The New Jersey Alliance for
Clinical and Translational Science
Announcements, Deadlines, Reminders
May 6, 2021
NJ ACTS Special Populations
2021 Webinar Series
May 11, 2021
May 18, 2021
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and Peer Health Navigation for Persons Leaving NJ State Prisons and Returning to the Community – Early Findings
Presented By:
Donald (Rusty) Reeves, MD
Peter Treitler, MSW
Risk of relapse and adverse health events is high following prison release, with risk of fatal overdose 129 times greater in the 2 weeks post-release than in the general population. During this seminar, the presenters will discuss early findings from their mixed-methods studies on the implementation and outcomes of two novel interventions to reduce harm: pre-release medication for opioid use disorder and the Intensive Recovery Treatment Support (IRTS) peer health navigator program.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Environmental and Community Determinants of Health:Exploring Health Outcomes Using Area-Level Data
Presented By:
Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH
Bo Qin, PhD
Jennifer Miles, PhD
Health outcomes are increasingly understood to be a function of the natural and built environments where patients reside. This seminar will describe research that leverages area-level data on natural and built environmental factors that affect health services use and outcomes among specific special populations: Older adults with chronic conditions, African American/Black breast cancer survivors in New Jersey, and individuals with disabilities and opioid use disorder. Attendees will learn about area-level data sources and research methods necessary to conduct research focusing on environmental and community determinants of health outcomes and discuss implications for future research.
NJ ACTS has established a RBHS-wide Scientific Review Board (SRB) comprised of members with a broad range of clinical research expertise to advise faculty in the development of their investigator-initiated clinical research protocols including an evaluation of their scientific merit, feasibility, and quality.
The goal of the SRB is to help faculty develop high quality research protocols for submission to the IRB that culminate in more efficient implementation of clinical research studies.
Priority will be given to junior/mid-career faculty who have external funding, or who are seeking funding for their human subject research projects and would like assistance with developing well-designed clinical research protocols.
Farah Anwar
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Farah Anwar recently joined the Clinical Trials Office as the new Regulatory Affairs Manager. She began her career as an IRB Administrator at Somerset Medical Center, where she helped to create and manage the Institutional Review Board at Somerset Medical Center.
Her path within human subject protection research led her to a position with the Institutional Review Board in 2007 under the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Later she went on to join the Social Behavioral IRB at Rutgers University.
Farah has worked as an IRB Administrator for 12 years, working in research protections and ethics. Her expertise and background include providing guidance on federal regulations and ethical issues related to the conduct of biomedical and social behavioral research.
She is a proud alumni of Rutgers University having graduated with B.A. and later a certification in Clinical Research Methods.
As part of the Clinical Trials Office, she looks forward to providing continued guidance in Human Subject Protection to help facilitate and expedite research through the newly formed Regulatory Support Office and to better serve the investigators and the Rutgers research community.
Free NIH Seminars for Clinical Researchers
Sex and Gender in Research
Interest in sex and gender in research—and resources to help investigators—is growing. In the 5 years since NIH enacted its pioneering Policy on Sex as a Biological Variable (SABV) there has been a lot of activity, including increased attention on sex differences and influences and many questions and requests for assistance.
The Pfizer/Biontech COVID-19 Vaccine Pediatric Study
Recruiting now at RWJMS Pediatric CRC
Rutgers Pediatric CRC is soliciting participants for the Pfizer COVID-19 pediatric vaccine clinical trial. Please see flyer for details.
NJ ACTS Workforce Core
Mentoring Seminar Series
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Interested in Mentorship Training?
The NJ ACTS Workforce Development Core is pleased to share its collaboration with Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences Faculty Affairs and are hosting an interactive session
Empowering Mentors of Clinical and Translational Scientists
M. Maral Mouradian MD, RBHS Vice Chancellor for Faculty Development
Andrew Gow, PhD, Professor, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Anita Siu, PharmD, BCPPS, Clinical Professor, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
For more information about this workshop, please contact Yasheca Ebanks, NJ ACTS Project Manger at
Hold the Date
Team Science Seminar Series
June 21, 2021 from 2:30-3:30 pm
More information will be forthcoming
Updated Biosketch and Other Support
For due dates on or after May 25, 2021
Beginning with deadlines on and after May 25, 2021, NIH requires all applicants to submit biosketches that address the new requirements for the Personal Statement, Scientific Appointments and Scholastic Appointments
Other Support has also been changed, requiring additional, detailed information on all current and pending support and the applicant’s signature. The NIH has provided a sample that applicants can follow when requested to submit Other Support.
Are you interested in collaborating across the RWJBH system or conducting studies at RWJBH facilities?
We encourage all RBHS faculty, undertaking clinical studies, to consider extending those studies to other sites across the RWJBH system. The RBHS Clinical Trials Office can provide coordination with RWJBH and the individual clinical sites to make the processes and approvals required for such collaborations smoother and easier.
If you have questions about collaborating with RWJBH, or if you have a plan to collaborate, you are urged to contact Nancy Reilly, Executive Director of the Clinical Trials Office, as early as possible in the process.
NJ Workforce Development Core
Grant Writing Group
The NJ ACTS Workforce Development Core runs a monthly grant writing program with two trained Grant Coaches, Drs. Lauren Aleksunes and Suzie Chen, from the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
Both coaches are trained by the National Research Mentoring Network-CIC Academic Network, a collaborative Big Ten NIH grant offering professional development grantsmanship coaching, and mentor skills training in biological, clinical, environmental, and social/behavioral sciences.
To read more about the Grant Writing Program visit NJ ACTS
Introducing the New Jersey
Practice-Based Research Network
June 3-4, 2021
The New Jersey Practice-Based Research Network is a new initiative to increase the presence of New Jersey clinical practices in academic research. Join us to mark the launch of the network, bringing together clinicians, researchers, and leaders across the country.
DAY 1: 10 am - 1 pm ET Thursday, June 3, 2021
XinQi Dong, MD, MPH, Director, Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research & Henry Rutgers Distinguished Professor of Population Health Sciences
• Shereef Elnahal, MD, MBA, President & CEO, University Hospital Newark & former commissioner, New Jersey Department of Health
• Andy Anderson, MD, President & CEO, RWJBH Medical Group
DAY 2: 10 am - 1 pm ET Friday, June 4, 2021
• Ann M. Nguyen, PhD, MPH, Director, NJPBRN
• Rey A. Panettieri, Jr, MD, Director, Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science & Vice Chancellor for Translational Medicine and Science, Rutgers University
• Lawrence Casalino, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor of Population Health Sciences, Weill Cornell Medical College
• Alonzo L. Plough, PhD, MA, MPH, VP, Research-Evaluation-Learning & Chief Science Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
On the Pandemic - Podcast
Episode 9:
Lessons Learned from Around the Globe
Mary Marchetta O'Dowd, MPH
Executive Director, Health Systems and Population Health Integration
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Richard Marlink, MD
Director, Rutgers Global Health Institute
Nir Eyal, DPhil
Founder and Director, Center for Population-Level Bioethics
NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton, NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health.
This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
89 French St., Suite 4211
New Brunswick, NJ
Copyright 2020 New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science, all rights reserved
UL1TR003017, KL2TR003018 and TL1TR003019