Spring Creek along the Spring Creek Canyon Trail, Rock Road entrance

Spring is in full swing, and for so many reasons this is one of our favorite seasons at ClearWater. This is the time of year when so much is happening with our local stream restoration work, as you'll read below. It's also the season for Watershed Cleanup Day, which took place this Saturday for the 25th year in a row! Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who came out on Saturday to clear trash and debris along streams and throughout open spaces at over 60 sites around Centre County!

Spring also means that our community's favorite day of giving is right around the corner. Please mark your calendar for Centre Gives, May 11-12. This is the tenth year of Centre Foundation's online giving event where anyone can donate from anywhere to support the work of our region's non-profit organizations.

And of course spring is also so wonderful because everything outside is finally bursting with color and life! Flowers, budding trees, birds and insects remind me how grateful I am for healthy ecosystems and a wonderful community of individuals that generously supports our work all year long. Together, we are truly making a positive impact on the health and vibrancy of Central Pennsylvania!



Deb Nardone, Executive Director, ClearWater Conservancy
Pictured: Volunteers clearing trash from Bald Eagle Creek and various other sites around Centre County. This event was made possible by amazing volunteers, the Spring Creek Watershed MS4 Partnership (College Township, Ferguson Township, Harris Township, Patton Township, Penn State, State College Borough, Spring Township), Centre County Refuse and Recycling Authority, and our event sponsors: Epic Settlement Services, David B. Garver Fund, and Graymont. Thank you!
Edible and effective streamside forest restoration work continues with local families and ClearWater
ClearWater Conservancy has been working with two families to design and plant multifunctional buffers on their streamside properties. Read their stories below and stay tuned for updates!
Work on the Schaeffer family’s 3.7 acre buffer along Halfmoon Creek began in fall 2020. Initial efforts on the family's organic farm included site preparation with assistance from local farmers, invasive species removal by ClearWater’s AmeriCorps member, Sidney Shultz, and planting of native trees and shrubs along Halfmoon Creek by Native Creations.

Soon, the buffer will be completed with the planting of two native grass and wildflower meadows adjacent to the trees and shrubs. Some of the eroding stream banks will also be strengthened with live stakes (planting branches of live plants directly into the stream banks), and work to control invasive plant species will continue. Native wildflower meadows will benefit pollinators and will be gently harvested for cut flowers. While the native plants grow to protect the stream and soil and provide wildlife habitat, the Schaeffer family also plans to steward their multifunctional buffer in order to harvest fruit, nuts, and herbs for cooking, and flash graze their pigs in the meadows. Of course they'll also enjoy the beauty of the newly planted streamside forest-stay tuned for more photos as the trees and shrubs leaf out and the wildflowers and herbs start flowering. 
Implementation of the 9-acre buffer along Slab Cabin Run on Joe Dionisio's property began in summer 2020 with the removal of a large thicket of invasive shrubs along the stream. Due to the impenetrable thickness and size of the invasive shrubs, the work could not be completed by hand, but Bud Snyder Excavating was able to use a forestry mulcher machine to remove the invasive shrubs in a few days. In Fall 2020, Native Creations was able to then plant native trees and shrubs, a streamside forest, along Slab Cabin Run.
Due to powerlines over the stream, strategic location of the trees and shrubs was carefully planned to avoid creating any future problems for local electric service. Walking paths for the landowners and access points to the stream for the family dogs were also planned into the strategy for the streamside forest.
The Dionisio buffer installation will soon be completed with the planting of three acres of switchgrass, a native grass with deep roots for great soil conversation. Switchgrass can be harvested as a perennial crop for silt sock stuffing, biofuels, hay, pasture and other markets. Additional steps include planting a 3-acre wildflower meadow for pollinators, live staking to stabilize eroding stream banks and continued invasive species control work. Mr. Dionisio plans to enjoy his multifunctional stream buffer by harvesting switchgrass, fruit, nuts, and an existing hay field on the slope above the trees. Most importantly, though, he looks forward to walking his dogs on the paths throughout the buffer.

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) approved both streamside forest projects as part of the DCNR multifunctional riparian forest buffer grants awarded to ClearWater Conservancy. The required funds to match DCNR grants are provided by partners at Native Creations Landscape Services, North Central PA Conservancy, and the Chesapeake Conservancy. In-kind match is provided by the landowners and ClearWater’s wonderful cadre of volunteers who help complete different aspects the buffer work, like planting wildflowers and live staking streambanks. A big thanks to all those involved with this important work!
Become a PA Master Naturalist!
Do you enjoy the outdoors? Are you looking for ways to get involved with local conservation efforts? Pennsylvania Master Naturalist, a nonprofit organization, is partnering with ClearWater Conservancy this fall to train citizen volunteers in the natural sciences. Become a certified Master Naturalist volunteer and join this growing team of conservation heroes in our local area.

The course is planned for August 12th to October 28th. The class will meet weekly on Thursdays from 6:00 – 8:30 pm and for four Saturday field sessions on August 21st, September 11th & 25th, and October 9th. Social distancing and mask protocols will be observed.

Adults who want to learn about nature, enjoy the outdoors, and want to be a part of natural resource protection are perfect candidates to become Pennsylvania Master Naturalist volunteers.

Apply by May 1st to receive the Early Bird discounted tuition rate. The deadline to apply is June 1st. More information can be found at and through this printable flyer. Scholarships are available and space is limited, so apply today!
Rain Barrel Workshop
May 29, 2 pm - 5 pm
$35 to attend
limit 2 attendees per household
This workshop will explain the importance of using rain barrels for storm water control, give instructions for installing rain barrels and provide all the materials, instructions and assistance in building a rain barrel to take home. Participants will take home a finished 55-gallon rain barrel. This event is sponsored by the Spring Creek Watershed MS4 Partners.
Rain Garden Tour
May 15, 2 pm - 4 pm
ClearWater Conservancy's Office
No cost to attend
If you're interested in learning more about the function of rain gardens or looking for inspiration for designing your own, sign up to take a tour of ClearWater Conservancy's demonstration rain garden! You'll meet at the ClearWater office to see and learn firsthand about the benefits a rain garden has on stormwater management. This tour is limited to 15 people, so please register early. The rain garden tour is sponsored by the Spring Creek Watershed MS4 Partners.
The rain barrel workshop and rain garden tour are sponsored by the Spring Creek Watershed MS4 Partners, College Township, Ferguson Township, Harris Township, Patton Township, Penn State, State College Borough, and Spring Township.
2021 Otto's Golf Fest
August 30, 2021
Mountain View Country Club
Ready 'fore' a fun day of supporting ClearWater's land conservation and stream restoration efforts? Great prizes, special contests, and of course, some refreshments from Otto’s Pub and Brewery help make Golf-Fest a day to remember!

Beginning May 1, individual (solo) golfers and unsponsored teams may register for the morning round of golf for Otto's Golf Fest. Discounts for ClearWater Conservancy or Otto's Pub Club members: $190 per golfer for registrations before July 31st. Please complete this form or email to reserve your spot!
Make friends. Have fun. Repeat.
Volunteer with Centred Outdoors!
If you're interested in volunteering your time and talent to connect community members with the wonders and benefits of nature, the Centred Outdoors team has opportunities for you! Please consider volunteering to be a hike leader, event greeter, or hike assistant (training provided) for one or more events throughout the summer. Or, if you have a specific skill or expertise that you would be willing to share with participants through a one hour demonstration or workshop, please consider joining us as an activity leader/expert! More information and sign up forms can be found at:
Your support makes our work possible!
Save the Date:
May 11-12, 2021
ClearWater Conservancy | 814-237-0400 | |