monthly newsletter
Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance
Toast to the Tribs
Award Benefit Livestream
Tuesday, June 22, 7 PM
Join us for the Toast to the Tribs as we celebrate the accomplishments of our Watershed WaveMaker awardees! Our annual awards benefit will be a livestream and open to all to view. We encourage your generous donations!
The livestream will feature live music from the Lara Hope Trio. Winner of the 2017 Ameripolitan Music Award for Best Female Rockabilly Artist, Lara and her band and know for their hi-flyin' roots rock n' roll and rockabilly twang!
Congratulations to our 2021 Watershed WaveMakers!
Alene Onion - Individual
Bronx River Alliance - Watershed Group
Outdoor Promise - Organization
Stormwater Coalition of Albany County - Institution
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Watershed Sponsors
Hudson Valley Regional Council
JSA Sustainable Wealth Management
Creek Sponsor
Hudson River Foundation
Stream Sponsors
Chazen, A LaBella Company
Delaware Engineering
Gordon & Svenson, LLP
Hazen and Sawyer
Tighe & Bond
Brook Sponsors
CEA Engineers
Common Ground Consulting, LLC
Technical support provided by Radio Kingston
Sponsor the Toast to the Tribs! Click here for more information.
Breakfast Lecture: Soundscape Indicators of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Human Influences in the Hudson River Watershed
Thursday, June 10, 8:30-9:30 AM
Featured Speaker: Dr. Aaron N. Rice, Principal Ecologist and Senior Research Associate, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University
By recording underwater sounds with specialized instrumentation, we can understand which fishes are active in particular habitats, when they are spawning, and how behavior and ecology of fishes is driven by abiotic or anthropogenic processes. As part of a collaborative project between Cornell University, NYS DEC, and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, we are deploying hydrophones in various habitats along the main stem and tributaries of the Hudson River to understand its diversity of soundscapes. While our acoustic exploration of this dynamic ecosystem has just begun, we are quickly gaining insight into how bioacoustics can help us understand, manage and conserve the Hudson River.
Water Science through Storytelling
On May 18, Hudson River Watershed Alliance and Siena College held a virtual film screening and panel discussion on using storytelling as a way to communicate information on water and watershed science. Funding for this program was provided by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI) through Let’s Talk About Water, a program that aims to, through film, inspire discussion and spark debate about local, regional, and global water issues.
Our panelists included filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, Kathy High (NATURE Lab Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media), Will Lytle (Thorneater Comics), Branda Miller (Arts and Education Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media), and Anne Toomey (Assistant Professor at Pace University).
We began the event with a screening of the short film “A Living River” by writer, filmmaker and adventurer, Jon Bowermaster. This film shared a hopeful story about the ecology of the Hudson River and those who are working hard to clean and protect it, and served as an example of effective science storytelling. "A Living River" is available to view online here, along with the other Hudson River Stories in the series.
Still from the Jon Bowermaster/Oceans 8 Films documentary "A Living River."
There are several key elements to a story. The narrative should start in one place, actions lead to a climax, and the ending brings resolution, arriving in a different place than we started at the beginning. A story will take place in a particular scene and with specific characters. Effective stories convey emotions to connect with audiences, and a variety of media can be used to tell them.
Panelists responding to the question, what elements make a story particularly compelling or meaningful?
Our panelists also highlighted several other important factors in an effective story: people, passion, sensory details, and a balance between more universal and specific experiences. Their storytelling projects have included films, books, comics, podcasts, articles, and more.
Will Lytle, aka Thorneater Comics, wrote and illustrated a children's book called "Little One and the Water" to show children what a healthy stream looks and feels like. The specific plant and animal species in his illustrations of each ecosystem serve as characters, which children can recognize both on the pages and when they explore outdoors.
Will Lytle, aka Thorneater Comics, shares how his children's book uses specific plant and animal species in each ecosystem as characters.
New research from the fields of psychology and neuroscience reinforce the value of both stories and hands-on experiences to educate and engage people. Dr. Anne Toomey from Pace University explained that, "We absorb facts into our existing beliefs... We have to get away from just giving people the facts." Instead, she said, stories and behavior change can lead to changes in perspectives. "Just get people involved, bring people down to the waterfront. It doesn't matter what they think about the water yet. Just have that as a starting off place. And then, see what develops from there."
Dr. Anne Toomey from Pace University shares important new research indicating that while facts don't change minds, stories and experiences can and do.
Hands-on, participatory art and science is the foundation of the Sanctuary for Independent Media's work. Kathy High. Project Coordinator for the NATURE Lab Urban Environmental Education Center with The Sanctuary for Independent Media, shared a story about the power of students getting to experience science first-hand. "When you get your hands wet, when you get your hands into something, then something becomes material and very tangible. This is when people begin to really process, what is happening, and what can happen with that information."
