City of Cumming


February 2024

Celebrate Arbor Day with Us on Feb. 16th

The City of Cumming will once again partner with Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, UGA Extension Services and Master Naturalists, and the Georgia Forestry Commission to present a Community Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, Feb. 16th beginning at 4 p.m.! This year's event will be held at the Forsyth County Tax Commissioner's Office, 1092 Tribble Gap Road, where the event's tree planting demonstration will feature a Red Oak replacing an oak that was downed at the office during severe storms in July of 2023.

Mingling and warm beverages for purchase from the Cumming City Center's Juke N Jive Creamery will be held from 4 to 4:30 p.m. and the Arbor Day program will begin at 4:30 p.m. This free, fun, family-friendly event also features educational items relating to Arbor Day, coloring for kids, free tree saplings to take home (while supplies last), and more! Come celebrate Arbor Day with us!

Recreation Spring Youth Basketball League: Registration Begins Feb. 5th

City of Cumming Recreation & Parks will offer a Youth Spring Basketball League for boys and girls ages 7 to 18. Registration begins Feb. 5th and will be open through Feb. 23rd or until all slots are filled. All leagues have registration limits and registration will end when those limits are reached, regardless of registration dates. Cost is $145 per player, and child must be between the ages of 7 and 18 on April 1, 2024. Practices will begin in early March, with weeknight games beginning in April. Volunteer coaches are needed. If interested in coaching, please email Register at or in person at the Cumming Recreation & Parks Department office, 437 Pilgrim Mill Road, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Aquatic Center February Events

The Cumming Aquatic Center will offer the following events in February:

CAC Half-Price Family Friday - Feb. 16th: Come out and enjoy some time at the Cumming Aquatic Center for half-off (applies to daily admission only; excludes memberships, programs and group exercise classes). Competition pool will be open for lap swim from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and instructional pool will be open for adults only from 6-8 a.m. and noon to 2 p.m., and for all ages from 2-6 p.m.

Lifeguarding REVIEW Course - Feb. 17th-18th: Participants in this course must hold a current American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certificate prior to registering for the course. Click here to register.

Lifeguarding Course - Feb. 23rd-25th: Register for the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Course, which will teach all necessary lifeguarding skills such as recognizing emergencies, providing care for injuries, administering oxygen, and all other basic lifeguarding abilities. The course is a combination of online and in-person courses. Click here to register.

Welcome New City Council Member

The Cumming City Council welcomed new Council member Susie Charles-Carr during its Work Session on Jan. 2nd. Councilwoman Carr was sworn into Council Post 5 by Municipal Court Judge Rich Neville at the beginning of the meeting. Councilwoman Carr was joined by her husband, John, who held the Bible during her swearing-in ceremony, as well as many other family members and friends. Coucilwoman Carr's term, like all Cumming City Council posts, is four years.

City Honors Memory of Legendary Forsyth County Doctor

During their Regular Meeting on Jan. 16th, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation declaring Feb. 1st as Dr. Leila Denmark Day, in honor of the late doctor's birthday. Dr. Denmark, who passed away in 2012 at the age of 114 after practicing pediatric medicine for 73 years, was Georgia's first female pediatrician. She was only the third woman to graduate from the Medical College of Georgia and was a founding doctor at Egleston Hospital. She also did research that lead to vaccines for Pertussis and Whooping Cough. She and her family moved to Forsyth County on Mullinax Road when she was 87, where she continued her pediatric practice until age 103 when her eyesight failed.

In 2018, the Forsyth County Board of Education named Denmark High School in Dr. Denmark's honor. Representatives of Denmark High School, including Vice Principal Lindsey Needham, were in attendance to accept the proclamation, along with Theresa Skyes, founder and administrator of the Dr. Leila Daughtry-Denmark M.D. Facebook group, and Perrie Tucker, the historical preservation chair for the Chestatee River National Society Daughters of the American Revolution chapter of Cumming.

In other business during the January Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council took the following actions:

  • Approved demolition of the livestock barn at the Cumming Fairgrounds after an inspection found structural damage. Council also approved building a new barn in its place.

  • Approved the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, which states that in the event of a declared emergency the City of Cumming can work with Forsyth County Emergency Management Services, Georgia EMS, and Homeland Security in pursuit of aid should the need arise.

  • Approved applying for the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank Grant through the State Road and Tollway Authority. If awarded, the grant will be used to fund up to 33 percent of the Sawnee Drive Extension project.

Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.

New Authority Members Appointed

During their January Work Session and Regular Meeting, Cumming City Council approved the following new appointees to the City's Development Authority and Downtown Development Authority:

  • Shakeeb Ali (pictured here) was appointed to the Downtown Development Authority and the Development Authority, replacing a member whose business is relocating outside the Cumming City Limits. (DDA and DA appointees must live or have a business inside the Cumming City Limits.)
  • Carrie Patterson was appointed to the Downtown Development Authority, replacing newly sworn-in City Council member Susie Charles-Carr.
  • Councilman Joey Cochran was appointed to the Development Authority, replacing former City Council member Linda Ledbetter.

Welcome to these new appointees!

SAA Arts Center January Events

The Sawnee Association of the Arts will offer the following events this month at the Cumming Arts Center, 111 Pilgrim Mill Road:

  • "Tiny Bubbles" Members Exhibit - Open through March 2nd in the Main Gallery on First Floor
  • South Forsyth Vertical Team Art Exhibit (Elementary, Middle & High School Student Work) - Open through Feb. 10th in the Upstairs Gallery
  • "The Four Seasons" - Members' New Art Installation at the Forsyth County Courthouse opens Feb. 8th
  • Call for Artists for "Blossoms" Exhibit - Submissions open Feb. 6th and are open to both SAA members and non-members
  • SAA Monthly Meeting (Non-SAA Members are welcome to attend) - Feb. 27th, 6-8 p.m. at United Way of Forsyth County, 240 Elm Street, Cumming
  • Classes in February, including evening and weekend schedules: Encaustic Painting for Beginners; Watercolor Studio; Drawing Fundamentals; Digital Art Workshops; Fine Art Drawing for Children; and Open Studio

SAA also recently welcomed new Cumming Arts Center Officers and Advisors for 2024: Alison Sims, President; Ellen Lewis, Vice President; Kathy Gamble, Secretary; Abby Hermes, Treasurer; Art McNaughton, Advisory Council Member; and Gregory Johnston, Consulting Artist. Click here to read bios of these individuals (scroll down for post).

For more information about Cumming Arts Center events, click here.

Musical Month at the School Street Playhouse

Calling all fans of Kansas, Styx, and The Beatles: The School Street Playhouse presents two rocking good tribute bands in February!

Kanstyx: A Tribute to the Music of Kansas and Styx - Feb. 10th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The Return: A Tribute to The Beatles - Feb. 24th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Click here to purchase tickets any of these performances.


City Council Work Session - February 6th at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - February 20th at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - February 20th at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

Click here for previous meeting videos.

Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.

Click here for Planning & Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes.

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