Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Newsletter 2 July 2021 - 22 Tammuz 5781
LIFE is My Choice!
✡︎ Shabbat Shalom & Good Day ✡︎

This past week AISH published a disturbing piece written by an Orthodox woman who chose what was deemed by her doctor to be a second trimester eugenics abortion.

And then AISH published it, again. Why?

Perhaps because they want to be sure to influence their readers to view abortion beyond Judaism's allowance for it to save the mother's life in very rare, life threatening circumstances as acceptable and sympathetic to Orthodox women. Why?

Perhaps because abortion activists need more support to pass HR 2975, the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), a golden opportunity to enshrine unlimited, tax payer funded baby killing in our legal code. (See item below)

We found the theme of the piece to lack basic human kindness, compassion, and belief in God and faith in His providence. It also deeply offended the memory of thousands of handicapped people and millions of Jews 'euthanized' in Hitler's quest for genetic and racial purity.

Mental and spiritual illness in mothers, fathers, doctors, and publishers perpetuates the mass murdering of children. We wished that our message of life had reached this woman before her fear, her husband, and her doctor conspired to kill her innocent child. It appears that idolatry is alive and well in Orthodoxy, and we pledge to work harder to support the spiritual, mental, and emotional needs of Jewish women in all denominations.
Alice Lemos dissects the author's short-sighted, tragic, misguided abortion decision with a blog post entitled, NOTE TO AISH- please don’t be blasé about abortion.
We were forwarded an email this week by a friend who follows the relentless pursuit of baby killing by the National Council of Jewish Women. The text of the email expresses delight that their Rabbis for Repro 'Abortion is a religious right' propaganda campaign is garnering support for the WHPA legislation in Congress.

Here's the text of the NCJW email:
National Council of Jewish Women works all day, every day to advance policies and efforts that have a direct effect on the most vulnerable populations in the United States. In this email, find our top three actions you can take immediately to make a difference.

We are thrilled the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) was reintroduced in Congress earlier this month. Our Rabbis for Repro lobby day a few weeks ago had an impact, with 29 new cosponsors added to WHPA! You can make a difference as well: tell your lawmakers to support WHPA by emailing them through the link below.......

Or, read the lies about the WHPA from Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) at
Jewish endorsement of legalized attacks on unborn human beings innocently growing in their mother's wombs shows comprehensive ignorance of the historical persecution of the Jews, in which we are frequently blamed for the ills of society, and many times stripped of personhood, tortured and murdered. Just a glance at our history from 1932 reveals this:

Jewish sponsors of HR 2975 include Senator Blumenthal and Rep. Lois Frankel. Many Jewish cosponsors have signed on. Please review the Jewish congressmen and women listed on the webpage from Jewish Telegraph Agency:

and then use this link to click on their names listed in cosponsors of the bill to get their contact information and educate them!

Love God 
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deut. 6:5. 
This instruction applies to our thoughts, words, and actions. Abortion is disrespect of God since it is destruction of people, His property.
Glorify God 
But the Lord of hosts is exalted through justice, And God the Holy One is sanctified through righteousness. O magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.
Ps. 34:4. Is. 5:16. Consider the word “together” here. We, the Jewish people, must be united in our stand against abortion because a pro-life stand is exaltation of God, Who is love. A pro-choice stand is exaltation of some people over others, and that is not love. Abortion is an exalting of human will over that of God. 

Bless God 
Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe . . 
Here, “blessed” means “respected and good things wished for.” Many of our major prayers begin with the word “blessed” as we refer to God. Honoring a king would include protection of his people. Abortion is the opposite of protection; it is an attack upon the very weakest of a king’s subjects. Why do we dare to support this kind of sin in the form of abortion against the “King of the universe,” Whom we say we respect and wish good things for, as we proclaim Him blessed? 

Sherry Davison
Tikvat Rachel, our healing program for Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion, meets weekly in our zoom room. Please contact [email protected] for login information. We're saving your seat!
Gevalt! She IS Alive Before She's Born!
"We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Eli Wiesel
Get the Facts!
Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Book
View & Download the book here,
Looking for help after abortion? Start your healing journey by downloading our healing program here. Then contact us to finally share your personal story with a friend who cares. These calls and emails are confidential, caring, and safe. Call Cecily at 412-758-3269 or email [email protected].

"Weeping is lodged in one side of my heart,
and joy is lodged in the other"
The Zohar

Do you know an abortion minded Jewish woman? Tell her about our list of Jewish couples waiting to adopt!

Jewish Adoption Services

Jewish Pregnancy Care Services

Jewish Support After Abortion

Beit Emunah - An online shul where life affirming Jews meet for support and healing. Contact Rabbi Nachman at [email protected].
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Contact Us

Cecily Routman [email protected]
Rabbi David Novak [email protected]
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman [email protected]
Rabbi Menashe Bovit [email protected]

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143