SRPC's Monthly Newsletter

January 5, 2024


I hope everyone is enjoying the first week of the new year and staying healthy! Many people have been down for the count from the various viruses and germs that are floating around. A middle school student in the region said to his teacher: “January is the leading cause of death in New England.” Out of the mouths of babes! 

But there is good news: it looks like we have some snow to look forward to this weekend. That’s exciting news for ski areas and those looking to hit the slopes.  

Moving onwards into 2024, here at SRPC we have many exciting projects we are working on. SRPC is updating our Public Participation Plan and is looking forward to working with the Town of Northwood on a recently awarded the Source Water Protection Grant. 

In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest grant awards, job openings, planning events of interest, annual listing of obligated projects, and community happenings. 

Until next month,

Megan Taylor-Fetter 

In this Issue

Staff News

Partner Spotlight

SRPC's latest Job Posting

Grant Corner

Planning Events of Interest

Public Input Opportunities Community Happenings

Staff News

On January 3, 2024, SRPC staff enjoyed their annual holiday gathering and Secret Santa gift exchange. Thank you to The Revolution Taproom and Grill in Rochester for providing the fun space and yummy food! A good time was had by all! 

Congratulations to SRPC Commissioner Donald Hamann for his appointment to the office of Deputy Mayor for the City of Rochester.  

SRPC staffer and amateur photographer, Natalie Gemma, provided her photography services for new staff photos. Stay tuned to see the new photos in upcoming issues. 

Data Intern Troy’s internship ended on December 31, 2023. We wish Troy all the best in their future endeavors! 


The Center for Ethics in Society at Saint Anselm College has released the updated NH Zoning Atlas to include all of the zoning changes from 2023. The New Hampshire Zoning Atlas is a comprehensive database and interactive online map cataloging and portraying district-level land-use regulations affecting housing construction across the entire land area of the state. SRPC provided St. Anslem with GIS data for the region’s zoning districts and assisted with data review.  


SRPC’s Latest Grant Application Recommended for Funding 

On Friday, December 29th, SRPC was informed that their most recent application to the NHDES Source Water Protection Program was recommended for funding. This marked the end of another extremely successful calendar year for our grant writers. 

The proposal is to conduct a septic system inventory around several community water systems in the Town of Northwood. There will also be an outreach campaign focused on the adverse impacts of failing or malfunctioning systems and economically feasible solutions for infrastructure maintenance.  

Congratulations to the entire team that worked on putting forth this application, specifically Autumn Scott, Mark Davie, and Jackson Rand.  


Each year, SRPC publishes a report on federal funding spent on individual projects, public transit operators, and statewide programs that are relevant to the region. The technical term for funds being spent is “obligated.” This generally means the Federal Highway Administration has authorized a project sponsor (a municipality, transit provider, or state agency) to pay a contractor or vendor for things like site survey, construction efforts, new buses, or new traffic signals. View the list on the SRPC website. 

Contact Colin Lentz – Sr. Transportation Planner if you have any questions about the report or individual projects, or just want to talk about transportation stuff!  


January 13, 2024: 2024 Town and School Moderators SB2 Workshop 

January 18, 2024: 2024 Planning & Zoning Legislation Primer 


NHMA: Knowing the Territory 

NHMA: Volunteer Manual: A Guidebook for Developing Policies and Procedures 

NHMA: New Hampshire Town and City (January/February 2024) 


SRPC GIS Intern 

The New Hampshire Farm Museum is seeking a part time bookkeeper. View the Job Description on the SRPC website.  

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) recently announced an exciting new position under their Municipal Climate Action Program for a Climate Services Project Manager 


Newmarket Master Plan Update Survey, Housing and Open Space Chapters 

Town of Lee Public Housing Survey 


January 13, 2024, 5:00 PM: The newly formed Celebrate Nottingham Committee (CNC) is pleased to announce that there will be a Nottingham Community Bonfire  

January 13, 2024, 7:30 PM: Rochester Opera House presents its all in my head: Therapy in Concert 

February 8th, 6:30-8:30 PM: Somersworth Recreation Valentines Dance 2024 

Granite State Choral Society is accepting new members 


Strafford Regional Planning Commission

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

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