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Keeping You Informed Of Chinese Culture In Colorado Springs

Newsletter  April 2024| Issue 2024-04

Taoism and Nature

The concept of Tao, often translated as "the Way," represents the natural order or flow of the universe. Taoist teachings suggest that humans should align themselves with this natural order rather than opposing or trying to dominate it.

Nature serves as a primary source of inspiration and wisdom for Taoist practitioners. Observing the patterns and processes of nature, such as the cycles of the seasons, the movement of water, and the growth of plants, provides insights into the Tao and guides individuals toward living in accordance with it.

In Taoist thought, nature is regarded as inherently spontaneous, effortless, and balanced. Humans are encouraged to emulate these qualities in their own lives, seeking to cultivate a sense of simplicity, humility, and non-interference. By harmonizing with nature, individuals can find peace, tranquility, and fulfillment.

Zhuangzi, a legendary Taoist wrote: "A frog in a well cannot be talked with about the sea - he is confined to the limits of his hole. An insect of the summer cannot be talked with about ice - it knows nothing beyond its own season. A scholar of limited views cannot be talked with about the Tao - he is bound by the teaching (which he has received)." (The Floods of Autumn)

Overall, nature holds a central place in Taoist philosophy, serving as both a teacher and a model for living in harmony with the Tao and experiencing a sense of interconnectedness with the universe.

Famous Taoist Mountains

Taoism has a lot of thoughts about nature and the relationship between human beings and nature. No wonder many Taoists choose to live in the mountains. There are four mountains in China that are considered sacred in Taoism today. Click this to check out the following four mountains.

Zhuangzi and His Parables

Follow George Thompson and find more about Zhuangzi: legendary parables for joyful living.

Events and News in Colorado

2024 Chinese New Year Celebration in Colorado Springs (Year of the Dragon)

With all your support, the celebration of the Year of the Dragon was another success! Here are some event photos to share with you.

We look forward to seeing you next year!

PO Box 2625

Colorado Springs, CO 80901

