Sustainability in the Supply Chain

Happy New Year! In this edition of the Unearth Uncommon Results newsletter, we bring you examples of sustainable supply chain solutions- in a big way!

You, too, can go H2!

Hydrogen engines power Class 8 tractors today- providing zero emissions and a longer range than fully electric vehicles. Want to try a hydrogen solution for your supply chain? Escatena has a special, limited offer for our audience- a member of the Sustainability Alliance is offering drayage from Oakland, California (up to 250 miles round trip) at a competitive price so that you can experience the benefits of clean transport for yourself! Reach out to us at for a quote!

Carbon Ridge, Inc. and Crowley developed a carbon capture cargo ship, the first of its kind.

Did you Know?

The US Government has a free downloadable document that provides the Standard for Corporate Accounting and Reporting Greenhouse Gas called the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Here are the accounting and reporting principles:

RELEVANCE- Ensure the GHG inventory appropriately reflects the GHG emissions of the company and serves the decision-making needs of users – both internal and external to the company.

COMPLETENESS- Account for and report on all GHG emission sources and activities within the chosen inventory boundary. Disclose and justify any specific exclusions.

CONSISTENCY- Use consistent methodologies to allow for meaningful comparisons of emissions over time. Transparently document any changes to the data, inventory boundary, methods, or any other relevant factors in the time series.

TRANSPARENCY- Address all relevant issues factually and coherently, based on a clear audit trail. Disclose any relevant assumptions and appropriately reference the accounting and calculation methodologies and data sources used.

ACCURACY Ensure that the quantification of GHG emissions is systematically neither over nor under actual emissions, as far as can be judged, and that uncertainties are reduced as far as practicable. Achieve sufficient accuracy to enable users to make decisions with reasonable assurance as to the integrity of the reported information.

Download the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
