July 14, 2021

Solutions Newsletter
Improve conversion volume and revenue with targeted promo offers
Every publisher faces a common challenge: how to convert audiences with low propensity to subscribe. Mather's research shows that two thirds of conversions come from the most engaged 2 percent of audience. In this case study of a "low propensity promo offer," see what Mather found works best!

Email newsletter basics, digital paid subscriptions, audio articles and more!
Be sure to join Matt Larson of Our-Hometown tomorrow (July 15) when he will be presenting a free webinar for members of America's Newspapers on Email Newsletter Basics.  

Also, learn how FREE newspapers can create digital PAID subscriptions, plus view his archived webinar recordings on topics relating to producing and promoting your newspaper!

How publishers can best leverage engagement to drive commercial growth opportunities
Many publishers have historically had the sole focus of increasing their page views to increase their advertising revenues. However, many publishers have instead shifted their focus to complement this goal by also driving audience engagement — getting their existing audiences to move up a value exchange to drive increased revenues through subscriptions and memberships.

The team at Building a Subscription Business are doing a deep dive on the topic of engagement and its link to commercial value in the publishing industry in their forthcoming report "Engagement Economics."

Sell it now: Summer sale
As group gatherings get rolling again, and travel is poised to reach a new pandemic high — Forbes reports nearly nine in 10 American travelers plan to travel in the next six months — use resources from your MCC Libraries to prepare your publication, your advertisers and your readers.

Here’s an overview of layouts, images, pages and ideas to support restarting events, activities and travel planning in your community.

PAGE Cooperative: Helping members in a bind
Larry Ham, the general manager for AIM Media Indiana was in a bind, as an unanticipated surge in demand had left his supply of newsprint short for the month. However, as one of the 450 publications in the PAGE Cooperative, Larry knew that he could count on PAGE to try to solve the shortfall, and he picked up the phone and called the CEO of PAGE, Gary Blakeley.

SCS introduces game-changing new technology

SCS is announcing a paradigm-shifting new application called Automated News Pagination (ANP) that automatically paginates news pages utilizing SCS AI.

ANP does not rely on endless InDesign templates. Instead, it uses content-package template abstractions that can create multiple paginated page results that editors and creatives can choose from.

Paxton Media moves to NewsXtreme Cloud

Presteligence, an industry leading software developer and innovator, announces Paxton Media will deploy NewsXtreme Cloud at its print sites in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina and Mississippi.

Watch for more Solutions News next Wednesday!
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