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Jan. 26, 2023

Weekly Update

A Message from Principal Simpson


Dear Parents,

This week is National School Choice Week! We’ve been spending some time this week talking to students about what they love about their school. Overwhelmingly, they told us that they love BFA because of the teachers and staff. Other reasons students gave include: uniforms, excellent education, recess, pizza for lunch, friends, the library and Basil--our therapy dog. A few examples of the student placards are included below.

As we celebrate National School Choice Week, I want to thank you for choosing BFA. We understand other schools might be more convenient, but we appreciate that each of you has decided to send your child(ren) here for the strong academic focus, positive school culture, and opportunities BFA provides to learn, grow and explore. 

I realize that many of you also chose Ben Franklin Academy because of our history of outstanding academic achievement. As such, I am proud to announce that we have been recognized as a John Irwin School of Excellence for academic achievement again in 2022. This award is a testament to the hard work of our students and staff members every day!

Another reason why BFA remains a top choice among schools in the area is due to the opportunities for parent involvement. Thank you to the following individuals/families who have already contributed more than 30 hours (15 for single parents) of volunteer service as of Jan. 19!

I hope that everyone has a beautiful weekend.  

Mrs. Simpson

Thank You Volunteers!

Anderson, Curtis - Karen

Annamalai, Ramanathan - Nallappan, Deivanai

Arboleda, Mary; Ross, Jessica - Sean

Barton, John - Sekulski-Barton, Jennifer

Blanchard, Kimberly - Tim

Bobbin, Colleen - Nathan

Brown, Betsy - Devin

Brzezicki, Cara - Corey

Busbee, Lindy - Michael

Busto, Jeremy - Nikki

Campbell, Karen - Joel

Castor, Bill - Mette

Chacon, Anne

Chandler, Kim

Chatterton, Lara - Matt

Chavez, Brandon - Lara

Childs, Brian - Lisa

Chrzanowski, Ewelina - Zbigniew

Clark-Bretch, Kristin - Bretch, Adam

Contiguglia, Andrew - Chantel

Cronoble, Deniese; Miner, Sheila; Olson, Brian - Xuemei

Crowe, Erin - Loren

Dawson, Joe - Sara

DelPiccolo, Anneke - Marco

Dethlefs, Sheri

Dilley, Christina

Dimond, Joshua - Linden, Renie

Dohrman, Erin - Jason

Duncan, Katie - Ryan

Elsmore, Jason - Stefania

Esterline, Donna - Ray; Vaughan, Brad - Marie

Fischer, Dave - Travis Fischer, Lisa

Flanigan, Andreya - Jim

Flint, Daniel - Lauren

Frank, Carrie - Nicholas

Gilmour Family

Grade, Christina - Scott

Graves, Dwayne - Jenelle

Greer, Greg - Renet

Guerrero, Alonzo - Mallory

Hedlund, Raegan

Henderson, Christopher - Peters-Henderson, Victoria

Hernandez, Gershom - Slack, Lara

Hinrichsen, Justin - Shannon

Holmes, Heather - Jeremy

Johnson, Amy - Nate

Johnson, Nora - Peter

Keillor, Matt - Rachel

Keller, Adalene - David

Kelley, Annette

Kimball, Dan - Heather

King, Denise; Wiley, Christopher - Erin

Klassen, Lance - Sara

Knoth, Chad - Hannah

Korhonen, Jeanelle - Pierce

Kranz, Allen - Erika

Kroese, Jamie - Jason

Lam, Mae - Ray

Lidstone, James - Reilly, Alaina

Lucero, Adam - Natalie

Maglieri, Haley - Michael; Wylie, Debra

Marino, Raegan - Stephen

Marks, Amy - Thomas; Waugh, Donna

Mayka, Becky - Jason

Moneta, Janice - Jeremy

Moore, Stacy

Motazedi, Alissa

Mullenix, Rebecca - Shawn; Stout, Becky

Neal, Ryan

Nelson, James - Nisha

Nichols, Janelle - John

Nisbet, Sarah

Paroczai, Andrew - Danielle

Patel, Tejal

Patterson, Marissa - Ryan

Pavlicek, Juvaila - Sean

Phoenix, Joshua - Julia

Preeo, Devon - Jason

Roberts, Cassie - Chad

Sarver, Anna - Dan

Schenck, Donovan - Lisa

Seibel, Jaimee - Nathan

Slaughter, Justin - Wendy

Smythe, Briauna

Solomon, Laurel

Sparks, Christianna - Scott

Staib, Brad - Caryn

Stevenson, Ben - Kerri

Street, Jason - Keri

Swanson, Erek - Megan

Trenck, Amanda - Erik

Urmacher, Andrew

Wailes Family

White, Coni - Matt

Withee, Justin - Nicole

Wood, Brian - Lori

Wunsch, Annie

Young, Eric - Heather

Thanks to all the students who shared why they LOVE BFA!

