I hope everyone is enjoying the first week of the new year and staying healthy! Many people have been down for the count from the various viruses and germs that are floating around. A middle school student in the region said to his teacher: “January is the leading cause of death in New England.” Out of the mouths of babes!
But there is good news: it looks like we have some snow to look forward to this weekend. That’s exciting news for ski areas and those looking to hit the slopes.
Moving onwards into 2024, here at SRPC we have many exciting projects we are working on. SRPC is updating our Public Participation Plan and is looking forward to working with the Town of Northwood on a recently awarded the Source Water Protection Grant.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest grant awards, job openings, planning events of interest, annual listing of obligated projects, and community happenings.
Until next month,
Megan Taylor-Fetter