The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter

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4th Sunday after Epiphany

January 29, 2023

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, every Sundays!**

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!

**Mask required at 9:00 am Worship, Mask Optional at 10:30 am Worship

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services!

Sunday School for Pre-K - 8th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!

Get your bulletin here.

*Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

In this issue of the Arkive, you will find a listing of Lenten Opportunities for spiritual growth. We are trying something different this year offering you a number of different study groups from which to choose. We hope that many of you will be able to participate. Lent is still about a month away, but it is not too soon to remind ourselves that Lent is that introspective season of preparation for the celebration of Easter. Not only do these groups provide a chance to strengthen our faith but they offer us the opportunity to get know other people at Ark and Dove in a deeper way.

We are trying something new with the Annual Meeting as well. We are going to meet at Noon on February 12, for our 31st Annual Meeting as a congregation. After worship on the 12th, there will be a reception with finger foods in the lobby ( you can sign up to bring something) and then we will move to the Sanctuary for our meeting. Next Friday we will put a link in the Arkive which will contain all the reports for the 2022 church year. There also will be a Zoom Invitation to the meeting which will be Hybrid.  

At the annual meeting: we will make space for questions about any aspect of our church's life, we will receive the report of the Nominating team and elect elders and deacons, we will elect congregational members to the 2023 nominating team, we will approve the compensation for the pastor, we will hear a brief update from the Associate Pastor Nominating Team and we will elect the elders as trustees of the corporation, a little nugget required by Maryland state law. It's a great way to get the scoop on what's going on at Ark and Dove. I think you will find that as a congregation you have engaged in ministry in many faithful and creative ways this past year and that we have much for which to be thankful. Thank you for being Ark and Dove. It is a privilege to minister alongside of you.

This Sunday we have the privilege of welcoming new members into our midst, and we will celebrate communion!

Peace of Christ,


Message from Interim Associate Pastors

Dear friends and members at Ark and Dove,

Please consider helping out in the church nursery.  You do not need any particular skills to do this job, nor does it involve advance preparation –just a loving heart. This does not have to be an every-Sunday commitment. We need a team of people willing to occasionally sit in the nursery and cuddle or play with the little ones. No need to miss worship, as you would be able to attend worship at one of the services and serve in the Nursery for the other.

Our Nursery Attendant, Cara Moody, is wonderful! She brings activities for the children and is a welcoming and loving presence in the nursery. We read Bible Stories. We play with the toys. At Christmas we put shapes and colors on a felt Christmas tree as we learned about colors. Cara makes sure that the toys and surfaces are cleaned and sanitized each week. We cannot simply ask for volunteers on a Sunday, because those who work with our children must have a background check. The church will provide this for you if you are willing to help out upon occasion. 

Why does Cara need our help?

  1. Safety. If there is more than one child in the nursery and a child requires special attention for a few minutes, another adult needs to be in the room so that the other children receive care. While we usually don’t have many children in the nursery at any one time, two caregivers are necessary.
  2. Insurance. Due to some unfortunate situations in other churches, insurance companies are particularly insistent that there be two un-related adults caring for church nurseries. This protects the children from possible abuse and protects the church from unmerited allegations. 

If you volunteer to help us with the nursery, you will be providing love to the little ones, you will be a welcoming and reassuring presence to new parents who are checking out our congregation, and you will be protecting Ark and Dove. What could be more important?

We hope you will think and pray about the possibility of serving in this way. If you are willing to serve, please contact Sara Fox, our Christian Education Elder, or Caroline Price-Gibson. 



Thank you for giving this matter some thought.

Caroline and Stephen

Verse and Prayer

7 The ill man answered him, “Sir,[a] I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am making my way someone else steps down ahead of me.” 8 Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.” 9 At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk.

John 5:7-9

Blessed God, I yearn to see your vision of justice, love and peace made real for me this day. Open my eyes to the way of love that I may see your brilliant light shining into the hidden places of my heart and darkened corners of the world. Amen

We have an exciting music planned this Sunday. During each service, the Children and Youth Ensembles in collaboration with the Adult Choir will sing Uyai Mose. This will happen at the end of the 9:00 service, and at the beginning of the 10:30 service. You won't want to miss this high energy, exciting call of praise. Titled, Uyai Mose, it is a traditional song from South Africa, and the lyrics translate to "Come all you people, come praise your Maker". The song will open with percussion and you will hear the youth on the djembe, shakers, claves, guiro, congas and the foot tambourine. The youth percussion ensemble is led by Rae'tta Bond, who will be playing with them, along with Diane Yates. The children and youth are learning invaluable lessons about making music together and it has been such a joy to all work together with the Children's Choir, the Youth Percussion Ensemble, and the Adult Choir to make this piece happen.  

