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Celebrating Women’s History Month

Georgetown Celebrates Women's History Month

Georgetown University joins the nation in commemorating Women’s History Month this March. We celebrate the many contributions of our women students, faculty and staff to our university community and society at large. Throughout the month of March, we invite you to learn more about women’s history at Georgetown and engage in events and opportunities across campus and in Washington, DC.

Feature Stories

Students Learn Cura Personalis Through the Medical Humanities

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For the past three years, Georgetown undergraduates and medical students have immersed themselves in the emerging interdisciplinary field of medical humanities, which seeks to expand the dry, hard sciences approach to the study of science and medicine to include social and historical context.

How a Professor Found His Niche in Climate Change, Culture and Mental Health

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Through his work, Shabab Wahid, DrPH, an assistant professor in the School of Health, studies how climate disasters from floods to extreme heat can exacerbate mental health challenges and how a patient’s cultural environment can significantly alter their experience of mental illness and outcomes.

New Global Mental Health and Well-being Initiative Encourages Creativity and Collaboration

Abstract painting of a person with colors and birds flowing from the head

There has never been a more urgent time to prioritize mental health and well-being, and devise innovative strategies for advancing health equity worldwide. Recently, the Global Mental Health and Well-being Initiative formally launched with an inaugural event at Georgetown University’s Riggs Library.

Chatbot Connects New Moms with Timely Infant and Maternal Care

Baby lying down with woman nearby

After developing a chat-based program to connect new parents with information about infant and maternal health during the first six weeks of life, researchers led by Georgetown Lombardi's Jessica N. Rivera Rivera, PHD, MPH, found that 60% of those who had access to the program used it, providing helpful data to make the next iteration of the program even more helpful.

In Memoriam: Mary Young, MD

Mary Young

Our community mourns the loss of our colleague Mary Young, MD, an infectious disease expert widely recognized for her role in establishing the Washington DC Metropolitan Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS). Young died peacefully at home on February 25. In memory of her valuable contributions to Georgetown and the broader community, we share with you this 2016 interview about her work and the women who inspired her.


Registration Opens Monday for the MedStar Health - Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium

Mark your calendar MedStar Health Georgetown University Research

Registration for the MedStar Health - Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium opens Monday, March 4. The symposium, on Monday, April 29, at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, brings together the MedStar Health and Georgetown University communities to celebrate the breadth of our academic pursuits. The event offers the opportunity to connect with researchers, educators, residents, executive leaders, and collaborative partners from across the region. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, distinguished university professor at the School of Medicine and the McCourt School of Public Policy, will give the keynote address.

Proposed Elimination of G2 Metrobus Route: Submit Comments by March 5

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The Washington Metropolitan Area Travel Authority (WMATA) recently announced its proposed changes to Metrobus and Metrorail service for fiscal year 2025 which may impact your access to Georgetown University’s Hilltop campus via public transit. 

The proposal would eliminate the existing direct G2 Metrobus route to the university’s front gates at 3700 O St NW and to Car Barn. No alternative service would be available to existing G2 bus stops in the Georgetown neighborhood. The proposal would also eliminate the D2 and D6 Metrobus routes, and combine the 31 and 33 Metrobus routes. 

All community members who are concerned about accessible public transit access to the Hilltop campus are encouraged to complete a survey or submit a comment by March 5. If you have any questions, please email

Apply for GHUCCTS Pilot Awards by March 19

The Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) announced the launch of the 2024-25 GHUCCTS Pilot Awards application cycle for interdisciplinary research that translates basic research findings into clinical applications and clinical research into community practice, and improves the process of research. Apply here.

Pilot Funding Opportunity: Center for Neuroengineering

Center for Neuroengineering logo

Building on the success of last year’s pilot funding program, the Center for Neuroengineering (CNE) is requesting applications for the 2024 Pilot Funding Program to further grow the neuroengineering community at Georgetown and foster collaborations with CNE partners. There are two budget categories, $25,000 and $50,000, and the deadline for applications is April 1 with funding to start on July 1. Please email with questions or to obtain informal feedback regarding the fit of specific project ideas.

Health Justice Week 2024

The School of Medicine’s Health Justice Scholars have organized the following events in commemoration of Health Justice Week 2024. Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate and learn more about health justice from guest speakers and students. Contact Crystal Kim if you have any questions.

The Role of Law in Creating and Remediating Health Injustice

Tuesday, March 5, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Harvey Amphitheater, Med-Dent

Featuring Joel Teitelbaum, JD, LLM, professor of health policy and law at George Washington University.

Housing Advocacy Pop-Up Session

Wednesday, March 6, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Med-Dent SW107

After a short talk about housing policy and health equity with Charles Callahan, DO, vice president of population health at University of Maryland Medical Center, attendees will learn about advocacy processes and practice setting up calls to advocate for housing that promotes health equity. 

Health Justice Scholars Capstone Presentations

Thursday, March 7, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Dahlgren Memorial Library, Team-Based Learning Space (2nd Floor)  

Learn about and celebrate the research carried out by the Health Justice Scholars. Reception to follow.

Grants and Awards

National Cancer Institute “Molecular mechanism of INAFM2 in metastasis” Anna Molotkova (1F30CA287917)

GUMC in the News

The Skimm Health Anxiety Takes a Toll on Black Women - But Here's What You Can Do (LaTasha Seliby Perkins)

Calendar of Events

Find more Georgetown seminars, talks, concerts and other activities on the university’s events website.

Appointment and Promotion Workshop: SON/SOH Research & Educator Track

Monday, March 4

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presenters will discuss criteria for appointment and promotion on the SON/SOH research and educator tracks, outline the process to apply and discuss faculty development opportunities. 

“3D Printing for Engineering Gynecological Tissues” 

Tuesday, March 5

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Basic Science Building 341 and via Zoom

Presented by John P. Fisher, PhD, Fischell Family Distinguished Professor and department chair, Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park.

Center for PFAS and Cancer (CPAC) Joint Virtual Symposium 

Wednesday, March 6 - Friday, March 8 via Zoom

A free joint symposium with member institutions open to all research and education community members interested in learning about PFAS toxicity, cancer and mechanisms. 

Appointment and Promotion Workshop: SOM Research & Educator Track

Wednesday, March 6

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presenters will discuss criteria for appointment and promotion on the SOM research and educator tracks, outline the process to apply, and discuss faculty development opportunities. 

Trauma Informed Teaching

Wednesday, March 6

12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Joselyn Schultz Lewis, MA, senior associate director for inclusive teaching and learning initiatives, and J. Corey Williams, MD, MedStar Health psychiatrist. Part of the Equity Forward Faculty Workshop series.

Clinical Research Coordinator Seminar Series

Wednesday, March 6

12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Designed for clinical research professionals and others vested in the care of research participants, this series provides professional development opportunities and updated information on clinical research at Georgetown.

Appointment and Promotion Workshop: SON/SOH/SOM Adjunct Track

Wednesday, March 6

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presenters will discuss criteria for appointment and promotion on the SON/SOH/SOM adjunct tracks, outline the process to apply, and discuss faculty development opportunities. 

“Looking Under the Hood of Cells: From Whole Cell Organelle Reconstructions to Single Molecule Dynamics to Atomic Reconstructions of Macromolecules” 

Thursday, March 7

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Research Building Auditorium and via Zoom 

Presented by Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, PhD, head, 4D Cellular Physiology, senior group leader, Howard Hughes Medical Institute – Janelia Research Campus.

“Genomic Risk Prediction of Cardiometabolic Late Effects in Survivors of Childhood Cancer” 

Friday, March 8

10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Yadav Sapkota, PhD, assistant member, Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Presentation to be followed by a Meet the Speaker Session at 11:00 a.m. 

PowerPoint: Making Engaging/Interactive Presentations with External Tools

Friday, March 8

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Explore ways of creating engaging and interactive teaching and learning content with PowerPoint presentations and external tools: Zoom’s PowerPoint as a Virtual Background, Poll Everywhere/Mentimeter’s PowerPoint Add-In, Panopto’s quiz feature, and VoiceThread’s Adding Comments feature. 

“Using Medical-Legal Partnerships for Violence Prevention: Preliminary Data and Lessons Learned”

Friday, March 8

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Erin Hall, MD, MPH, associate professor of surgery at the School of Medicine, and medical director, Community Violence Intervention Program, MedStar Washington Hospital Center. 

“Unlocking Movement: Helping Paralyzed People With Brain-Machine Interfaces”

Friday, March 8

4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Riggs Library

Presented by Richard Andersen, PhD, Caltech. Part of the Center for Neuroengineering BRAIN Initiative series. Reception to follow.

“Navigating the Healthcare Journey and Pioneering Tomorrow”

Monday, March 11

5:15 - 7:00 p.m.

Fisher Colloquium, Hariri Building

Featuring Andy Slavitt, former senior advisor to the Biden Administration COVID Response and general partner at Town Hall Ventures. 

“Life in the Tar Seeps” Lecture and Book Signing

Tuesday, March 12

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Bioethics Research Library, Healy Hall

Join Gretchen E. Henderson, PhD, for an exploration of the climate crisis, caring for overlooked ecosystems and grappling with our human imprint on the Earth. 

GUFaculty360 Class - Updating Your Profile

Wednesday, March 13

10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 

Via Zoom

Learn how to upload your CV, add your personal website information, upload a syllabus, publications and more.

“Cancer Cell State and the Tumor Microenvironment Coordinately Regulate Breast Cancer Metastasis” 

Friday, March 15

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Research Building Auditorium and via Zoom

Presented by Andrew Ewald, PhD, Virginia DeAcetis Professor, Department of Cell Biology, and director, Giovanis Institute for Translational Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 

“Analysis of Non-randomized Comparative Effectiveness Studies” 

Friday, March 15

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Paul Kolm, PhD, associate director in the Department of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics at MedStar Health Research Institute.

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