Governor Little officially launched Idaho’s Statewide Fentanyl Awareness Campaign during his State of the State Address on Monday. The campaign, Fentanyl Takes All, aims to educate Idahoans on the growing threat of fentanyl in our state. In 2021, synthetic opioids like fentanyl were involved in 44% of all overdose deaths in Idaho, a rate doubled from 2020. To learn more about the campaign visit for fentanyl facts, stories from impacted Idahoans, and information on how to take care of your loved ones.

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The FY24 Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) application will open February 1, 2023. SABG funding is for prevention providers and organizations seeking to provide substance misuse services directly to youth, families, and other at-risk individuals of Idaho, and/or community coalitions seeking funding to employ environmental strategies designed to reduce the impact of substance abuse at the community level.

Eligible applicants include any governmental entity (including tribal entities), such as counties, cities, schools and school districts, local law enforcement agencies, other public entities, and non-profit private entities such as community-based organizations.

Applications are due March 15, 2023. Learn more about the SABG and how to apply here.
January is National Mentoring Month and ODP believes that the benefits of quality, positive mentorship make it a vital component of our primary prevention work. This January, we encourage you to join us in elevating the power of relationships by highlighting the benefits of mentoring, discussing best practices for supporting young people, and sharing inspiring stories from the field. This month-long celebration of mentoring is full of exciting opportunities to grow the movement and raise awareness about the power of relationships.

Research shows that mentors play a powerful role in providing young people with the tools to make responsible choices, attend and engage in school, and reduce and avoid risky behaviors like alcohol and drug use. Yet, 1 in 3 young people will grow up without a mentor. created multiple 2023 National Mentoring Month Toolkits to help organizations with public official & advocacy engagement, digital engagement, and social media engagement. Find all of the toolkits here.
January 11
I Am A Mentor Day
January 16
Dr. Martin Luther King Day Of Service
January 26
Thank Your Mentor Day
2023 Legislative Resources
The 67th Idaho Legislature convened on Monday, January 9, 2023 with the State of the State Address from Governor Brad Little. ODP has multiple resources for prevention partners to stay informed, and get involved in, Idaho Substance use-related legislation.

ODP Legislative Bill Tracker
Use this tool to easily follow all substance use-related legislation and sign up for notifications to get updates sent straight to your inbox. Find it at

Drug & Alcohol Fact Sheets
ODP has updated one-page fact sheets on numerous substances, including alcohol, marijuana, opioids, kratom, e-cigarettes/vaping, and more. Find them under Fact Sheets in the menu along the top of the page at

Toolkit: How to Contact Your Legislator
A well-articulated personal letter, email, postcard, or phone call are some of the most effective ways to communicate with elected officials. Download the Toolkit.
CADCA's 33rd Annual National Leadership Forum
January 30 - February 2, 2023
Gaylord National
National Harbor, MD
CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is a four-day conference packed with multiple adult and youth-oriented opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight substance misuse and hear from nationally-known experts and policymakers with a full day dedicated to Capitol Hill events. The Forum is held in the Washington, DC area every year, normally the first week of February and brings together more than 3,000 participants representing community anti-drug coalitions, government leaders, youth, addiction treatment professionals, researchers, educators, law enforcement professionals, youth and faith-based leaders.
State of Idaho Sustainability Planning Series
Feb 13, Mar 6, Apr 3, Apr 24, May 15, Jun 12
Audience: Idaho substance use prevention coalitions, grantees, and service providers
Goals: Upon completion of the Series participants will develop a Sustainability Plan for their organization.
Sustainability Plans developed by participating organizations that will include strategies to:
-Build committed relationships with community champions, partners and stakeholders to support their organization and initiatives
-Implement effective organizational structures and processes that will be sustained over the long-term
-Determine and communicate long-term outcomes to be achieved, evaluated and sustained by the organization
-Identify a diversified set of resources to support the organization’s initiatives over the next 5 years
Cost: Free
Space is limited to 40 participants.
Sailing into a New Year:
8 Secrets to Success
By Michal Lloyd

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” — Seneca.

It is the time of the year when we make amends for our misdeeds, like the excess we indulged in over the holidays. The days get longer, the eating slows down, the exercise increases and spending comes to a screeching halt. The fog of overabundance is now hidden from sight, along with the tinsel, and wrapping paper, so the cycle goes. We begin to pay penance for our bad choices, like eating fudge and purchasing on credit. The lashing is not necessary, but something else is. It is time to map out a plan to help you quickly get where you want to go...
Webinar & Training Opportunities
  • January 19th: Supporting Grandfamilies as Caregivers in the Opioid Crisis. Learn More.
  • January 25th: Engaging Youth Voices to Improve Substance Misuse Prevention: Tips and Tools. Learn More.
  • January 26th: Communicating Cannabis Science to Communities and Collaborators: Opportunities for Prevention Professionals. Learn More.
Next Month...
  • February 6 - February 12: Children's Mental Health Week
  • February 17: National Caregiver's Day
  • February 17: National Random Acts of Kindness Day
  • February 20: National Leadership Day
  • February 20: Presidents Day

Find all upcoming events at
What's new with you?

Have an update, story, or other news you'd like to share in a future newsletter?

Send an email to Destinie Triplett at
We envision a safe and healthy Idaho free from the devastating impact of substance use on youth, families, and communities.