Recovery from the recent devastating and unprecedented storms our region is experiencing will be long and difficult for many of our communities—if you are able, please consider volunteering or donating.  

Please also help us rebuild by reporting damage to sidewalks, streets, or clogged storm drains to the City's dispatch center at 619-527-7500 or the Get it Done App. San Diego County is also asking for the public's help in reporting damage through a voluntary online survey that will be used to gather information to determine if the county is eligible for state and or federal assistance. 
Join me for a free and in-person town hall to voice your concerns, ask questions, and hear my priorities for the year. The town hall will take place at the Carmel Valley Branch Library in the community room. We look forward to seeing you there! 
PHOTO 1: “Building a Better World” is a goal we all strive toward. I was honored to speak with Carmel Valley Cub Scout Pack 734 and Scout Troop 782 on how the government can improve our community as they work on their Building a Better World Arrow of Light requirement. They asked tough questions, and we had a great conversation. 

PHOTO 2: The Pacific Beach Kiwanis Club ensures our D1 youth are thriving, happy, and healthy. Thank you for the invitation to discuss community issues, answer your questions, and for 78+ years of service to PB.

P.S. I surprised the club by noting my father-in-law was their president many years ago. 
Follow me on social media to stay up to date!