First Grade

Third Grade

Fifth Grade

BFA News


DCSD to Host Math Festival

DCSD is hosting a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (JRMF) for students in grades K-6 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Castle Rock Elementary. A math festival is a one-time event where children gather and explore math through puzzles. It’s the biggest math party around! Play-based math allows students to tackle activities with their creativity and perseverance — not memorized formulas or procedures. JRMF activities are both playful and educational. Play-based learning strengthens physical, cognitive, social and emotional health. Self-directed exploration increases a student’s creativity and problem-solving skills.

For more information, please contact: and REGISTER today!


Grant for Gifted and Talented Learners

The Foundation for Colorado Gifted and Talented has selected Angela Bond as the recipient of their Classroom Mini Grant!

Mrs. Bond applied for this grant to purchase strategy games for her classroom to address gifted learners’ unique affective and cognitive needs. These games will specifically address the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Gifted Programming Standards and Evidence Based Practices for gifted learners. Congratulations, Mrs. Bond!

Colorado Children's Book Awards

Our Librarian, Ms. Williams, is coordinating our participation in the Colorado Children's Book Award (CCBA) process during the next few weeks. The purpose of the contest is "to encourage love of reading..." and the CCBA nominees are either authors, illustrators, editors or photographers from, or living in, Colorado.

Each year, Ms. Williams, special guests and volunteers read the nominated books to our students, then students get to vote on their favorite book. Pictured here is Principal Simpson reading to Mrs. Murray's kindergarten class. Our votes are turned in to the CCBA committee who will tally all the votes from BFA and the other participating schools.

The students love hearing the stories and casting their votes--and, we're all excited to be a part of the process again this year!


Middle School Dance

Who: BFA 6th-8th graders (only)

Date: Saturday, Feb. 11

Time: 6 - 8 p.m.

Cost: None 

Details: Students must be registered through MySchoolBucks to attend. (Registration opens tomorrow, Jan. 27.) If a student does not register, he/she can purchase a ticket at the door for $10 (cash) and there will be 20 tickets available (first come, first serve). All students must follow the Dance Rules to attend and remain at dance. 

Volunteer: Please sign up to help with food, drinks, decorating and being a chaperone.


Morning with Moms

Mark your calendars! The CEC is excited to host students and their moms (or other special adult) for a fun Morning with Moms (formerly Muffins with Moms) from 6:45 - 7:45 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 10, at BFA. Light refreshments will be served. Keep an eye out for further details during the next few weeks. We hope to see you there!


Volunteers Needed

In order to make this a special event, we are looking for volunteers. This is a perfect opportunity for dads to get volunteer hours so our BFA moms can attend with their children. Please see this sign-up for volunteer opportunities. Thank you in advance.


Sweetheart Ball this Saturday - Volunteers Needed!

We’re looking forward to seeing the BFA girls and their father or other special adult at the Sweetheart Ball, Denim and Diamonds, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. this Saturday, Jan. 28, at BFA. Suggested dress for the event is semi-formal/western attire. Dessert and drinks will be served.

The PTO needs your help to make this event a success. If you are interested in volunteering to help at the event (decorating, crafts, games, etc.), you can sign up here. If you’d like to donate desserts for the ball, sign up here.


If you have questions, please contact Christina Dilley and Kelly Dees, PTO Sweetheart Ball committee managers.

ACTION REQUIRED: 68 Percent of Parents Are Not Signed Up to Receive BFA Text Messages


Thank you to all the parents who logged into Infinite Campus (IC) to set up their communication profile. We’ll start sending most communications via School Messenger in February; therefore, we kindly request that parents set up their communication preferences in the IC Parent Portal account to include receiving 'General' SMS (text) and phone messages through School Messenger.



Parents can choose to have communications via the following: (1) a phone call, (2) a SMS/text message and/or (3) email. BFA will send important communications using ‘General’ notifications in School Messenger so we recommend you select all three (phone, text and email) under General notifications so you don’t miss critical messages (e.g. carpool delays or snow days).


