The Rupert Report
From the Desk of AIANTA's CEO
November 15, 2021
La Jolla Adventure Park
AIANTA Highlights for the Coming Week
New Board Members
I am thrilled to welcome four new board members to the AIANTA family. Welcome, Kate Anderson (Southern California Region), Judi gaiashkibos (Central Plains Region), Darian Morsette (Rocky Mountain Region) and Brian Wadsworth (Great Basin Region). All new board members will undergo orientation before their first board meeting in December to ensure they serve all of you at the best of their ability.

Expanding Global Awareness of Native Tourism With EXIM Bank
Tuesday, November 16, 2021; 10 am MST
In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, join the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA), U.S. Commercial Service and the Export-Import Bank of the US (EXIM) and the La Jolla Adventure Park, for a panel discussion covering resources available to Native businesses looking to expand their tourism offerings to a global reach. Additionally, the panel will present case studies of success and challenges during the pandemic and provide ideas of other support tools available for hospitality industry businesses.

Leave No Trace Update
AIANTA and Leave No Trace are seeking Native participants to join a new new inter-tribal steering committee that will guide a national messaging campaign that will guide visitor awareness of tribal lands and Indigenous communities

A new national steering group made up of Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian community members aims to approach visitation and recreation impacts being experienced by Indigenous communities.

The steering committee will develop educational campaigns and resources that serve as a first step in reducing avoidable visitor impacts to land, water and cultural heritage resources.

The first meeting is set for January 12, 2022 at 10 a.m. MST.

AIANTA Seeking Proposals for NATIVE Act Study and Report
Proposals Due: December 27, 2021
NATIVE Act Study and Report to identify where technical assistance is needed to empower Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations and Native Hawaiian organizations to participate fully in the tourism industry and to provide recommendations on coordination and delivery of technical assistance.

SDSU Certificate in Cultural Tourism & Tribal Enterprises
January 10 – February 18, 2022
AIANTA is partnering with San Diego State University (SDSU) to offer the online Certificate in Cultural Tourism and Tribal Enterprises (“CTTE”). The for-credit certificate, to be offered through SDSU Global Campus and developed by the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management program, will allow professionals to explore the fundamentals of tribal tourism planning.

(See you later, Northern Paiute)

Sherry L. Rupert, Chief Executive Officer
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
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