17 Sivan 5781 | May 27, 2021
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
Upper Elementary

Parshas Beha'aloscha
Exhibit - Due To Popular Demand - One Final Day
Exhibit Will Be Open on Sunday May 30th From 12 PM - 4 PM
Each year Morah Hindy Neumann's Fourth Grade class prepares a bake sale to raise money on behalf of the Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund. The girls spend time on Sundays or after school baking delicious goods for the bake sale. Under Morah Neumann's careful guidance, the students prepared fliers and set prices for their products. The bake sale was a huge success raising over $1,000 for Ahavas Yisrael. Mrs. Aviva Isbee, an Executive Trustee of Ahavas Yisrael, came to school to thank the girls. There was no better way to prepare for receiving the Torah than by doing the mitzvah of tzedakah in such a delicious way.
The girls enjoyed a beautiful Lag Ba'Omer as they created jump ropes and had the opportunity to jump around outdoors, enjoying the glorious weather. The Fourth Graders also used this day to decorate personalized mirrors they earned for participating in a grade-wide mitzvah program called Reach for the Top. The students appreciated the delicious snow cones to cool off as well. We thank Mr. Leonard Attman and the Attman Family for their generosity in sponsoring the day's events in memory of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Ida Attman A"H, on her birthday.
The students prepared well for Shavuos. Aside from learning the many minhagim and halachos of the Yom Tov, they each designed beautiful projects to adorn their tables with beautiful artistic flowers made by the Third Graders and exquisite bencher holders depicting a set Yom Tov table by our Fourth Graders. We thank the PTA for their sponsorship of these projects.
Mrs. Hinda Moskovitz's Third Grade classes create beautiful and informational lapbooks for each science section they studied this year. In their current unit, they are learning all about the weather, including the different kinds of clouds, the water cycle, and other precipitation types. Amazingly, the weekend after they learned about hail, there was a hailstorm! The girls came back to school very excited to tell Mrs. Moskovitz what they saw and where they were when it started. Most of the girls had taught their families about it, too! Their excitement for learning is palpable every day.
Mrs. Stacey Baron's Third Grade reading groups read a story about the Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico. The girls explored and learned about the annual event that illuminates the skies above Albuquerque, NM, with vibrantly colored and interestingly shaped hot air balloons from around the world. The girls sketched balloons of their own and connected to ideas they learned from the text using the comprehension strategies learned throughout the year. The students are excited to continue to read more about many other American landmarks.
The Fourth Grade classes are approaching the end of Sefer Breishis. As they completed Parshas Vayigash, the girls enjoyed very entertaining celebrations. Morah Esther Feldheim's class put on a complete carnival with games and activities that the girls enjoyed based on the different themes in the ParshaMorah Miriam Nelkin's class also enjoyed a fun time with many creative costumes and delicious treats that they connected to the Parsha. We look forward to greeting all Fourth Grade mothers at our Siyum of Sefer Breishis on June 13th.
The Fourth Grade reading groups have been learning and reading about the expansion of the United States during the 19th century. Each class participated in a play that recreated scenes from Laura Ingalls Wilder's stories that the girls read in class. The girls solidified their understanding of the time through the process of re-enacting the life and times of settlers trying to successfully stake a claim of land in the mid-west during the 1800s. The girls are finishing their unit by preparing research projects and presenting them to other classes on the concepts of Manifest Destiny, the California Gold-Rush, and many other exciting topics.
Do you know the name of all 50 states and their capitals? Mrs. Leah Shulman's Third Grade classes do! In conjunction with their geography unit, each girl researched a state and wrote a detailed report about her findings. The banners depicting each state's fun facts and interesting information are on display in the third grade hallway for all to enjoy! Baton Rouge? Louisiana! Columbus? Ohio! Annapolis? Maryland! Way to go, third graders!
Reminder: The current year's cycle for the Gift Card Program ends June 30, 2021. This program allows parents and friends to contribute to the budget of the school with their everyday purchases. At the end of each year cycle, the total spent is calculated if less than the quota is spent, we send a bill for 5% of the balance to be paid, if more than the quota is spent, we calculate 1% of what was spent over $7,500 and the credit it is applied to your next year’s tuition.

For more information, please email giftcards@baisyaakov.net

To view a list of current gift cards and denominations, please visit baisyaakov.net/giftcard
May 31 - Memorial Day
(ES School Closed,
MS & HS Early Dismissal)
Limited Spots Still Available
May 27/ 16 Sivan

L'zchus Refuah Shleimah
Yosef Eliezer Ben Sheindel Raizel

L'zchus Refuah Shleimah
Shmuel ben Zipporah

Sponsored by
Morah Etty's Friends on the
Park Heights Campus
May 25/ 14 Sivan
In Memory of
Chana bas Dovid A"H

In Memory of
Shemaya ben Binyomin Z"L

Sponsored by
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Juravel
May 14/ 3 Sivan

In Memory of
Dr. Sidney Selig A"H

Sponsored by
His Daughter
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or ragross@baisyaakov.net for more information.