Weekly eNews

April 26, 2024

This Weekend at St. Michael's

Instructed Eucharist

This Sunday, Both Services

Ever wonder why we say, sing, or do certain things during our worship services? This Sunday we will have an "Instructed Eucharist," which will involve learning about the liturgy as we move through it. A combination of side panel text commentary in the bulletin and further verbal explanation by a priest or other worship participant will be used. (See image of sample bulletin page.) Regardless of your age or years of experience in the Episcopal church, we think you will learn something new through this experience!

Sunday Forum:

"Rest, Renew, Reconnect"

This Sunday, 9:15 AM

Join the Rev. Matt Holcombe this Sunday for a faith-filled conversation about the spiritual mandate to rest, renew, and reconnect. In addition, Matt will share some insights and experiences he is looking forward to on his upcoming sabbatical that begins May 8. Join us online or in-person.

Sunday Stillness

Continuing this Sunday

10:00 - 10:25 AM

"Sunday Stillness" with the Well Imagining Team continues this Sunday downstairs in the Prayer Room from 10:00 - 10:25 AM. This week's practice of Visio Divina will involve using imagery in The Saint John's Bible to meditate and pray. You are welcome to attend any of these offerings as your schedule permits. In the upcoming weeks we'll focus on... May 5 - Breath Prayer, May 12 - Lectio Divina, May 19 - Sacred Chant.

FREE Royal Gorge Concert

This Saturday, April 27

2:00 - 3:00 PM

We are so excited to again be hosting the Royal Gorge Philharmonic and Air Force Academy Cadet Chorale for the premier of Great Are the Words of Isaiah, by composer/conductor Gerald Willis. This one-hour FREE concert will feature organ, soloists, a multi-church choir and string orchestra....and of course our own Daniel Foster and Amalia Dobbins! We hope you will join for this wonderful event!

Creating Space

This Saturday, 9:00 AM - Noon

We are all longing for the Colorado spring to fully arrive and stay. We will be Creating Space for that change with a nature craft this Saturday, April 27. Join any time between 9:00 and noon to paint, sew, write, listen to music, and more. You are welcome to sit and share time and space, working on whatever creative activity fills your soul, or join in with others to learn something new.

Pinwheel Garden

Child Abuse Awareness Month

Pinwheels are a reflection of the hope, health, and safety-filled childhood everyone deserves, and it is the national symbol of child abuse prevention. This weekend, we are creating a pinwheel garden at St. Michael's in recognition of Child Abuse Awareness Month. Stop by the table in the Gathering Space after either service Sunday to learn more about the child advocacy work being done by Blue Sky Bridge and to make a pinwheel to add to our garden.

On the Calendar

This Sunday, April 28

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Volunteer to Help with Worship this Sunday

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?

Click above to sign up today & thank you!

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir

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- Worship Bulletin

Education & More! 

9:15 AM Education for All

Sunday Forum

Rest, Renew, Reconnect

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- Watch on Facebook

10:00 AM Sunday Stillness

Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.

Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after each service.

View Weekly Church Calendar

Upcoming Events & Parish Life

Monthly Usher & Coffee Host Teams

A Few More Members Needed!

We are still needing a few more regular monthly volunteers for our new usher and coffee hour teams. Each weekly team will serve once a month on the same Sunday each month, e.g. Week 1: 8:00 AM service, Week 1: 10:30 AM service, Week 2: 8:00 AM service, etc. Please prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment to one of these ministries, and/or signing up to be a substitute, by clicking below. Your involvement will truly make a difference each Sunday!

Sign Up for Usher Team
Sign Up for Coffee Hour Team

Senior Sendoff Sunday

Sunday, May 5, 10:30 AM

Next Sunday at the 10:30 AM service, we will be celebrating our graduating seniors and presenting each of them with a scholarship award from their St. Michael's family. If you would like to contribute to this, we ask that you please do so by May 1 by clicking below, choosing the "Youth" dropdown and entering "Senior Scholarship" in the note. Our seniors are Kendall Dale, Sophia DeJoia, Daniel de Lourenco, Sophia Dickerman, Allie Holcombe, Caroline Marshall, Keira Noble, Ben Wandfluh, and Declan Wilhelmsen.

