February 7, 2024

Gambling First Up in Alabama House

Alabama House of Representatives leadership marked gambling a top legislative priority for the 2024 Regular Session that convened this week in Montgomery.

A comprehensive gambling bill is expected to be introduced in the Alabama House Feb. 8. The bill is said to expand gambling through the addition of a state lottery, sports betting, casino gambling and online betting.

A public hearing could be held in the House Tuesday, Feb. 13, or Wednesday, Feb. 14, with a vote expected by Thursday, Feb. 15. There is no timeline for when the Senate will consider the package.

Alabama Farmers Federation policy states: "We oppose gambling in all forms. Casino Gaming, State Lottery, Sports Betting, Electronic Gaming and Online Gambling."

“We encourage our members to contact their legislators today and ask them to vote ‘no’ on any effort to legalize gambling,” said Brian Hardin, the Federation's External Affairs Department Director. “Reaching out and remaining in contact should be a top priority for Federation members.” 

Gov. Kay Ivey supported giving voters an opportunity to vote on gambling during her Feb. 6 State of the State address.

"The recent talks are a clear contrast to the conservative values of Alabama farmers who constitute the state’s largest grassroots organization," said Federation Agricultural Legislation Director Preston Roberts. "The Federation's membership has continued to affirm its stance on gambling year after year through its member-driven policy development process."

Click here for Federation legislative priorities.

Appropriators Pressed to Freeze H-2A Wage Rate

Ten Republican U.S. senators are asking House and Senate appropriators to freeze H-2A wage rates at January 2023 levels. U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., led the charge for the Feb. 6 letter.

Yearly wage hikes add significant financial strains for producers who rely on guest workers as the domestic labor pool shrinks. Lawmakers are seeking to reinstate a delay between the posting of Adverse Effect Wage Rates and its implementation period, which would be removed under a rule proposed in 2023 by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Read the letter here.

Meet State WLC Chair Debbie Dunn

Debbie Dunn’s love for language impacted hundreds last year through encouraging invocations she led as the Alabama Farmers Federation State Women’s Leadership Committee (WLC) vice chair.

Her way with words will reach further in 2024. Committee members named Dunn chairman during the Federation’s annual meeting in December.

“I want to make sure women have a voice and are able to tell the story of farming with others, whether it’s going into schools and sharing a book or helping with farm tours,” said Dunn of Geneva County.

Through her year of service, the retired teacher will tap into skills honed in the classroom and at her family’s farm on the Alabama-Florida line.

Debbie and husband Steve live on their row crop and cattle farm near Samson. Steve is the Geneva County Farmers Federation president.

Read more of her story here.

Meet State YFC Chair Dillon Turk 

Mobile County’s Dillon Turk never outgrew his childhood nursery in Semmes. 

“I grew up playing out here,” said Turk, riding through his family’s wholesale container nursery. “This was my summer job. The older I got, the more serious it became. By high school, I knew this was what I wanted to do forever.” 

Turk’s passion to spend life in agriculture led to his newly elected position as the Alabama Farmers Federation State Young Farmers Committee chairman.

Martin’s Nursery was founded in 1973 by Turk’s maternal grandfather, Buddy Martin. The family farmland, once a dairy, gradually shifted from an 8-acre nursery to its current 160 production acres.

After earning a horticulture degree from Auburn University, Turk returned to Semmes to join the family operation.

“Now I get to share it with my wife, Hannah, and our three children," Turk said. 

Read more of his story here.


Alabama cattle and calves totaled 1.17 million head as of Jan. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS). U.S. cattle inventory totaled 87.2 million head. Click here to read more.

Submitted by Chris Prevatt


A federal judge has rescinded the use of dicamba, an herbicide that has been embroiled in controversy since 2016 because of potential off-target damage. David Bury, a U.S. district judge in Arizona, determined the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated notice-and-comment requirements when the agency issued new use registrations for cotton and soybean dicamba-tolerant crops in 2020. Products affected are Bayer’s Xtendimax, BASF’s Engenia and Syngenta’s Tavium. 

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the registrations June 2020 but then declined to halt the product's use. EPA allowed producers to use dicamba on hand since it was the growing season. The recent ruling's impact on acreage is unclear at this time.


Submitted by Carla Hornady


Alabama goat inventory is at 44,900 head, 6% below last year, according to USDA NASS. U.S. goat inventory totaled 2.47 million head as of Jan. 1. This is down 2% from last year. Click here to read more.

