Feb. 15 - Lunch & Learn w/ Bob Schuemann (No. Palm Bch)

Join us 12PM-1PM, Thurs., Feb. 15, for our monthly Men's Lunch. Our Speaker is Bob Schuemann, Individual & Corporate Life Coach, Fmr. V.P Village Bootery, Founding Exec. Dir. Gathering of Men Palm Beach, Father of 4, Husband of 1. Lunch & Learn is a 1-hour spiritual booster shot where men of substance, discuss things of significance, to strengthen each other for life's journey.

Hosted @ First Presbyterian No. Palm Beach. Meal, desert, drink $12.


The Real Story Behind Valentine's Day  (4 Ways To Bring More Love)

Valentine's Day is about more than just cards, gifts, and romance. Here's the true-life story that inspired this holiday. Also, author Mark Merrill shares 4 ways to bring more love into your marriage. READ 

7 Essentials For Grandparenting Your Grandkids

Grandparents can make a difference in the lives of their grandchildren, but intentional Christian grandparents can make an incredible difference. If you desire to impact the lives of your grandkids, here are seven helpful essentials principles. READ

8 Therapeutic Habits That Can Add Decades To Your Life

New research points to 8 healthy lifestyle habits that could add years to your life. These useful tips can add decades to your life - including exercise and friendships. READ

The Awkward Duty Of Encouragement: How Men Strengthen Other Men

Why is encouragement so awkward for guys? Why go out of my way when it’s easier just to stay quiet? Besides, most guys seem to be doing fine anyway, right? Encouragement, however, is not just a good idea, but a biblical command — yes, even for men. READ

Marketplace Matters: Humble Pie - Ingredients For Leadership Success

Humility is often misunderstood and viewed as an attribute that runs in contradiction to our perception of leadership. Healthy, confident leaders are humble leaders. They know that their success is about the success of others. These leaders understand that it begins with them but it is not about them.  Here are 4 behaviors that should be part of a leader’s humble pie. READ 

Northlake Group: PRIMETIME Romans - The Heart Of The Gospel

Join us before work 7:30-8:30am Wednesdays off I-95 & Northlake Blvd. Line-by-line teaching on The Book of Romans led by local pastors & clergy. PRIMETIME - High Impact-Low Prep Bible Study For Men. CLICK HERE

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Engaging Men to Become Fully Alive in the Marketplace and Beyond

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