The Offertory this week is a stunning piece sung by one of our newest attendees, Milena Lee. You can read all about Milena below. We are so fortunate to have her immense talent in our midst. The song that she will sing is called You Know Me by Steffany Gretzinger. This song was released in 2018 and is a declaration of trust in God, and the lyrics express the idea that despite our struggles and doubts, God still knows us. Milena will be accompanied by Brittany Wellington, cello; Karen Dodson, synth; and myself on the piano. 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, friends!

With love,


Director of Music

Musician Spotlight

Milena Lee is a 24-year-old woman from California. She grew up going to music schools and studied classical voice performance at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California. After joining the military, she attained a degree in Linguistics and now works at NSA Maryland as a translator. After moving across the country, she searched for a new church in the community and has been enjoying attending services at Ark and Dove for over two months now!

Message from

Interim Director of Youth Ministry

The youth are hosting the Souper Bowl of kindness. You can donate cans of soup by putting them by the signs in the sanctuary. The teams are middle school vs. high school, so make sure you put your soup by the sign for the team that you want to win!

We will also be hosting an informational meeting about youth summer conferences immediately after the 10:30 service on Sunday, February 5th. Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,

Whitney Grimm

Interim Director of Youth Ministry

Please Donate Electronically!

DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481

Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.


Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

2023 Renewed in God

Stewardship Team

Dear Members and Friends of Ark and Dove,

The 2022 Renewed Stewardship Team would like to sincerely thank everyone who has already submitted a pledge card for 2023. We are excited to share that 71 of 160 households have pledged so far and many have increased their pledges to help meet the needs of our church and community! If you have not submitted your pledge card to the church yet, either via USPS, in the offering plate, or, there is still time to do so! We are so grateful for your generous giving to support our mission and ministries at Ark and Dove.

Separately, we are all individuals. But together, we are connected in renewed and supportive community, and we flourish as one body of faith in Christ. With each gift we give, we multiply Christ's work in our world through our mission and ministry efforts. Every pledge counts, no matter how big or small, and every gift is sacred. If you are a regular giver through EFT or PayPal, we would like to invite you to fill out a pledge card this year. Our pledges are important because they help us plan how much of the vision put forth by our Elders and Deacons we can fulfill in the new year. As we embark on this journey of a new year, we ask that you pray for each other, our church, and all the good that we do together to bring hope and healing to each other and to those most vulnerable. Thank you!

-Tricia Gray from The 2023 Renewed in God Stewardship Team

Bulletin - 4th Sunday after Epiphany

31st Annual Meeting of the Congregation

The meeting will take place on Sunday, February 12th around noonish after worship. Fellowship time after 10:30 worship will be a smorgasbord of finger foods. You are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting and the smorgasbord. To sign up to bring an item for the smorgasbord, please click HERE. Contact Elder Katie Nilson-Johnson at to RSVP---Healthy options encouraged, sweets not forbidden. And we need people to clean up too.

Christian Education

During this Lenten season we will be offering a variety of ways to study during the Lenten season. Please see the descriptions of each below. 

There are a variety of dates and times to choose from. Please indicate your interest in joining a group by filling out this form. Books will be purchased (for studies that require them) for anyone who indicates interest in joining by March 19th. Books may also be purchased by clicking on the link in the description. 

Group A*: Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for Lent, Richard Rohr 

Paperback $11, Kindle $7, Audiobook too

We will be reading Richard Rohr's Wondrous Encounters, Scriptures for Lent. Father Rohr wrote this devotional during a Lenten time of silent and solitary retreat, (hermitage).  Rohr often writes about the paradoxes in and the mysteries of faith. With these short readings, one for every day of Lent, he invites us to examine our assumptions about the life of faith. Given his blessing of 12 step groups, I am not sure Rohr would appreciate that these words come from the song Closing Time:  "Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" but they fit. We will meet in-person on Tuesday evenings at the home of Tim and Kelly Stern. The first gathering on 2/23 will be soup and salad at 6:30PM thereafter 7:00 PM. For more information, contact Pastor Tim at

Group B: Inward Work for Outward Living-Daily devotionals

Participants will receive a daily devotion in their email each morning that invites them to explore the connection between internal contemplation and outward action. Although these meditations will focus on the Prayer of Examen, we will meet in-person Saturday mornings at the church at 9am to check in with one another, to discuss the readings, and to practice examen and other forms of contemplative prayer together as a small group. For more information, contact Kim Champagne at  

Group C*: A Way Other Than Our Own: Devotions for Lent, Walter Brueggemann

Paperback $13, Kindle $8

We will be reading from Walter Breugemann's daily Lenten reflections in A Way Other Than Our Own. Lent recalls times of wilderness and wandering, from newly freed Hebrew slaves in exile to Jesus' temptation in the desert. God has always called people out of their safe, walled cities into uncomfortable places, revealing paths they would never have chosen. We too are called to walk an alternative path--one of humility, justice, and peace. We will meet in-person after church on Sunday at 12:00. For more information, contact Richard Greydanus at

Group D: The Poetry of Lent-online study

Walk through Lent with a short weekly devotional that includes Bible passages, the poetry of Mary Oliver, meditations, and practices. An online discussion group led by Achsah Callahan will meet Wednesdays at 7:30pm on Zoom. For more information, contact Achsah Callahan at

Christian Education for Children and Youth

We will be hosting an informational meeting about youth summer conferences immediately after the 10:30 service on Sunday, February 5th. Please contact Whitney Grimm if you have any questions.

