Tell Us About Your Passover
This was certainly one of the strangest Passovers in our lifetime.

To preserve public health in the face of a pandemic, many people held a solitary Seder or used video conferencing to share the meal with loved ones.

Did you create a special pandemic-themed Hagaddah? Did you record your video-conferenced Seder? Or maybe you don't use technology on Jewish holidays, but you have reflections you would like to preserve. Whatever the case may be, we invite you to share your Passover story at our online portal .

One hundred years from now, your stories will help future generations understand how the local Jewish community celebrated Passover in 2020.

[IMAGE: Elak and Baruch Rudick holding a Passover seder at home with their family, 1908 (Roth Family Photographs, PFF 7)]
Annie Jacobs Davis: The Mother of Montefiore
With the attention of so many currently turned toward health care, Rauh Jewish Archives Archivist Catelyn Cocuzzi takes a look back at Annie Jacobs Davis , the remarkable Jewish woman who founded Montefiore Hospital.

[IMAGE: Annie Jacobs Davis portrait, g ift of Barnett Davis, Inc.]
The Rauh Jewish History Program & Archives was founded in 1988 to collect, preserve, and make accessible the documentary history of Jews and Jewish communities of Western Pennsylvania. You can help the RJHPA continue its work by making a donation that will directly support the work being done in Western Pa.
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The Senator John Heinz History Center is currently closed to the public, however we have you covered with an array of virtual history offerings. 
A proud affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, the  Senator John Heinz History Center  is the largest history museum in Pennsylvania and presents American history with a Western Pennsylvania connection.