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It's Not About The Religion,

It's About The Relationship!

This week's message:

"Pursuing Promise”

See Previously Recorded Messages

Happy Thursday Dear Church and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What an incredible holiday season we have experienced together. I especially want to thank all of those who stepped up to the plate to make worship last Sunday so meaningful. As I watched online with COVID, I found my worship was focused on Pride … Pride in the people that you are and the many gifts you bring to the table. It was a bittersweet day as we said, goodbye to Pastor Debbie. Debbie has left a huge legacy for us to live into. For me, that legacy is love. I am reminded of the lyrics of this amazing song from the musical, “Wicked”

I’ve heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason

Bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us

Most to grow if we let them and we help them in return.

Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true,

But I know I’m who I am today because I knew you.

Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better

But because I knew you, I have been changed for good.

Indeed, we have all been changed because of Debbie. I encourage you to spend some time today giving thanks for her place in your life. We will have a celebration for Debbie and Pat Peterson on January 14th, following worship. Make plans now to come and let these two incredible women of God how much they are loved.

Until Sunday, may we all find gratefulness in our hearts as we move, boldly, into this new year.

I love being your pastor.

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

Music Ministry

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See you Sunday!


Nations at War, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine

For the lonely and those bereaving

Sharon, mother of Ryan

Linda Hansen, sister of Colleen Clementson

David, friend of Rosemary

Freddie, recovering from surgery.

Oscar, brother in law of Butch Young

Larell, friend of Rosemary

Ivana, daughter of Anne Wallace

Dianne Florio

Joanne Jonas

Nina Melad

Our Church Leadership


Next Saturday!

Date change to THIS MONTH AT CCP a RedCross Blood Drive, for January 14th 8am-2pm!

💪 Join us at CCP for a blood drive that promises to warm your heart as you save lives.

Grab your spot and find your perfect time to shine with this link. Sponsor Code: Poway

When you donate blood, you're not just giving a part of yourself; you're giving the gift of life.

Imagine the feeling of knowing your simple act can make a world of difference to someone in need. It's a heroic deed that will fill you with pride and joy. Come on, January 14th is your day to be a lifesaver!

Next Sunday!

Hello Little Church On The Corner Who Loves Everyone

As you know, our dear Debbie Hallmark and Pat Peterson are retiring!!! We will be having a great party for them after Worship on Sun Jan 14, 2024 and everyone is welcome!

It will be a Mexican Themed Potluck, so start checking out your recipes and plan on bringing a Mexican dish to share.

For more information please contact Lynn Amabile ( I would also like to decorate Fellowship Hall on Sat Jan 13 and if you’d like to help, please let me know. If anyone has cute decorations please feel free to bring them!

Lets send Pat and Debbie off with a fun time surrounded by great people and food!

Date Change!!

Guatemala Info Meeting

February 4, 2024

Are you interested in going or learning about the CCP 2024 service trip to Guatemala? We will be having an informational meeting Feb. 4th after the service. This is such an amazing outreach that our church family has participated in for several years. Please come with your questions, ideas, and calendars to help plan the 2024 trip.

Contact Colleen Clementson if you have questions. 858-663-6584 or

The Outreach Ministry!

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When we see little Jesus in a manger instead of a bed, we may be reminded of babies today who are also in a state of need. We can help them by giving a gift more practical than frankincense or myrrh: diapers! In the narthex, we are collecting Gifts to the Manger through January 7th - any baby items are welcome, but diapers are especially appreciated. These will go to Escondido Interfaith to help families feel loved this holiday season. Thank you for your generous gifts.

Greetings from the Outreach Ministry


As this year comes to an end, all of us in the outreach ministry would like to thank you, our church family and friends, from the bottom of our hearts, for all the gifts you shared throughout the year.

Thank you for sharing God‘s love with so many people in our communities and beyond. Your kindness and generosity has touched others all around our world.

We send you blessings and love for the new year. May God continue to surround you and your families with love through the coming year.

With more gratitude than we can express, THANK YOU!!!!!

The Outreach Ministry

P.S. make sure you take a look at the end of the year annual report when it comes out. You will read just how much you were God’s hand and feet, and God’s face to others🙏🏼🥰

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The JOY of FOOD!

Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!

There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too. 

No new recipes, so here is an older entry!

This weeks recipe is a Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie recipe!

Click Here for a Cranberry Oatmeal Cookie Recipe!


Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following members a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Alicia Gormican January 8th


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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

Email Susan Gurriell


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Books & More

On January 9, Books & More will begin discussing Blowout, a New York Times bestseller by Rachel Maddow. The TV host and political commentator interconnects a series of global events, all woven together by one thread, the oil and gas industry.

Please note that we will not meet on January 2.

Books & More meets on Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the Fireside Room.

All are welcome to join us.  

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Contact Colleen Clementson at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

Joke of the Week:

What does a nosy pepper do?

Gets jalapeño business!

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