To verify that your profile is set up correctly, simply login to IC, select the ‘User Menu’ (the person icon on the upper, right side of the screen), select ‘Contact Preferences’ and indicate your preferences, then click ‘Save.’

volunteer hearing vision

Bring Glasses/Wear Contacts for Hearing and Vision Screenings NEXT WEEK

BFA will conduct our annual hearing and vision screenings during school hours on Tuesday, Jan. 31, and Wednesday, Feb. 1. Hearing and vision impact learning, so it's essential to conduct screenings, and Colorado law (C.R.S. 22-1-116) states that students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 should be tested for sight and hearing. We also screen students that are new to BFA, plus any referrals. Colorado Department of Education Standards for hearing and vision are available online. It is important to note that this is a screening, not a complete exam. 

If your student wears prescription glasses or contacts, it is necessary that he/she wear them during the screening.

You will receive a letter only if your student does not pass the screening. Students with concerns should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Please take the letter to your appointment and have the provider complete the bottom of the form, and return it to your school's health office.


This year, the school has contracted with Tender Care Consulting, LLC, for the screenings. We need parent volunteers to help with the screenings, as well as supply a light breakfast/lunch for the staff and volunteers. If you are interested, it’s a great way to get your volunteer hours! Click here to help with the screenings and/or food.


Please contact Mrs. Paulson in the Health Room if you have questions or concerns about your student.

Modern Market Spirit Night - Please RSVP

Save the Date for a spirit night at Modern Market from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 9, at the Highlands Ranch location (537 W Highlands Ranch Pkwy). Modern Market will donate 30 percent of your meal’s price back to BFA for all dine-in or take-out orders. 

For more details on the spirit night, including how to order so that BFA gets credit for your purchase, and to RSVP, click here. In order for our spirit night to not get cancelled, we need at least 20 people to RSVP. (This is how Groupraise does their fundraisers).


Donate Your Used Uniforms

If you have gently used uniforms that you would like to donate to the PTO, you can leave them, as well as any uniform accessories, in the front office donation box NOW through Tuesday, Feb. 7. (Please wash and fold the clothing before donating.)


These donations will be sold at Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4 - 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 13, and Wednesday, Feb.15. All uniform pieces will be $5 at the sale, or 5 pieces for $20. The PTO's goal is to continue to support our children, staff and families by offering affordable uniform options while simultaneously funding the PTO. 


Looking for volunteer hours? Consider volunteering for the sale by contacting Jessica Kostelecky, PTO uniform buy back committee chair. Clothes will need to be sorted and organized prior to the sale, which can be done at home.


Buy Your Student's Yearbook, Dedication and Namestamp Soon!

The 2022-23 yearbooks are on sale now! But don’t wait — if you want to personalize the book, namestamping starts at $8.25 per book and must be purchased before this Saturday, Jan. 28! Right now, yearbooks cost $35 per book. Order yours today, as prices will go up after Spring Break. For details on pricing and how to order, check out the attached flier.


You may also order a yearbook dedication (ad) for your student. Dedications are $15 for 1/16 of page and $30 for 1/8 of a page. What a fun way to help commemorate a great school year! The deadline for placing yearbook dedications is Friday, Feb 17. 

Order and pay for your 2022-23 yearbook, namestamping and dedication today!

PTO Virtues Awareness Program: Resolution


A message from the PTO about this month’s virtue, Resolution:

Ben Franklin defined his virtue of Resolution as: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.


Ben Franklin’s simple but elegant definition of the Resolution virtue has three points that are easy to overlook. First is the word “ought” which indicates an obligation or duty, advisability or prudence, or desirability. We may envision grand ideas, dreams and hopes for ourselves, our family, our community and the world. But what do we need to do reach those visions? The challenge in this phrase alone reminds me of P.J. O’Rourke’s quote: “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.” Real work goes into defining the steps toward doing what we “ought” and that work oftentimes is not glamorous.


His next phrase pins us down, almost to the point of conviction: “perform without fail.” Ugh. He’s telling us to set a course of action, do something and (oh, by the way) don’t mess up. It’s as if he’s intentionally creating tension between our grandiose vision of “ought” by compelling us to get down to brass tacks. BFA’s interpretation of the Resolution virtue (keep your word. When you have a task, get it done. Turn in your homework on time and be prepared) teaches our students that the everyday things like our words, tasks, homework, and preparation are important building blocks to accomplish our goals and develop our character.


