St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

The Friday Flash

April 26, 2024

We aren't the same when you are not here!

Friday Flash Notes for April 26, 2024

-Shirley Smith

One of many hymns that truly speaks to me is I THE LORD OF SEA AND SKY. The refrain that motivates each of us to be present and accountable when God calls us into service moves me every time.

    Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night.

               I will go Lord, if you lead me.  

I will hold your people in my heart.

The ways we can serve God and His people, knowing full well that it is “I/we” that God calls, are too numerous to count.  From inside our church and community to across the land we can offer our services to those in need and make a real difference.

Here at home, at Saint Andrews, this Spirit-filled congregation could improve in one area of commitment. Your Director of Music and her 100% faithful 9-voice choir take seriously their responsibility to prepare music for worship each week. We don’t merely glance at an anthem and sing it on Sunday. We work for weeks doing everything within our power to have a priceless gift to share with each of you. Now, in addition to our weekly responsibilities we offer special services that, obviously, require additional commitment of time and energy to prepare. 

We are blessed by a congregation that supports us both financially and with gracious comments that assure us we are being heard and appreciated. We are so grateful for that.

I wonder if you have noticed how flat a worship experience can be when you are the only one in the pew? Surely singing a hymn is less joyous and even the spoken word hangs weakly in the air giving very little sense of community.

As we respond faithfully to God’s call, may we endeavor to attend regular weekly worship services and special services like Holy Week, Taize and Evensong, making them a regular part of our lives. May we encourage others by our example and by doing so help to nurture and build up the Body of Christ.


Shirley Smith

Director of Music Ministries

This Week

5th Sunday in Easter

Holy Eucharist Rite II

For the Sunday Service Bulletin



10am Worship


To watch on Facebook

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11:00am Coffee Hour

Dear St. Andrew's Family, I sincerely apologize for the omission of two paragraphs in last weeks' Friday Flash Notes section. It was not my intention to cut Michelle's article short. Please accept my apology and enjoy this reprint in it's entirety. Tina McGee

“Children and St. Andrew’s”

By Michelle Johnson


Jesus is known for his concern for the marginalized: social outcasts, prostitutes, the sick, and the focus of this Friday Flash: children. “Let the little children come unto me,” Jesus was purported to have said. I don’t know if that’s actually in the Bible or not, but Christians of all denominations are familiar with it. For some, this “quote” conjures a warm and equally familiar image: Jesus, in his sandals and white cloak, kneels on the ground, children surrounding him and sitting on his lap with bright eyes and smiling faces.


For as long as my family has been at St. Andrew’s (22 years), children have been both a strength and a challenge: “We’ve got great kids in this parish,” we’ve always reminded ourselves. Yet throughout the years we’ve also asked: to what extent should we include children in worship? Who will volunteer next to run our (now defunct) Church School? Is a monthly children’s sermon necessary given that there are so few children to listen? And, the question of the day: How do we attract more families with children to St. Andrew’s and convince them to stay?


Of course, we’re not alone in this struggle. My quick Google search for “children in the Episcopal church” brought up several articles with disheartening titles like “How the Episcopal Church is Failing Its Youth” or “The Death of the Episcopal Church is Near.” One culprit is sheer demographics: in a 2019 article, Ryan Burge identified the modal age of an Episcopalian as 69. But this isn’t the whole story. As the Reverend Noah Van Niel writes, “kids are generally wonderful but busy, and church is not often on the top of the priority list.”


As I reflect on the topic of children at St. Andrew’s over the years, there’s a lot to celebrate. When my children were born, I didn’t cook for weeks thanks to our Calling and Caring ministry. My babies were also showered with clothing, books, and toys. These traditions continue today. When my children were young, they attended Church School, which was run by a small but extraordinarily dedicated group of parishioner-parents, who generously gave their time and talents to teach our children about God and the Episcopal faith. Several rectors over the years dedicated one Sunday a month to children, delivering a children’s sermon and inviting children to the altar for an instructed Eucharist. The annual St. Andrew’s tradition of the visit of St. Nicholas of Myra put children front and center: St. Nicholas “arrived” in the sanctuary and taught the children about himself and how he’s distinct from Santa Claus. Before he left, he filled their shoes with oranges and chocolate coins.


Beyond these children-focused events, we’ve also had strong intergenerational activities that brought children and adults together to accomplish a common goal: Crop Walks and Rise Against Hunger events addressed food insecurity locally and in the world. For the annual Rogation service, we gathered at the Reeves’s farm for outdoor worship and delicious food. In anticipation of this event, my children would ask: “When are we going to have church with the cows, Mommy?” Most recently, intergenerational music programs have enriched our Christmas and Easter services.