Sunday Mornings for Children and Youth

9:00 AM


Middle School Chimes and Percussion Ensembles (9:00 to 9:45)

9:45 AM

Children’s Choir (9:45 to:00 to 10:15)

10:30 AM


Godly Play Sunday School Pre-K through grade 4

Middle School Sunday School grade 5 through 8

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer the above Christian Educational opportunities we NEED leaders! Currently we do NOT have enough to fully staff any of these programs. Please consider offering your gifts and talents to help these programs thrive. You will need to complete a background check and training. Curriculum and materials are provided. Please contact CE Elder, Sara Fox at if interested. 

Thank you to those of you who’ve already made a commitment to help out this year!!!

Nursery Helpers: If you are already a CE leader or a high school student please consider signing up HERE to help in the nursery. You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed.

As always, any questions or concerns please reach out to me at

News from the Ark & Dove Library

The Ark and Dove Library is pleased to announce the addition of the highly acclaimed All That She Carried by Tiya Miles. An excerpt from Amazon website describes the book beautifully:

In 1850s South Carolina, an enslaved woman named Rose faced a crisis: the imminent sale of her daughter Ashley. Thinking quickly, she packed a cotton bag for her with a few items, and, soon after, the nine-year-old girl was separated from her mother and sold. Decades later, Ashley’s granddaughter Ruth embroidered this family history on the sack in spare, haunting language. [In All that She Carried,] Historian Tiya Miles carefully traces these women’s faint presence in archival records, and, where archives fall short, she turns to objects, art, and the environment to write a singular history of the experience of slavery, as well as the uncertain freedom afterwards, in the United States.

In anticipation of our church’s upcoming Antiracism session “The Race Card and other ‘microaggressions’ that get in the way of real conversations about race” on January 27th, I am pleased to share a book you might also find helpful. In “Silencing White Noise: Six Practices to Overcome Our Inaction on Race” author and pastor Willie Dwayne Francois III calls us to engage in six “rhythms of reparative intercession” to silence white noise and to develop lifelong Christian anti-racist practices. 

Please view our online catalog at for more details about these books, as well as other great books in our church’s library. For more information about the library, contact Kim Champagne (

Outreach & Connections

Friendly Seniors Invites You

We are planning a trip to the NSA Cryptology Museum on Friday, February 3, at 2:00 pm. This is a fun, hands on tour for all ages on how we've spied. Let Joan Berry ( know by Sunday, January 29th to RSVP.

Healing Through Grief

Pastor Tim, Cathy Debus, and Linnie Girdner will be co-facilitating the next Healing through Grief group on Wednesday, February 8th from 7:30pm - 8:45pm again as a Zoom meeting. The Healing through Grief small group is open to anyone attending Ark and Dove, as well as family members, friends and neighbors, who have experienced the death of a loved one, whether it is recent or a long time ago.

Please let me know if you have the slightest inclination to attend on Feb. 8th, so that we can send you the link to the Zoom meeting. If you change your mind later, no problem. Also, let me know if you have not used Zoom before, so that we can provide you with some information in advance. Any questions, contact Linnie Girdner, at or 410-999-7892.

Let's be there for one another in our healing through grief. If you need to talk with someone prior to that date, feel free to give me a call or contact your Deacon.

The Fellowship Table Wants You!

With more people visiting Ark & Dove, we want to make sure they feel welcome. We are looking for people to help with bringing the snacks, setting up, and cleaning up on a regular or periodic basis. This can be a great opportunity to get children involved in the life of Ark & Dove! They can help choose the "menu", set the table, and get to meet more folks in our faith community. Please contact us at to sign up or want more information.


Peace and Global Witness Special Offering

Our Peace and Global Witness Special Offering collection ended in November and a portion of this offering fulfills our financial commitment to ACT. We are making a special request for additional donations, as our Peace and Global Witness offering is insufficient to meet our financial commitment to ACT.

Our participation in ACT is a reflection of our commitment to the vision of Matthew 25 to act boldly and compassionately serving people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, and poor. ACT is made up of people who are building power to improve the lives of our families, communities, regions, and nations. Through ACT, we are in service with 27 religious and community organizations.