Kathy High, Project Coordinator for the NATURE Lab Urban Environmental Education Center with The Sanctuary for Independent Media, describes how a hands-on experience can help people relate to information in a new way.
Stories can also help sway public opinion, especially when sharing information in an accessible format that includes a call to action. Jon Bowermaster described how one of his short films helped the public learn about the issue of barge anchorages and take action. "In the end, I think there were 10,000 comments sent to the Coast Guard, saying that these communities, these individuals, did not want oil barges parked off their shorelines."
Jon Bowermaster, filmmaker, shares how one of his short films helped the public learn about an issue and take action.
Branda Miller, Arts and Education Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media, underscored the need for intersectional environmental justice stories. "Environmental storytelling can't be silo-ed. It is critical to be in parallel with intersectional justice storytelling." She gave examples of intersectional storytelling from their work with the Water Justice Fellows.
Branda Miller, Arts and Education Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media, describes the need for environmental storytelling to be intersectional with justice issues, both past and present.
Branda and Dr. Toomey also shared advice for respectful community engagement in storytelling, and especially avoiding white savior narratives. We learned that even though this panel was the first time they have met, Branda has been using a framework developed by Dr. Toomey as part of an article she published in 2009! You can check out that article here.
The panelists discuss how to empower communities with respectful engagement, and how to be mindful of white savior narratives and other harmful tropes.
The panel closed with some last words of advice to people who are interested in getting started with storytelling, including using storytelling in working with students. Their recommendations include: knowing how to structure and tell a story is just as important as the environmental information you want to convey; effective stories are grounded in personal experience, expertise, and passion; each person's individual story is worth telling and hearing; seeking out examples of really great stories can help teach you about what makes a story work well; and "kitchen table conversations" are really effective in more information storytelling and getting the word out about issues.
We've posted additional resources on storytelling, along with the full program recording, on the Hudson River Watershed Alliance's website here.
Our panelists gave advice to people interested in starting to tell stories, both in teaching college students and more broadly.
NYS DEC: Applications for funding to support eligible dam repairs due June 11
DEC is now accepting applications for grants to assist with technical, planning, design, and other pre-construction activities associated with the rehabilitation of eligible dams classified as High Hazard dams. Local governmental entities and municipalities, including but not limited to counties, cities, towns, and villages, and not-for-profit corporations with dam projects in New York State are eligible to apply. Projects must be in a county with an approved hazard mitigation plan. Projects and applicants must meet additional eligibility criteria as described in the Request for Applications. A total of $650,000 in grants is available, with awards up to $100,000 per project. Funding is provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) High Hazard Potential Dam (HHPD) grant program.
NYS DEC: Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant applications due July 1
Community Impact Grants provide funding for projects that address environmental and public health threats in low-income and minority communities, such as a large number of regulated facilities, contaminated sites, noise, air, and water pollution, health problems and a lack of green space and waterfront access. $4.1 million is available for community-based organizations to fully or partially fund projects that address environmental justice related concerns including, but not limited to environmental research, community gardens, tree plantings, education and curriculum development, urban farming training, habitat restoration, and the monitoring of air, and water quality. Organizations can apply to receive up to $100,000 in funding. These grants have helped communities generate data through community-based science and have helped to engage residents in addressing and understanding the challenges and opportunities for improving community health, safety, and sustainability.
New York State: Consolidated Funding Application grants due July 30
New York State’s Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) allows communities to design comprehensive projects and with one application, apply to multiple state funding sources. You can download the 2021 CFA Resources Available Guide, sign up for informational webinars on the 2021 CFA grants and log into the CFA online. More than $750 million in funding is available from over 30 state programs for many eligible project types, including:
Water Quality Improvement Projects (WQIP): WQIP funds implement projects to address documented water quality impairments or protect a drinking water source. A total of $65 million is available. Eligible project types include: Wastewater Treatment Improvement, Non-Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control, Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection, Salt Storage, Aquatic Connectivity Restoration, and Marine District Habitat Restoration. Eligible Applicants include: Municipalities (eligible for all project types), Soil and Water Conservation Districts (eligible for all project types) and Not-for-Profit Corporations are eligible for Aquatic Connectivity Restoration, Marine District Habitat Restoration, and Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection only. All eligible applicants are encouraged to apply. For more information, view DEC's WQIP webpage.
