PAD General Meeting Wednesday, March 23rd 2022 at the Pease Public Library at 5:30pm.

Please join us, bring a friend, and bring a dish to share. If you aren't able to bring a dish, come anyway. **Please bring your own plates, napkins and utensils.**

Potluck dinner breakdown by last name:  
A-I   Side dish or salad
J-R  Entree
S-W Dessert or wine 

PAD will host elections for 5 officer positions. The positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Technology Chair and Secretary will be voted upon.

Remembering House Democratic Leader Renny Cushing
By Arnie Alpert
Active with the Activists
March 8, 2022
My first memory of Renny Cushing is probably a photograph. In it, Renny is carrying a suitcase with “Seabrook or Bust” painted in big letters. Since Renny was on his way to a Clamshell Alliance demonstration at the Seabrook nuclear power plant construction site, where he expected to get arrested, the double meaning struck me as clever. It was classic Renny.
Op-Ed Spotlight
Rep. Porter Is Upset At What’s Happening To Public Schools

By Rep. Marjorie Porter, D-Hillsborough

The 1980 national platform for the Libertarian Party, under a section entitled "Domestic Ills, " contained the following: We advocate the complete separation of education and the State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children…Government ownership, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.

As an interim measure to encourage the growth of private schools…we support tax credits for tuition and for other expenditures…

We condemn compulsory education laws…

We further support immediate reduction of tax support for schools, and removal of the burden of school taxes from those not responsible for the education of children.
Women's March on Plymouth
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Join the Plymouth State University College Democrats on March 20th for the Women's March on Plymouth! The event kicks off at 11:00 am at the Plymouth Common and will end at 1:00 pm. The gathering includes guest speakers and a march around the PSU campus.

The Women's March on Plymouth is sponsored by the following PSU clubs: She’s the First, Common Ground, Plymouth Democrats, and Geography Club. The event is free with a suggested donation to She's the First.
Take Action

The Senate will vote next week on HB 52, relative to congressional district maps. This bill gerrymanders NH’s two congressional districts to favor a Republican candidate in CD 1. Senators will also vote on SB 241, apportioning executive council districts. The bill maintains the wildy gerrymandered ‘dragon district.’ Please urge your Senators to defeat these bills.

It is also time to contact Governor Sununu to urge him to veto gerrymandered maps, including HB 50 which apportions state legislative districts and is already headed to his desk. Readers can track what stage each map is in using Open Democracy's Redistricting Tracker. We recommend this messaging toolkit from the Fair Maps Coalition and this op-ed by Corinne Dodge and Celia Randall. Contact the governor by calling (603)271-2121, or by submitting a written comment here.


HB 1393: Capping Local Education Funding
The way New Hampshire funds public education is already grossly inequitable, denying the poorest students with the greatest needs the rich array of programs and services they need for success – services more affluent students get every single day.

The implementation of a budget cap takes this educational inequality and amplifies it. The funding chasm will only widen if districts are deprived of local control over budgeting, particularly in light of the state’s failure to meet its funding obligations.

Given the high number of bills in these areas, we direct you to the Planned Parenthood of NH Action Fund’s legislative action toolkit for clear and concise summaries and recommendations. We need to act now to defeat HB 1077, which would roll back the ban on conversion therapy for minors, and HB 1180, which would allow for discrimination of transgender students. Please urge your Representatives to defeat these bills.
Support Ukrainian Refugees
The Role of the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross has deployed international crisis responders to Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania to provide humanitarian relief in support of the international Red Cross operation helping families who fled their homes. These highly trained crisis responders—who are lending skills such as information management, GIS systems, communications and leadership—are supporting on-the-ground relief efforts alongside local teams, including the Polish Red Cross, Moldovan Red Cross and Romanian Red Cross.

Additionally, in line with its work supporting military families, the American Red Cross has sent trained staff to Europe to support emergency communication needs of U.S. military members, so they can stay in touch with family members back home. The Red Cross Hero Care Network is a Congressionally-chartered program that connects service members and their families in times of need. Red Crossers are also distributing comfort kits, containing hygiene items and other necessities to service members and U.S. State Department staff.
Plymouth Area Democrats