K & Co. Dance Studio
January 2023

January 30 - February 2

Parents, friends, and family are invited to come in to the classroom for the last 5 minutes of class to watch a special performance!

In class performances are for Combo classes only.


This fee goes directly to pay for the rental of the Robson Performing Arts Center, sound operators, light operators, and other expenses associated with putting on the recital. The fee for a one student family is $90, a two student family is $115, and a family with three or more students is $130. It will be charged to your account after January 10. A $15 late fee will be applied if not paid by February 10.



Missing class not only affects your student's participation in recital but also negatively affects their classmates. Dance class is a team that needs to learn and work together to prepare for the best performance possible.

With the spike in winter related illnesses that is normal for this time of year, it is very important that students are not missing practice for any other reason than sickness. We understand that sickness cannot be helped! If your student is showing any signs of illness, it is best to keep them home to help prevent the spread of illness to others. Please let us know if your student is unable to attend classes due to symptoms of illness.

If a student misses more than three classes between now and recital due to reasons other than illness/quarantine, they may be dismissed from participating in the recital routine at the discretion of the teacher OR be required to take private lessons at an additional cost to tuition, to get caught up before the performance.
Kasey N.
Cameron C.
Raelee B.
Taylor C.
Payton D.
Loran M.
Elsie G.
Delainey B.
Emma B.
Zoe S.
Evyn W.
Charlotte N.
Peyton C.
Mid-Season Dance Class Burn Out
This is the time of year when “burn out” season starts. The excitement of the holidays is over and students become weary of the routine and are ready for warmer weather. Gently encourage them to keep with their classes and remind them of all of the fun things still to come during the dance year like getting their award in class, picture day, their awesome recital costume and the exciting spring show in May!

To help combat those winter burnout blues, we will be having three fun filled spirit weeks for our students!
PAJAMA WEEK, January 16 - 19
Wear your favorite fun, snuggly, feel-good pajamas to class!

CRAZY HAIR WEEK, February 13 - 16
Show us your favorite fun, creative, and awesome hair styles in class!

HAWAIIAN WEEK, March 6 - 9
Dress up in your favorite Hawaiian style shirts and grass skirts!
Don't forget to add a brightly colored flowered lei or two!
Mom & Me / Dad & Me

We still have spaces open for these dances!

Mom & Me: ages 13+
Dad & Me: ages 5 -8

Practices will start in February.
Practice dates and times will be sent out soon!

There is a $40 fee for this dance, due by the first practice. This fee will be posted on your account after January 10th for those already signed up. A costume will be required for this dance, however, it typically consists of items you can easily buy on your own
Mini-Mester is BACK!!
Fridays January 27 - March 3
Ages 2 - 8
$80 for all 6 classes

We are currently planning another one of our super fun six week mini-mesters!! This is a great introduction to dance for kids who have never taken a dance class or who are looking for a fun activity during those cold winter months. Our mini-mester is open to all little ones ages 2 - 8 so be sure to spread the word to any friends or family who might be interested! Because this class is so popular, class space is already filling up, so be sure to enroll online ASAP!

2 yr. Class | 4:30-5:00pm | ballet and creative movement
3-5 yr. Class | 5:00-5:45pm | ballet and jazz
5-8 yr. Class | 5:45-6:30pm | ballet and jazz

**Please note there are two different classes for 5 yr. olds. If you have a 5 yr. old who will be 6 before July, they will be in the 5-8 yr. class. If they turned 5 since July 2022, they will be in the 3-5 yr. class.**

Click here to enroll now!