November 2021


We are excited to announce that Long Island Home Buiilders Care, Inc. has worked with a team of professionals to have a custom made playhouse built for NIS. Special thanks to Salmah Nashurdeen & Rabab Zia with H2M Architects & Engineers (pictured below) for your creativity in designing this house, Steven Pfenning from 84 Lumber (also pictured below) for taking on the majority of the construction, Keith McNamara and Melissa Lisena from Alside (Melissa is the amazing artist who painted the mural below), Mark Steininger from 84 Lumber, and Lois Fricke from LIHBC.

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Preschool children benefit from yoga in a variety of ways including body and breath awareness, strenghening, increased balance, relaxation and greater self-confidence. These are the poses the NIS students will be learning in yoga this month. Have your children practice doing these poses at home!

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Thank you to those of you who donated to our Thanksgiving baskets to help NIS families in need. Information on how to donate holiday gifts will be forthcoming.  Don't forget to contact CFS if you are an NIS family in need.


The PT staff at NIS would like to wish everyone a Happy Physical Therapy Month!

The holidays are approaching quickly! Looking for ideas on what to get your little ones?   Here are lists put together by our OT and PT staff of toys and activities we think your children will love!    

Click  here  for recommendations from our OT department, and  here  for recommendations from our PT department!

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You can make playing in the leaves a learning experience! 

Click here to learn how!



Click on the following links for mealtime tips with your kids!

Meal prep kid-friendly breakfasts for the WHOLE WEEK!

Learn the importance of a family meal and the TRY bowl.

Traditional holiday family meals for you and your picky eater.

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Click here to see what our NIS students have been doing in gym this past month! We are looking forward to our first annual Turkey Trot and obstacle course the week of 11/15 during gym. Click here to see a video of the chidren!

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Please consider shopping off of our Amazon Wish List, which is packed with items the children love. Don't forget to shop on Smile!

Save the Date! This year, #GivingTuesday is on 11/30! As many of you know, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Join the #unselfie movement.  Donate to NIS  and then post an #unselfie on social media telling people why you gave to NIS and include the hashtag #givingtuesday. It's a fun way to give back! Remember: NIS is a nonprofit school that relies on donations to enhance the programs and services provided to its students and families.


The NIS Golf Outing will take place at the Port Jefferson Country Club on Monday, June 13th. The earlier you secure a sponsorship, the more publicity you will earn. Interested in joining our golf commitee? Contact Susan Cali, Director of Development, for more information.


Please continue to practice mask-wearing with your children to keep us all germ free!

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