Donate to Senior Scholarships

Donation Opportunity

Youth Summer Trips

This summer, eleven of our St. Michael's middle & high schoolers will be joining with peers from the diocese to embark on adventures that will cross state lines. The first trip will be to New Mexico for service opportunities and the second will be a pilgrimage in Utah focused on spiritual growth and exploration. If you would like to help ensure these trips are financially accessible for all, please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Summer Trip Support" in the note. Each donation of $50 or more will come with a "flat pilgrim" (pictured above) that will allow you to "join" the participants in spirit on their adventures.

Donate to Youth Trip Support

May - July Worship Volunteers

Please Sign Up Online

While some aspects of life at St. Mike's slow down a bit in summer, our need for worship volunteers remains the same. Please consider signing up today to be a reader, chalice bearer, acolyte, or greeter in the upcoming months.

Sign Up as Worship Volunteer

Ascension Day Evensong

Thursday, May 9, 7:00 PM

Join us for a Choral Evensong observing the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 PM. This reflective service with music, prayer, and scripture celebrates Jesus’ ascension into heaven 40 days after Easter.

Outdoor Parish Work Day

Saturday, May 11

8:00 AM - Noon

Help us get ready for our first Outdoor Worship Service & Parish Picnic on May 26! We have a variety of projects suited for any age and skill level. Please click below to see the specific list and to register. 

Sign Up for Parish Work Day

Habitat Build

Saturday, May 18

12:45 - 4:30 PM

You are encouraged to "put faith into action" and participate in the Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build on the afternoon of Saturday, May 18. This ecumenical build brings together local churches from around El Paso County in fellowship and prayer to build a house in partnership with a family from our community in need of affordable housing. 

Sign Up for Habitat Build

Vacation Bible School,

LEGO VBS: Faith Builders

Registration & Build Days

Registration is open now for an immersive Vacation Bible School experience at St. Michael’s on June 24 - 26 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM. This three night program will educate participants about God, provide fun and engaging games and activities, and create opportunities for bonding and relationship building. And of course... there will be lots and lots of LEGO! Children from 4 years old to rising 6th graders are invited to participate, and 7th graders through graduating seniors are invited to serve as teen helpers. Click below to learn more and to sign up participants and volunteers.

We also need help building/prepping for VBS, so to learn more about these volunteer dates, click below as well.

Sign Up for VBS or to Volunteer
Sign Up for Build Days

Exploring Your Vocation Day

May 4, 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Discernment is at the heart of our baptismal call. For some, that call is manifest in pursuing ordained ministry or a call to religious life. The Diocese of Colorado will be hosting an "Exploring Your Vocation" Discernment Day at St. Michael's that is open to anyone in the diocese wanting to know more about the various orders: the Diaconate, the Priesthood, and the Vowed Religious Life. Registration required. 

Learn More & Register for  Vocation Day

Need A Little Jesus?

We all need a little Jesus in our lives! If you haven't already gotten "A Little Jesus" to take along with you or share with others, please pick one up at the Welcome Table. If you're sharing a little Jesus within or beyond our walls, we'd love to know about it. Please send pictures to Ama Couch at

Rev. Matt's Sabbatical

May 8 - August 8

The Rev. Matt Holcombe will be on sabbatical May 8 to August 8 for a planned time of rest and renewal. But not to worry, during this time our gifted clergy team, talented staff, supportive Vestry, and dedicated lay leaders will ensure St. Michael's continues to live into its mission. We kindly ask that you honor Matt's time away and refrain from contacting him. The Rev. Vicki Hesse will be overseeing church operations in May, and the Rev. Frank Allen will be our Priest in Residence to oversee operations in June and July. Please keep Matt in your prayers!

Summer Archangel

Article Deadline: May 15

Summer is quickly approaching, and the deadline for the Summer Archangel covering June - August is coming up. Please send any submissions to Ama Couch at by May 15.

Quick Links of Interest

Birthdays This Week:

April 28 - Linda Dameron

April 28 - Beth Roach

April 28 - Leeha Wood

May 1 - Marsha Sterling

May 2 - Charles Brown

May 3 - Terry Bryan

May 3 - Claire Rische

May 4 - Jonathan Farmer

May 4 - Jim Moore

May 4 - Gavin Wandfluh

Anniversaries This Week:

April 28 - Eugene & Tamika Richardson

May 1 - Carl & Michele Nesbitt

May 4 - Joanne Sanders & Kathy Armstrong 

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

7400 Tudor Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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