Submitted by Chris Prevatt


Financial relief will soon be available to assist Alabama landowners adversely affected by cogongrass. Cogongrass Mitigation Program applications launch Feb. 20 at 8 a.m. The portal will remain open until March 29 at 5 p.m. or until the application threshold is reached. Eligibility for the funding requires that applicants be private, non-industrial landowners. Click here for more information.

Submitted by William Green


Over 400 peanut growers from Alabama and Florida fine-tuned their farming operations with information gained at the Alabama-Florida Peanut Trade Show. The trade show, Feb. 1 at the National Peanut Festival fairgrounds in Dothan, was hosted by Alabama Peanut Producers Association and Florida Peanut Producers Association. Click here to read more.

Submitted by Kaye Lynn Hataway of Alabama Peanut Producers Association


The National Pork Board (NPB) deployed checkoff dollars in domestic and international markets to drive volume and value in 2023. NPB is working with the entire supply chain to drive demand for quality U.S.-raised pork and making the case for consumers to buy more pork. Click here to learn more.

Submitted by Colton Christjohn

McKenzie Farms Continues Leafy Green Legacy

Rows of leafy greens extend farther than the eye can see at McKenzie Farms in Baldwin County. 

Those greens carpet the Fairhope fields from fall to late winter. This includes broccoli, cauliflower and collards for the retail farmers market, plus heads of cabbage for the wholesale business, Mike McKenzie said. 

“Our cabbage season kicks off in September, with continual planting of green and red cabbage until early November,” Mike said. “We get in the field to harvest at the start of December. Because we plant in intervals, we cut our crop until March.” 

The harvest is done in two ways — hand cut and via mechanization, thanks to a special cabbage harvester added three years ago. 

That original 1960s farm has grown to 1,400 acres of row crops and produce operated by Mike; his brother, Tommy; and other family members.

Read the story here.

Kannan Named Head of Auburn Poultry Science Department

Auburn University (AU) has named Govind Kannan as its head for the Department of Poultry Science and director of the Charles C. Miller Poultry Research and Education Center, effective June 1. Kannan currently serves as Fort Valley State University’s vice president for land-grant affairs and economic development.


“Dr. Kannan was chosen for his extensive experience in academic research, university leadership, and poultry and veterinary practice,” said Paul Patterson, dean of the AU College of Agriculture. “This impressive background positions Dr. Kannan – as well as the poultry science department – for much success in the future. I look forward to welcoming him to Auburn and working with him in his new role.”

Read more here.

Get Ag-Tive

Federation Forestry and Wildlife Seminar

The Alabama Farmers Federation's Forestry & Wildlife Seminar is March 8 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Federation home office in Montgomery. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. To register, call Deborah Long at (334) 613-4216 or email William Green at

Click here for the agenda.

Federation Beef Cattle and Forage Summit

The Federation's Beef Cattle and Forage Summit is March 26 at the Federation home office from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in Montgomery.

The agenda is centered on nutrition, feeder calf health and a market outlook. Tickets are limited. The cost is $20 and includes lunch. Click here to register.

Quick Clicks

  • U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., has outlined her proposal on strengthening the farm safety net in the 2024 Farm Bill. She chairs the Senate Ag Committee. Click here to read more.

  • The Environmental Protection Agency has affirmed its finding that evidence is insufficient to link exposure from paraquat, an herbicide, to Parkinson’s Disease in humans. Click here to learn more.

Simply Southern TV Airs Season 10

Simply Southern TV turns 10 this year! Tune in to your local station to see new episodes air during the weekend or watch on RFD-TV on Wednesdays.

Feb. 10/11/14: The Mill at Prattville; Joyce’s Cheese Straws in Selma; Boydston Hay Farm; the Catfish Trail visits Batter Up in Childersburg; and a Southern Bite recipe for Chocolate Cherry Pistachio Pecan Cookies, sponsored by Priester's.

Feb. 17/18/21: The rebuilding of Milstead Gin in Shorter; wood turner Bud Rogers of Jackson; What’s in Season with Sweet Grown Alabama; Discover Extension’s spotlight on ForestHER; and a Southern Bite recipe for Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff, sponsored by Alabama Cattlemen’s Association.

To find out where and when the show airs near you, visit and click “Where To Watch.”

Events & Deadlines

  • Feb. 21 - Taste of Alabama Legislative Reception. Formal invitation required to attend.

  • Feb. 28 - Calhoun County Beef Cattle Field Day hosted by the Calhoun County Young Farmers. The free event is located in Alexandria and open for anyone to attend. Click here to learn more.

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