From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

January 2024 | No. 10

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Dear James,

 "Come and see.

(John 1:46)

     I've never lived in a country that was occupied and ruled by a foreign power so I don't know what that's like. Can't really imagine it at all. In her history, Cambodia has been ruled by many different foreign powers, some good, and some just awful. I imagine that would tend to make one suspicious of foreigners. What are they here for? What do they want?

     During New Testament times, the Jewish people in Palestine were ruled by a foreign government, the Romans. It probably made them suspicious of others, too. After being burned a few times by the Next Great Leader, one would tend to get cynical. Perhaps those sentiments were in the heart of Nathanael. You remember Nathanael - after Jesus called Phillip to be one of His disciples, Phillip went and found Nathanael and told him all about Jesus. And Nathanael answered, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" He wasn't buying it. Phillip simply responded, "Come and see". (John 1:43-46)

     Come and see. What do you do to share Jesus in a Buddhist country? Where there is no Christian history? Where Jesus is unknown? You show the love of Jesus by your actions, then by your words.

Come and see.

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

    This issue and the next will be highlighting Cambodia. I have never been to Cambodia, though I would like to go, Lord willing. The main religion in Buddhism, and the language is Khmer. By any account, it is an extremely challenging location for Christian missions. But one thing I have learned about missions - where there are great challenges, there are also great opportunities! I am extremely proud of our Cambodia missionaries, Shary Frahm, and Joe and Viya Stoltenow. This month we will take a closer look at Shary's ministry, and next month we will get better acquainted with the Ray of Hope ministry directed by the Stoltenows.

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise. Together, we rise up. 

Rise with us!

Immanuel Lutheran Church

Snor Village, Cambodia

Mission Focus: Cambodia

75 and still going strong in Siem Reap, Cambodia 

Missionary Shary Frahm has the "honor" of being our senior GLO missionary! She and her husband, George, first got into missions while volunteering for an international student ministry at a local university in Saginaw, Michigan. Later, they accepted a call to serve as LCMS missionaries in Indonesia and then later, to Cambodia. After 10 years of service, George was called home to Jesus. After a time of grieving, Shary determined to continue serving in Cambodia, where she works in Snor village with pastor Chut Heang (Samuel) to help the local communities prosper into sustainable vibrant church bodies to share the Good News from within. To read her newsletters and follow or support Shary's ministry, click here.

A Farm behind the Church!

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Snor village decided to plant a farm to grow vegetables. This is the first year for this endeavor, so there will be a big learning curve! December is a critical month, because it marked the end of the rainy monsoon season (May to November).

Shary writes:

"November is an important time of the year for the Khmer people, which corresponds with the end of the rainy season. That time, country wide, is a boat festival called Bon Om Touk. It is one of the largest celebrations of the year (known as the ‘water festival’) that began back in the 13th century. It happens on the full moon of the Buddhist month of Kadeem, when the full moon is supposed to bring good luck that can lead to an abundant harvest. 

     "Anyway, this is the first full year for the farm in operation, and it was late getting started as the rains lasted longer. I expect it to be a difficult start as the ground is very lumpy, full of rocks, and very unlevel. (I step slowly and carefully). And yet I’ve seen more instances that folks who have land to farm miraculously transform it into a gorgeous field of veggies. I presume that takes time to get there, sore arms and backs, and a few blisters along the way. 

     "Stay tuned for the latest on the farm as it matures and celebrates its first full year of operation."

(pictured: Bon Om Touk boat festival)

English in Action  

    One of the Shary's ministries is teaching English. We recently asked Shary how she is doing. She said: "Just so much to do being solo. Teaching 5 days a week and Sunday school. I have two English classes in a village where I’m the only barang (teacher). The kids love on me with such intensity! I give hugs. They stand in line to wait for one. The guys throw me heart hands. I can’t ask for more. God is good!"

     Shary also works with Pastor Ravy. She writes: "Pastor Ravy continues to teach these eager learners English through his Hope School. I consider it a privilege to be a part of this ministry with Ravy. He also does Lutheran Hour ministry radio broadcasting in the province, with what I understand is a growing audience. He is a dynamic servant. He would like to expand ministry now into his community beyond the school itself. Perhaps that will get a start in the new year while I am there." 

(Photo: English class in Snor Village, Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Teachers needed and wanted!

    Are you feeling the Lord calling you to something new? We have received many requests for teachers, both certified educators and "amateur" teachers. Some of the opportunities are English-language based, while others are teaching English to Spanish-speaking students. If you would like to explore this opportunity, email GLO director Jim Tino.

Stuff I love

  I love this picture. You've probably seen it before, because I use it a lot. It was taken by our missionaries in Cambodia, and for me, it captures the "faith of a child".

Oh, that we could all be so earnest in prayer! How the mountains would move!

I also love that in her newsletters, Shary titles her prayer section, "Knee Thoughts". I wish I had thought of that! But however you say it, there is nothing so powerful as joining Together before the Throne of our Almighty God!. Here we go!

Together before the Throne

* We hold up missionary Shary Frahm as she recently returned to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Keep your guardian angels around her so that she suffers no harm. Bless the efforts of the team with whom she works so that God’s name is glorified!

* Lord of the Harvest, thank you for Nathan and Heather Pittman’s willingness to serve you in Kenya. We pray for the financial support which will enable them to deploy by April of this year.

* Heavenly Father, bless all young parents – specifically Nathan & Heather Pittman, Ben & Scarlett Tino, Luke (Liisa Tino's brother) and Vio. Shower them with Your love and wisdom as they seek to nurture and raise their babies.

* We praise God for recent opportunities for missionaries David & Luz Maria Ernst to travel in Venezuela – teaching leaders and participating in workshops to further the spread of the Gospel.

* We thank you, Father, for watching over the Gbeanquoi family as their father, Dixon recently travelled back home to Liberia. Continue to bless the whole family as they adjust to life in St. Louis where Dixon and Christiana are graduate students.

* We implore you, Heavenly Father, to send more Lutherans with willing hearts to serve cross-culturally. You have placed your gifts in your children. Help us rely on You to accomplish Your will.

* Divine Healer, thank you for providing supporters and workers to continue the mercy program of medications for Venezuela. Bless the preparation and sending of the latest shipments from Chile to brothers and sisters in  Venezuela.

* Lord, refresh the hearts of GLO missionaries Victor and Belen Rivas as they visit congregations in their home country of Guatemala. Provide the funding and support for their return to Guyana.

* Dearest Lord, continue to strengthen our brothers and sisters Samuel, Grace, Chimah & Success as they have answered “Send me” to God’s missionary call - from Nigeria to the ends of the earth! According to your will, prepare them to leave Nigeria and take the Good News to different lands.

* All thanks and praise to God for the passports and visas recently acquired for Scarlett Tino and baby Jaakko! We pray for travelling mercies as they visit churches throughout the USA and that they would discover people willing to pray and financially support the mission work in Guatemala.

* Lord of all mercies, look with favor on your willing missionary servant Rev. Amos Otula (Kenya) who is suffering from a recurrence of cancer and needs to take a leave of absence from his missionary duties in order to receive treatment. Bless him with financial resources so that he can obtain the care he needs while also providing for his family.

Rise above!

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