ACT challenges people to imagine the change they can accomplish, connect leaders to multiply their power, and organize people by the thousands to make their voices heard. We believe it is time for a new capacity and generation of grassroots leaders who unite to solve issues at the local and county level.

Ark and Dove has been involved in ACT since its inception in 2016. The pandemic was problematic to the organizing and work of ACT. With a new organizer and a fresh mindset toward action, we foresee that our participation in ACT will strengthen our skills in relationship building, community engagement, and doing the work that Jesus would have us do.

Please give generously to support our financial commitment to ACT.

Yarn Donations Requested for Guatemala Partnership Trip

Ark and Dove have participated in many trips with the Presbytery of Baltimore throughout the years. The type of Intercultural Encounters that Ark and Dove have participated have changed since we first started participating. We began through the Immersion-Work Groups. A time of study of a certain topic with work experience where they would participate in mutual learning and interaction with Central American people and groups. We later stared participating in Partnership Strengthening Visits which helps solidify relations with local groups and/or churches. We learn about the realities in which their partners live day to day.

If you would like to learn more about the Partnership, please visit the Baltimore Presbytery website under the Relationships tab.

On March 25th Lori Kronser, Sher Atkinson and I will be traveling to Guatemala for a week of reconnection with CEDEPCA after a few years off due to Covid-19.  We will be taking with us yarn for the women who create beautiful scarves that help to support them and their families. A box will be placed near the collection area by the nursery. Any type or color of yarn will be greatly appreciated.


Cheryl Walcutt

Leader of CEDEPCA Team

GLEAM - Queer Support Group

Join us at 7:30 on Tuesday, January 31st in the Marshall room for our monthly queer support group. All questions should be directed to Amanda Crose by emailing her at

CAP Food Pantry

The January Items of the Month are shelf milk (like parmalat®) and juice. We have bins marked for CAP food in the cabinet across from the lobby coat rack. Food can also be taken directly to the pantry at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton, on Tuesdays 10:30am-1:30pm and Thursdays 1:30-5:30pm. Or contact Greg Makar ( to make other arrangements.

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

The Love and Sympathy of the congregation is extended to the Connally and Lewis Families upon the death of Reggie Connally

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for a niece who was diagnosed with breast cancer; Amy Tardiff's mother; Laura Talbert; Nikol Sahai; Denise Bartgis; Ardith Johns; Laura Willoughby's father; Connie batts who is recuperating; Mandie Kuhl, the niece of Steve and Kathy Debus, who is battling cancer; Bruce and Debbie Arey who have COVID; Michael Davie; for the Asian community in Montgomery Park after recent events; the Marsh Family; for family members suffering from addiction; Layla Tyus; Herman's next door neighbor - open heart surgery; Sarah, Brenn Budge's sister; Doris Fields in the hospital; Colleen recovering from a stroke; Knight Family; Layla Tyus; a friend facing brain surgery; Deb Saylor; Ramin Abawi; a mother in the hospital; Don Clark; a friend having medical issues; Linda Walcutt; Mike Davie; Daryle Echols; Kathie Brownie, who lost her husband; Crystal Evans on the death of her mother; Ann Hirschy; Carole Wilson; a friend of Kathy Emmert, Natalie Fenwick who is in the hospital; Karen Dodson; MaryAnn Buckley; Sue Miller, Laura Willoughby-Perry’s mother, after hip surgery; Audrey Miller, daughter of Kathy Miller; Neal Frick in the hospital; Shannon Graf, and for her family; a wonderful teen facing the challenges of an eating disorder; The mother of Sara Yotter; Dotty Kaufmann; Mary Elizabeth Nay; Bri Lapp; a teen struggling with peer concerns at school; Ron Miller; Holly Folk, friend of Laura Willoughby-Perry; Carol & Henry Saylor; Rose having health issues; Deb Saylor's grand-nephew, Jordan; Christy Hipchen's Great Uncle, Steven Stanko; Chantel Seetram; Debbie and Bruce Arey's Daughter, Allison; families impacted by gun violence; Dr. Jesse Nicholson, Connie Batts' brother-in-law; Danni Johnson, fighting cancer; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Bruce Arey's sister; Helen Jarkiewicz; Dee going through breast cancer; Doug Dehaven; Karen Judeich; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law; Fran; Dot Forloines; Vaughn Brown; Dick Paronto; Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; Hope Sutphin; Emily Wehage; Jeff Miller, Kathy Miller’s brother-in-law; Freyja Hartzell; Rebecca Echols friend, Lauren Douglas; Andy, friend of Karen Dodson; Ghazal Abawi; Cara Moody’s father-in-law, Gary Moody Sr.; Carly & Chris Taylor, Friends of Michelle Schoonmaker; Debbie Saylor's Friends: Carlene Printy and Helen Rossum;

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113
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