Non-Agricultural Nonpoint Source Planning and MS4 Mapping Grant (NPG): NPG funds production of planning reports for nonpoint source water quality improvement projects and mapping of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4). A total of $3 million is available this round. Eligible grant categories include: 1) Nonpoint Source Planning Reports which include: Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Failing On-Site Treatment Systems, Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Retrofits, Streambank/Shoreline Stabilization, In-Waterbody Controls for Nutrients, Bathing Beach Restoration and Stream Culvert Repair and Replacement. 2) MS4 Mapping. Eligible applicants include: Municipalities; Soil and Water Conservation Districts (except for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Failing On-Site Treatment Systems) for Nonpoint Source Planning Reports and Municipalities; Soil and Water Conservation Districts; Regulated traditional MS4s for MS4 Mapping projects. For more details, view DEC's NPG webpage.
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program: NYS Department of State (NYSDOS) is seeking applications to advance strategies for community and waterfront revitalization. Up to $27.75 million is available this round. Eligible projects include: Preparing or Updating a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP); Preparing an LWRP Component, including a Watershed Management Plan; Updating an LWRP to Mitigate Future Physical Climate Risks; and Implementing a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program or a completed LWRP Component. Eligible applicants include villages, towns, or cities located along New York’s coasts or inland waterways as designated pursuant to Executive Law, Article 42, and counties with the consent and acting on behalf of one or more eligible villages, towns or cities. For more details, visit the NYSDOS LWRP webpage.
Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP): The Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP) through NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation supports projects across New York State that utilize unique stormwater infrastructure design and create cutting-edge green technologies. The GIGP will provide up to $15 million in grant on a competitive basis to projects that improve water quality and mitigate the effects of climate change through the implementation of one or more of the following green practices: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Energy Efficiency, and Water Efficiency. More information is on the NYS EFC GIGP webpage.
Engineering Planning Grant Program (EPG): The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC), in conjunction with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), will offer grants to municipalities to help pay for the initial planning of eligible Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) water quality projects. Up to $2.5 million has been made available for this round of the Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant (EPG) program. Grants of up to $100,000 are available to municipalities to fund engineering and planning to produce an engineering report. The goal of the EPG program is to encourage communities to advance water quality projects to design and ultimately construction by funding the development of an engineering report so the community may be prepared to seek financing through the CWSRF program, Water Quality Improvement Project program, or other funding entities to further pursue the identified solution. More information is on the NYS EFC EPG webpage.
Climate Smart Communities (CSC): The CSC Grant Program provides funding for municipalities to address climate change mitigation (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) and climate change adaptation (reduction of risk associated with climate change hazards) at the local level. Projects are divided into two categories. 1. Implementation: These projects either reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the non- power sector (e.g., transportation, refrigerants, food waste) or reduce risks to residents, infrastructure, and/or natural resources from hazards linked to climate change (e.g., cooling centers, flood plain restoration, reduction of flood risk) and 2. Certification: This category includes inventories, assessments, and planning projects that build local capacity to respond to climate change. These projects also move municipalities toward being designated as certified Climate Smart Communities, if they choose to become certified. Up to $11 million is available this round. All municipalities in New York State are eligible. Visit the CSC grants page on the DEC website for more info.
Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant Program: NYSDOS is seeking applications to advance the preparation of municipal comprehensive plans to establish land-use policies which support smart growth and clean energy principles for the community. Eligible activities include those needed to develop a new Comprehensive Plan or a Comprehensive Plan update that is consistent with Smart Growth Principles. Up to $1 million is available. Eligible applicants include villages, towns, cities; counties, regional planning entities, and eligible not-for-profit organizations on behalf of a municipality. For more information, visit the NYSDOS Smart Growth Comp Planning webpage.
Hudson River Valley Greenway: Planning and Trails Grant applications due September 10 and November 8
The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects. Plans can include natural resource inventories, open space plans, comprehensive plans, and more. The Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy Trails Grant Program is dedicated to funding recreational trail projects.
NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Flood Resilience Handbook for Hudson River Public Access Sites from Troy to Yonkers
Public access sites, including parks, preserves, boat launches, and fishing piers along the shores of the tidal Hudson provide recreational, scenic, and economic value to the Hudson Valley. However, climate models project the estuary’s water-levels may rise several feet by the end of this century, threatening the condition and viability of many of these shoreline facilities. This handbook was developed to assist owners and site managers of public river access sites to adapt their facilities to existing and predicated flooding (Local marinas and boat clubs may benefit from this information as well.) By planning and implementing resiliency strategies and public outreach plans, site managers can address vulnerabilities and will be able to continue to provide access at the more than 100 public access sites along the estuary for years to come.
Cornell University: Scenic Resource Protection Guide for the Hudson River Valley
For municipalities to protect their scenery, they first need to understand where it is. The process of mapping scenic priorities should involve robust public input to reflect the values of community residents. This guidebook is a resource for local governments to identify, plan, and protect important scenic resources within their communities.
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect their local water resources