Today, June 20, 2021 is the longest day of the year, the summer solstice! There is no better time than now to embrace the possibilities that summer holds for all of us.
The SUMMER of 2021 will be a summer like no other! We are opening up from a global pandemic. We are literally and figuratively opening our doors and hearts and that allows us to see the possibilities right now in this moment for all of us.
It’s been a challenging year, and we'll be all the wiser if we share our hard-won insights and open ourselves to the wisdom of others. We will share some possible resources to do so in this newsletter.
Summer is also a time to slow down, perhaps not to DO so much and instead to BE more. Sometimes we need to slow down to speed up! Summer gives us that possibility!

On the practical level, becoming more mindful and working a bit slower can create space for us to be more thoughtful about what we are doing and why. Careless mistakes lessen, and we may be able to make better choices.
On the emotional level, if we do this there is the possibility to have more space to actually listen to our mind and body. Instead of the ego overpowering the cues of anxiety (because I “didn’t have time to deal with it”) we can revel in the possibilities and gifts that come with paying more attention. That is healing!
And on the spiritual level, it can bring one back to one of my favorite truths and affirmations: “my pace is perfect, and what is FOR me will never miss me.”
And that’s really what’s at the core of our need to rush, DO, and be busy all the time, right?
This deep-seated fear that we’re not going to “get there”.
That if we don’t run ourselves into the ground, we’re not doing enough.
Life’s filled with possibilities for all of us. Slowing down & becoming more mindful can allow so much room for accelerated growth.
So, perhaps this summer we reflect on this:
How would my life change for the better and what possibilities might show up if I practiced slowing down more often?” Oh, and...don't worry about perfection here. Progress over perfection, always.
My new favorite young woman poet Amanda Gorman said this about perfection as she talked about the possibilities of the United States,
"And yes we are far from polished, far from pristine. But this doesn't mean we're striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose...We seek to harm none and harmony for all."
Purpose. Possibilities. Peace.

Summer is here and we @ PINKK are open to all the possibilities ahead for our community. We are all anxious to rush into all as we experience our new found 'freedom' again. So let's do it at our own pace in our own time. Together we will make progress with purpose and a summer of peaceful possibilities lies ahead.

READ: NEW KNOWLEDGE to Inspire you this summer
Summer Reading:
The summer season kicks off for me with the arrival of The New York Times Summer Reading list. And it’s especially welcome this year. Because even if we’re not yet ready to restart summer travel, we can still be transported anywhere in the world, to any time in the past or future, just by picking up a book. And when screens dominate so much of our lives, there’s a particular joy to be found in books — and yes, I mean real books, with pages you can touch and feel and smell and, if you’re like me, obsessively highlight and underline and write in. Instead of virtual fatigue, we can reach that particular state I love, of disconnecting from the world so much that we lose track of time. It’s the ultimate way to reset ourselves. In addition to the Times’ extensive list of 73(!) books, here are a few on my own summer reading list and others from our community:

Others that I am reading for first time or revisiting again and some that were recommended to me by our PINKK tribe, and Networlding Publishing as well as sharing from women authors.
  • Untamed, Glennon Doyle
  • Even as We Breathe, Annette Clapsaddle
  • Never Eat Alone:And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time, Keith Ferrazzi
  • Get Over It!:47 Tips for Embracing the Discomfort of Change, Anne Bonney
  • Homeless Entrepreneur, Becky Blanton
  • She Profits: The Outrageously Simple 5- Point Entrepreneurial Profit Plan, Mel McSherry
  • Faithful Nomad: Finding Your Path... When There's No Destination, Lisa Studinski
  • AUTHENTICITY REAWAKENED: The Path to OWNING Your Life's Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose, Vicki Znavor

BE INSPIRED - read and watch
ARTICLE: https://www.forbes.com/50-over-50/2021/

VIDEO: https://images.forbes.com/50Over50-2021-LanderVideos/Desktop-v6.mp4: VIDEO
For these dynamic women, growing older is about getting wiser—and bolder. Meet the inaugural class of entrepreneurs, leaders and creators who are part of an exhilarating movement redefining life’s second half and proving that success has no age limit.
Selected from a pool of more than 10,000 nominees, the members of the 50 Over 50 are founding and running companies at scale ($20 million or more in revenue for for-profit companies), leading movements and changing the world. They’re working across all sectors of the American economy—venture capital, education, politics, major league sports and more—and, importantly, they’re paying forward their after-50 success.
WHO DO YOU THINK should be on this list? Perhaps someone in your community?

LISTEN: RECOMMENDED PODCAST series for the summer from PINKK - we can get out and about to the beach and walk and actively listen!
This podcast series by Arrianna Huffington “What I’ve Learned” are episodes you won’t want to miss. In each episode, she sits down with people she loves and admires to explore the life-changing lessons they’ve learned over the extraordinary past year about what they truly value and how they build their resilience. The latest episodes feature Alexis Ohanian on getting rid of “hustle culture,” Laurie Santos on what truly makes us happy, Jonathan Biss on using music to connect with our souls, Marc Benioff on how meditation helps him lead, and Rufus Wainwright on how the pandemic forced him to stop and re-evaluate his life. You can subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.