SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend. Registration to open early February!


Look forward to seeing you there.


Best wishes,

Organizing Committee, RNA 2023

SAVE THE DATE University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine's 7th Annual RNA Symposium. March 24th, 2023

2023 Symposium

7th Annual RNA Symposium, “From Molecules to Medicines”

Friday, March 24, 2022, 8:30am – 4:00pm

A. Alfred Taubman Biomedical Science Research Bldg, Kahn Auditorium

109 Zina Pitcher Pl, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Keynote Speakers:

Steve Henikoff, PhD, Genome-wide Mapping of Protein-DNA Interaction Dynamics

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Professor & HHMI Investigator, Basic Science Division

Jody Puglisi, PhD, Talk Title TBA

Stanford University

Professor, Department of Structural Biology

Director, Stanford Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

Geraldine Seydoux, PhD, Talk Title TBA

Johns Hopkins University

Huntington Sheldon Professor in Medical Discovery

Professor of Molecular Biology & Genetics

Amy Gladfelter, PhD, The RNA Code in Condensates

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Associate Professor of Biology

Joe Wedekind, PhD, Redefining Riboswitches: Ribosome-Binding Site Sequestration is Dispensable for Gene Regulation by the Largest Group of preQ, Riboswitches

University of Rochester, Medical School

Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics

More details of the day's agenda will be available in February

Registration Ends: Friday March 10th, 2023.

Our members' publications are available through Altmetrics. Queries are currently available: CRISPR, microRNA, molecule, RNA, RNA therapeutics, transcriptome, and translation.

Below are recent highlights.

Stephen V. Carney, Kaushik Banerjee, Anzar Mujeeb, Brandon Zhu, Santiago Haase, Maria Luisa Varela, Padma Kadiyala, Claire E. Tronrud, Ziwen Zhu, Devarshi Mukherji, Preethi Gorla, Yilun Sun, Rebecca Tagett, Felipe J. Núñez, Maowu Luo, Weibo Luo, Mats Ljungman, Yayuan Liu, Ziyun Xia, Anna Schwendeman, Tingting Qin, Maureen A. Sartor, Joseph F. Costello, Daniel P. Cahill, Pedro R. Lowenstein, Maria G. Castro; Zinc Finger MYND-Type Containing 8 (ZMYND8) is epigenetically regulated in mutant Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) glioma to promote radioresistance. Clin Cancer Res 2023;

McMillan, M., Gomez, N., Hsieh, C., Bekier, M., Li, X., Miguez, R., Tank, E. M. H., & Barmada, S. J. (2023). RNA methylation influences TDP43 binding and disease pathogenesis in models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. Molecular cell, 83(2), 219–236.e7.

Nemudraia, A., Nemudryi, A., Buyukyoruk, M., Scherffius, A. M., Zahl, T., Wiegand, T., Pandey, S., Nichols, J. E., Hall, L., McVey, A., Lee, H. H., Wilkinson, R. A., Snyder, L. R., Jones, J. D., Koutmou, K. S., Santiago-Frangos, A., & Wiedenheft, B. (2022). Sequence-specific capture and concentration of viral RNA by type III CRISPR system enhances diagnostic. Research square,

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