MiTeGen Newsletter May 2021
Papers - Ice In Biomolecular Cryocrystrallography and Setting Up A Cryo-EM Lab - Cryocrystallography and Cryo-EM Tools - Events/Jobs/News
Paper - Ice In Biomolecular Cryocrystallography
Image Source: Moreau, et al. (2021). Ice In Biomolecular Cryocrystallography. Acta Cryst D, volume 77, Part 4 doi:10.1107/S2059798321001170
This paper at Acta Cryst D by David W. Moreau, et al. examines the issue of ice in biomolecular cryocrystallography.
There are several points covered including:

  • Defining a revised metric for detecting ice from deposited protein structure-factor data
  • A random sample of PDB entries collected at cryogenic temperatures are examined using the revised metric and improved algorithms with results indicating that "roughly 16% show evidence of ice contamination"
  • And more...
  • The paper concludes by summarizing the factors that affect ice formation in cryocrystallography
Tools and Equipment For Your Cryocrystallography Research
Are you conducting research using cryocrystallography? If so we offer a wide selection of tools and equipment to meet your needs.

This includes, dewars, dry shippers, pucks, loops, grease, tongs, cryo oil and more. Let us help you with your cryocrystallography research.
Paper - Setting Up and Operating A Cryo-EM Lab
Image Source: Mills, D. (2021). Setting up and operating a cryo-EM laboratory. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 54, E2. doi:10.1017/S003358352000013X
In a paper at Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, author Deryck J. Mills summarizes the experience gained by working in the EM field since 1978 and his thoughts on setting up and operating a cryo-EM laboratory.

Specific points covered include:

  • What equipment is needed
  • Room requirements for microscopes, screening, specimen preparation, etc...
  • Operation, maintenance and budgeting considerations
  • The future of cryo-EM labs is also considered
Do You Manage or Are You Setting Up A Cryo-EM Lab?
Let us help you with your cryo-EM needs. We can supply your lab with grids, storage pucks, starter kits and other tools and accessories used in cryo-EM research. We want to earn your business!
If you are planning a new cryo-EM lab, please consider our MiTeGen New Lab Program. It offers special discounts, startup bundles, and
expert support and service. Let us help you outfit your new lab!
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting.
The PSB Symposium "Frontiers in Bioimaging" will be held July 1st and 2nd - Virtual format - Highlights progress in 3D imaging research and more. We are sponsoring this event.
The 6th European Crystallographic School (ECS6) will be held July 4th to 10th - Virtual format - Includes theoretical and practical lectures, hands-on tutorials and more. We are sponsoring this event.
Looking For More Events, Workshops and Conferences
If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.

Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.
Industry Resources and News
Here is a small selection of hand picked industry resources and news for your browsing.

  • The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Fund begins accepting applications August 1st. This fund is designed to encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallographically oriented research - Learn More
  • The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program is currently soliciting applications from students interested in conducting a research project which involves the use of any microscopy technique. Deadline is December 15th - Learn More
  • CellPress has created an easy-to-use online submission system for authors seeking to get their research published faster in Structure - Learn More
  • Small and medium companies (SMEs) can ask for funded beamtime in different European light sources thanks to EU CALIPSOplus project till the 30th of June 2021 - Learn More
  • The Royal Society of Chemistry is committed to tackling the barriers that disabled people face within the chemical sciences by offering up to £5,000 to support a project that improves accessibility and inclusion for disabled chemists - Learn More
  • Crystals MDPI is soliciting submissions for an up coming special issue titled, "Protein Crystallography: Achievements and Challenges" Deadline is December 1st 2021 - Learn More
  • Video - Learn how EMBL Hamburg’s beamline for synchrotron crystallography enabled collaborators to determine the molecular structure of a protein involved in psychiatric disorders - Learn More 
  • Video tour with a behind the scenes look at Australia's biggest particle accelerator - Learn More 
  • 8th Instruct Internship program is now accepting applications. "Internships facilitate valuable collaborations with Instruct research groups applying techniques that are not available in the applicant’s laboratory and the long duration of awards allows interns to gain in depth experience in the host laboratory." - Learn More
  • LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Soure) at SLAC has a call for proposals. Deadline is July 19th, 2021 - Learn More
Industry Jobs
Searching for a new job? Interested in knowing what positions labs and facilities are offering? Then visit our jobs board on which we list recent industry job offerings.

And remember, if you have an industry relevant job, we are happy to list it on our jobs board.
Have your lab be the first to know. Follow us on social media!