March came into my town as neither lamb nor lion, so I'm not sure what that means for the weather at the end of the month!
For me, March and water go hand in hand, maybe in part due to this great Art Garfunkel cover of "The Waters of March" that was popular when I was in college. You can just smell the March rain when you listen, don't you think?
Water of the supernatural kind was the focus this morning of my pastor's homily, based on a truncated version of John 4:5-42. (And of course, that means I had to include this James Tissot painting of the woman at the well.) My pastor noted the woman's practical, earth-based response when Jesus talks about the living water: Give it to me, so I don't have to keep coming back to this well. Jesus, he said, was talking about the supernatural water we can't live without, just as we can't live without the water we get from the well, the tap, or a bottle.
I made me think about the times I think I can do this life without bothering God... and how I always end up back there anyway. So I guess I'll be praying that that's how my March goes out... in praising and serving the Lamb of God remaining day of the month until the last, which just happens to be Easter Sunday this year.