Trinity Tidings
This Coming Sunday: May 22, 2022
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
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Holy Cow Revisited
Because our meeting with Holy Cow occurred right before Holy Week and Easter, and because your rector is preparing for a sabbatical, we have not been able to engage with some of the results as quickly or as deeply as we would have liked, so we wish to let you know that we have spent time as a vestry and as a staff talking about some of the challenges that were raised, and will be continuing in discernment as we move into the fall. Though the assessment was overwhelmingly positive, as with all organizations, there are areas where we can improve.
For the time being, our focus has been the selection and execution of music. In this regard, you may already have noticed a few small changes:
- Claire and I have resumed the practice of selecting hymns on occasion from some of our supplementary hymn resources. This means that there will be more variety in our hymns, including some spirituals and some more recent American hymns. Music in such cases will be printed in the service bulletins. As an example, this coming Sunday we will be singing “Shall We Gather at the River.”
- We are now listing the hymns for the upcoming Sunday in our weekly Tidings. In many cases, we are also able to provide links to recordings of these hymns. This allows those who wish to familiarize themselves ahead of time with the Sunday hymns, which will strengthen congregational singing.
- Janie, after many months of trying to contact our organ installer, has persevered, and scheduled training sessions for herself, as well as for the clergy, to receive training on the capabilities of this beautiful instrument. You have hopefully noticed as Janie has begun incorporating some of these expanded capabilities into her accompaniment during worship, utilizing different instrument voices.
- Our incredibly dedicated choir and music team have, if such a thing is even possible, increased their dedication to providing and leading in the making of beautiful and worshipful music on Sunday mornings. They have provided beautiful anthems on recent Sundays, such as Come Follow Me and Lord, We Are Your People, which can be heard on Trinity’s youtube page.
More changes will be forthcoming, and some of the topics raised, including more effective evangelism/publicity and doing more to attract young families will be engaged when Dave returns in the fall. Again, we are so grateful for the time each of you took to complete these surveys and attend the March meeting with Michelle Snyder.
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Sabbatical Send-Off!
Let's send Rev. Dave off with a loving start to his Sabbatical through worship on May 22 and with a reception in the Parish Hall following the 10:30 service.
Worship & Picnic In the Park
Thanks to all who came out to participate in last Sunday’s really wonderful worship & picnic. We shared the day with four other churches: Fellowship, Baptist; St. Andrew, Presbyterian; St. Frederick’s, Baptist; and St. Peter’s, Lutheran. We raised $1,859 in donations for the Helping Center. Here’s a link to the worship service: LINK
A video of the thoughtful and humorous sermon offered by all the pastors together, can be seen here: LINK
The Worship Team Needs You!
Have you ever considered a more active role in our worship services at Trinity? The Worship Commission could use more volunteers in many different ministries, including Children’s Chapel Ministers, Chalice Bearers, Acolytes, Lectors, Ushers, Choir members, and Altar Guild members. Many who serve in these ministerial roles have reported a deepened experience of worship, and a closeness to God. If you feel you may be called to one of these ministries, please visit with Dave or Claire, or with Bernadette Ellis. We would be delighted to explore any of these ministry opportunities with you.
Sunday Schedule
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person
9:15am . . . . Adult Christian Education in
.....................Parish Hall
10:30am . . . Children's Chapel in Person
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and
Weekday Worship
9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard
Sunday's Hymns
We all enjoy music & sing with more confidence when hymns are familiar. Become familiar with the upcoming Sunday's hymns by clicking these links.
Entrance: 537 Christ for the world we sing!
Sequence: 490 I want to walk as a child of the light
Communion: 204 Now the green blade riseth
Communion 2: 510 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove
Exit: LEVAS 141 Shall we gather at the river
On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist.
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.
4th Sunday at Gateway Gardens
This Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm is our 4th Sunday Worship at Gateway Gardens Living Facility located at 605 Gateway Central off of Hwy 281 South. Please join the worship team as we provide a short service, along with a music sing-along for the residents. It's a meaningful service and a way to share our ministry with those residents who are unable to attend services outside their facility. Anyone interested in attending please contact: 512-461-7066 or 713-542-6843
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Parish Work Day
Saturday, May 21st, 9-11am.
We need brawn, brains and loving memories because we have closets to clean… What goes and what stays? And there may be a few other chores.
Lunch after! Spinach Wraps (Ham or Veggie)/Chips/Popsicles! So that we can plan for food, please let us know by May 18 if you will be joining us! Email Bernadette-, 713-542-6843
Adult Christian Education
May 22, 9:15 am in the Parish Hall Classroom
Those graduating from the 4-year study Education for Ministry (EFM) will speak about the riches of this experience for their faith. This annual tradition of hearing from EFM graduates is always a rewarding time.
Meeting ID: 830 0459 9761
Passcode: 206514 LINK
Looking Back:
Click below to see the interesting, wide-ranging conversation Rev. Dave led on Sabbaticals, as we all prepare to send him off for this nourishing time of renewal.
Looking Forward:
Adult Christian Education will be on Summer Break beginning May 29, Memorial Day Weekend.
Fund Raiser
St. Frederick’s Baptist Church is having a monthly fund raiser meal on Saturday, May 28th, from 11am-2pm. Tickets are being pre-sold at $20 each and these ticket/donations will provide for a catfish lunch and money toward the building fund for a Black History Museum on the church grounds.
St. Fred’s (as everyone is familiar with this name) has a remarkable history in Marble Falls as one of the oldest churches started in 1893 and while small in numbers, they are big in heart serving free meals out to the community for over 30 years. Many Trinity members are familiar with St. Fred’s as they have volunteered or collaborated with them over the years in multiple projects to help people in need in the Highland Lakes area. Mission Outreach was formed at St. Fred’s and free lunch meals are prepared and served from the church every Tuesday and Thursday from 11am-1:30pm. Community lunches are also sent out (almost 300) two Saturdays a month from St. Fred’s (Fellowship Baptist prepares and sends out meals from St. Fred’s kitchen one of those Saturdays).
A dream of St. Fred’s is to build a Black History Museum to recognize the history and local accomplishments that have been made in our area as well as inspire our whole community. See more history in Texas State Parks celebrate Black history ( Contact Bessie Jackson/St. Fred’s directly at with any questions.
See a poster in the Narthex for tickets and/or contact Rita Marquess at or 512-461-7066 for more information.
Save the Date
May 21 – Parish Work Day
May 22 – Worship with Rev. Dave this last ................Sunday before his sabbatical
................begins. Reception following the
............... 10:30 service.
May 22 - 2:30 Gateway Gardens Worship
May 30 - Office is closed for Memorial Day
May 20 . . . Kathy Nicholl
May 20 . . . Leesa Lewis
May 22 . . . Dave Ellis
May 23. . . .Tammy Hester
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