When it comes to children, we’ve done many things right. But if we want to make our children (and their parents) feel welcome enough to stay and if we want to ensure the future of the church, we still have some work to do. We’ve made some necessary and wonderful enhancements to our property over the years to improve accessibility, including sanctuary renovations and parking lot upgrades. We installed solar panels to ensure the financial health of the parish and help us be faithful stewards of God’s creation. Generous donors believed in these projects and made them happen. But what about our children? Could we also find willing donors to support a youth program with a paid youth director? We’ve entertained this possibility several times in the past two decades, and each time we’ve decided that other initiatives were more important. We rationalized our decision by telling ourselves: “We don’t have enough children to justify it” and “We’re simply an older congregation.” In the meantime, numerous families with children have left St. Andrew’s for churches with youth programs.


What can we do? Let’s begin by acknowledging and upholding the families and children we’re thankful to have with us. On Sunday, I challenge you to thank a parent for being at St. Andrew’s and for bringing their children to church (even if not every Sunday). After all, they could be anywhere – in bed sleeping or on the soccer field – but they’ve chosen to worship with us. Next, thank our children. Tell them that we’re happy they’re with us and that we appreciate every part of them: their loud voices, their boundless energy, their unending curiosity, their relentless appetites. Finally, pray for the present and future of our youth ministry. If you have the talent or training or feel called to this, or if you want to share your treasure to start a youth program, talk to our wardens or a vestry member. Let’s challenge ourselves to keep an open mind as we look ahead and maybe even experiment with new ways to engage our youngest parishioners. Together, and with God’s help, we can and will move forward. Our children and the church deserve it.

Please say special prayers for our beloved choir member Brandon Linn and his family on the loss of Brandon's brother Reese Conklin in a house fire. The family is well supplied with donations of furniture and household items, but we will be collecting funds from St. Andrew's to contribute to the Reese Conklin Memorial Fund as Service First Federal Credit Union. You can place cash in and envelope marked Reese Conklin Memorial Fund in the collection plate or you can write a check to St. Andrew's with Reese Conklin Memorial fund in the memo line. Checks can go in the collection plate or mailed to the church office. Any questions please contact Maggie.

News and Announcements

  • Next Sunday, May 5 will be a Morning Prayer service.

  • Sunday May 12 will be a Healing service.

  • A reminder to ALL who use the church building to be sure all the doors are locked and latched before leaving the property. We need to work together to keep everyone and our lovely church home safe.

THANK YOU for keeping our community beautiful!

Volunteer Opportunities

Diaper Bank

Last month we served 50 babies! Volunteers are needed at the Diaper Bank. Please sign up to participate in this important ministry!

Sunday, April 28,

THIS IS THE HOUR OF BANQUET AND OF SONG is our opening hymn. The tune Morestead was written by Sidney Watson and named to honor a village through which he frequently traveled by bicycle on his way to Winchester.

THE STRIFE IS O’ER by the nineteenth century composer Henry Ley comes around again this Easter season this time sung by the choir. Enjoy one of our favorite closing hymns by singing LORD DISMISS US WITH THY BLESSING. This tune is universally popular as it is so catchy and easy to sing. The postlude is MAJESTY arranged by Hayford. MAJESTY is a popular praise hymn inspired while vacationing in England in 1977 when everyone was celebrating the 25th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. The extent of tributes to royalty led Hayford to an aha moment. Should we not hold in higher esteem our Lord and Savior, our King of Kings?

Reports & News

Supply Clergy through August 2024

click here

Vestry Minutes for February 2024


Budget for 2024

Click Here

Pray for those in need: Scott R. and family, Brandon L., Carl M., Marcia S., Ron K., John, Alison, John S., Jamie T., Kathy K., Cameron M., Carolyn S., Mary L., Nina, Sammy Sasso, Sue N., Yara. Zaya, Sydney C. The homebound: Don & Wilma; Those in long term care: David, Liz; for the departed: Reese C., David, Barbara R. For all police, fire-fighters, and first responders; those in the military: Drew M., Kyle M., Jeff Noonan and his National Guard Unit deployed to Syria.

Pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael our Presiding Bishop, and Audrey our Bishop; for our supply clergy, and all clergy and people of our diocese.


Pray for the Anglican Communion, especially the Anglican church in Bangladesh. For The Episcopal Church in our Diocese, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church (York), and in our own convocation Christ Church(Berwick)

Pray for this week's Outreach Ministries: Prayer Shawl Ministry and Transitions


We remember and pray for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week: Jane Stamm (27), Ned Searles (27)

To add or remove someone from the prayer list please email the church office.


Mission Statement

We, a loving and inclusive community united in Christ, both joyfully and humbly celebrate our tradition and faith through worship, fellowship, spiritual formation, and prayer. With our commitment to love, justice, and peace for all peoples, we stand ever ready to share with others the bounty of God's grace to God's greater glory.

(revised by Vestry on February 28, 2023)

Vestry Members

Senior Warden: Maggie Chappen (

Junior Warden: Troy Williamson (


Marcia Sherman, Ned Searles


Judy Hontz, Maggie Chappen, Troy Williamson,


Regina Weyer, Jon Frey


Cathy Habegger, Loren Gustafson

St. Andrew's Parish Office Hours


2:30-5:00 pm

Contact St Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

255 S. Derr Dr, Lewisburg PA 17837


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