Connect Newsletter
October 2021

Dear friends,

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses instructs the Israelites to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and strength - essentially everything that was within them. Jesus reiterated this command to his disciples in the Gospels, and it is one that BIC U.S. seeks to follow today as we engage in holistic ministry.

In this newsletter, you will find stories and reports of how we are working to love God and others in many areas of life, from meeting practical needs in faith communities around the world to offering ways to support your mental and spiritual health through Sabbath practices. We pray that you will be encouraged to seek out ways that you too can love God with your whole being. 
Leadership Council Advisory Team Announced
We are pleased to announce the creation of the Leadership Council Advisory Team. This team consists of members from each of the BIC U.S. regional conferences and a representative for World Missions. Collectively, they are adding to the depth of church conversation as group members engage both with Leadership Council and the broader church. Learn more.
Missions Focus - Training Doctors in Zimbabwe
For over a decade, this program has supported young doctors as they complete their education and go on to work at rural hospitals and clinics. Partner with us in equipping doctors who will share the love of Jesus by providing rural communities with quality healthcare. Learn more.
Meet Jennifer Lancaster
Jennifer joined our team this summer as the Project 250 Coordinator. She comes to us with experience in the academic world and holds degrees in Theology and Religion. As the project coordinator, she will work closely with Leadership Council to help accomplish the goals set out in Project 250. Learn more.
Compassion Funds Released as Pandemic Continues
As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued in 2021, we have been able to provide support for our brothers and sisters around the world. So far this year, we have released $26,482 in Global Compassion Funds to communities in India, Nepal, Kenya, and Liberia. Read more.
Finding Rest in a Restless Age
Humanity was created for rest, but rest of a different kind from what is typically understood and practiced in American culture. God invites us to find a more complete, fulfilling rest in his presence and goodness. Read more.
Leadership Council and General Conference Board Summary
Our Leadership Council and General Conference Board met in September for their Fall 2021 meetings. You can now read summaries of the meetings. Access summaries.
Summer 2021 Issue of Shalom!
Given huge wealth and income disparities worldwide, we have an obligation to find ways to love our neighbors as ourselves. The latest edition of Shalom! A Journal for the Practice of Reconciliation offers stories about individuals and organizations working to reduce economic injustice and meet human needs. Read issue.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. – Deuteronomy 6:5-6