The final point, often overlooked, is the last word “resolve” and could be the reason why “New Year’s Resolutions” tend to go by the way-side after the first three weeks. We see gym parking lots filled to the brim in early January, but you can easily find a spot in late February. Research says that it takes 17-21 times to create a habit. Perhaps, but if that were the case, those parking lots would remain full well after the first three weeks of the year. But, they don’t. Why? Is it a matter of needing to resolve to resolve to keep our resolutions? Which can be like committing to commit. We know that we’re not supposed to use the word we’re defining in its definition, but what else could Ben Franklin say? In fact, the word “resolve” was so important, he used it as bookends in his definition. He knew that it takes a lifetime of little steps to focus our attention on living with intention.


Once we define our “ought” and our steps to perform without fail, we must do something to make it stick. And that, I believe, takes Resolve, Courage, Dedication, Definition of Purpose, Will. And, yes, Love.


Support BFA While You Shop!

If you are a King Soopers shopper, you can help earn money for BFA by signing up for King Soopers Community Rewards. Here's how!


To sign up for King Soopers Community Rewards:

  1. Sign in to your digital account at King Soopers Community Rewards. If you haven't already set up an account, set up your account and link your King Soopers card or phone number to your account.
  2. Click on Community Rewards, Enroll Now and search for Ben Franklin Parent Teacher Organization or enter our code XN773. Click Save.
  3. Next time you check out at King Sooper or City Market, scan your card (or enter your alternate ID), and BFA will get money back from your purchase.

It's CRAZY how quickly this program adds up and how much our school can earn. From July - September of this year, BFA has earned $2,426.96 back from this program!


Please contact Andreya Flanigan, PTO fundraising coordinator with any questions. Thank you, again, for your support of BFA and the PTO!

**Please note, In the past we also encouraged you to shop with Amazon Smile, but Amazon is phasing out that program.

Get to Know our BFA PTO Sponsors!

In the upcoming Principal Newsletters, the PTO plans to recognize all of our 2022-23 BFA PTO Sponsors. We are incredibly grateful for their support and excited to give each one a spotlight.


This week, we’re highlighting our top sponsors in the PLATINUM PLUS category; we’re very thankful for their support at our second highest donation level and hope you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to learn about these businesses.

Please read about them and watch the short videos from our sponsors on our BRAND NEW BFA PTO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: 

PTO Sponsor Videos

Rocke Orthodontics

Creating beautiful smiles is a family tradition and always a joy for Dr. Rocke. He comes from a long line of dentists, and has been in practice for more than 35 years. He has seen and treated most every type of orthodontic problem from the most minor to major cases including those requiring surgical jaw correction. Innovative, yet proven, methods to move teeth with Invisalign or traditional braces have been a hallmark of his treatment plans.

Dr. Rocke graduated from Indiana University School of Dentistry and received his master’s degree from St. Louis University in Orthodontics. After falling in love with the Rocky Mountains during a family vacation, he moved to Colorado to start his practice. Dr. Rocke is a career-long member of many professional dental organizations, has presented at seminars in the U.S. and abroad, and has mentored many orthodontic students.

When not busy creating beautiful smiles, Dr. Rocke enjoys cycling, skiing in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, ballroom dancing with his lovely wife, Rebecca, a registered nurse, and spending time with his daughter Elizabella



It was a sunny day when the very first Robeks was founded in 1996 in Southern California. We wanted a new juice spot that had better recipes, better taste, and better service than any other restaurant out there. Something sparked our smoothie obsession, and we were hooked. We set off on a mission: Open a place where healthy people could order all their vitamins in one serving. And it had to be creative and delicious—a place not-so-healthy people would love too. And Robeks was born.

Since the 90’s, our vision has grown nationwide. Each one serving up better tasting food and juice with better ingredients and better service. And it keeps getting better!

CONNECTION TO BFA: Grades 5, 7, and 8

Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Formal Uniform Day - Feb. 1

Doughnuts with Principals - Feb. 3

Spirit Day - Feb. 3


Comp Day - Feb. 17

President's Day - Feb. 20

Career Pathway Expo 2023

You're Welcome to Register for the Expo!

DCSD is offering an expo to highlight Postsecondary Readiness options available to our students including Career and Technical Education, Concurrent Enrollment, and Work-based Learning experiences. The Expo is being held from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 18, at the Legacy Campus. Students from across the district will share insights from participating in these programs and how the experience is preparing them to succeed in the future. Click here to register.

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
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