June Cougar Chronicle
Dear Parents and Families, 
WOW!!!! WE DID IT!! September 2020 seems so long ago!....and when we began school in September, June 2021 seemed like forever away! I want to thank my dedicated staff for their perseverance and commitment to the education of each child. Their resilience created a seamless learning environment for both in person learners as well as for our remote learners. 
Thank you, parents, for your unconditional support!! This year I gave you a plethora of new policies and procedures. You willingly embraced each one. Your diligence assisted us in ensuring that we had in person learning happen at Corpus Christi School!!

Pandemic aside, we had a GREAT year! Each of your children has brought such joy and happiness to Corpus Christi School. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children. They all have touched my life in very positive and rewarding ways.

As your child anticipates the long summer vacation, there are some very important ideas you can do to help them succeed. Engage in meaningful conversations with your child every day. Take time, if only a few minutes a day, to really listen to what they have to say. Read to and listen to your child read. Ask questions, make predictions, and make life to text connections as you read. Practice those addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Help your child develop a sense of working and solving problems independently. Talk about ways and start practicing getting and staying organized. Encourage your child to write often! Writing stories, letters, journal entries, etc. are great ways to get thoughts organized and put onto paper. These small details will lead to big successes next year.

Also, remember our commitment to God. Even though we are on vacation is essential to go to Mass each Sunday. In addition, begin and end each day with a prayer of gratitude; thank God for the good things that happen to you and to others. 

Again, thank you for a wonderful year. Have a fantastic and sunny summer. 
Enjoy . . . Peace,
Mrs. Ann T. Sarpu

Upcoming Dates:
June 1 Grade 8: Early Dismissal
June 2 Last Day Grade 8: Early Dismissal 
          Birthday Dress Down Day          
June 7 Eighth Grade Graduation 6:00 P.M.

June 9 PreK4 Step Up: 9:00 A.M. Playground
          Kindergarten Step Up: 11:00 A.M. Playground

June 11 Rain Date: PreK4 Step Up: 9:00 A.M. Playground
            Rain Date: Kindergarten Step Up: 11:00 A.M. Playground

June 14 Early Dismissal

June 15 Last Day! Early Dismissal
BTT Summer Clinics
Sign up for summer Basketball Tactics and Training Camp (BTT), August 2-6, 2021. Basic and advanced programs offered to work on technique, mechanics and form. Please see below flyer for more information.
School Uniform Swap!
Attention parents: Have your children outgrown their Corpus Christi uniform or do you need a bigger size? Please consider donating your gently used uniforms and/or taking what you need from the uniform swap. Clean out those closets at the end of the school year, and prepare for next year!
Corpus Christi Summer Extension
The Corpus Christi Summer Extension is now accepting students. Please click HERE to see the exciting schedule of activities. Select your weeks, days, and times. We're a summer camp that fits your precise schedule!

Register now, pay later!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
If your child has medications in the Nurse’s Office:                               
After Memorial Day it seems as if the rest of the year comes hurtling to a quick end and it’s suddenly summer. This is just a quick reminder that if your child has medications in the Nurse’s office you must make arrangements to pick them up ON or BEFORE the last day of school. I cannot keep medications in my office over the summer per State Statute and I will unfortunately have to discard any medications that are not picked up. I cannot send medications home in your child’s backpack; you will need an adult to come and sign them out.
Thank you and have a great summer!!
Mrs. Sue Cowan
Corpus Christi School Nurse
Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants in this year's fundraising events.  We are looking forward to getting back to social events next year. If you would like to volunteer and/or have any social event / fundraising ideas, please contact Lisa Torneo at
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast:  
As the school year comes to an end, we would like to thank the teachers, staff, and administration for all of their hard work.  Thank you to Diane Bairos for volunteering to provide breakfast for teachers, staff, and administration on Monday, June 14th.
The Charles: 
A special thank you to Bryce and Kerri Hardy at the The Charles (161 Main Street, Wethersfield) for donating lunches to the teachers, staff, and administration during Teacher Appreciation Week.  Their support of CCS is greatly appreciated!
Have a wonderful summer!
Join me in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need -
equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love!
Use this referral code SN197TWU when you sign up and you’ll get 30 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 02/17/2021, while supplies last! Download the Box Tops for Education app here: