All Families in the Great Family of God,

I want to make sure all families with youth and children know about the programs we've been planning for the summer. Some of these activities we have not offered in the past two years because of the pandemic, but this summer brings the promise of many retreat and mission camp opportunities that have been important to our young people in the past. I hope you'll plan for your children and youth to join in. I'm especially looking forward to returning to Montreat this summer with our youth for the music and worship conference, Vacation Bible School here with our children, and fun times out on the town like our all-church night at the Durham Bulls ballpark. 

Please include these dates on your family's calendar as you finalize your summer plans. For more information about any of these events, please reach out to Anitra Grove or Jenny Anderson.

In faith, hope, and love,

Rev. Cameron Barr


Youth attend Music and Worship Conference at Montreat, June 26-July 2
Our church rents a cottage in the Montreat Conference Center, and the congregation provides meals to support church youth and families participating in the Music and Worship Conference. This is a wonderful retreat opportunity for musical young people in our church. This year led by Jenny Anderson and Cameron Barr, along with other adults.

Durham Pilgrimage of Pain & Hope, Friday, July 15-Sunday, July 17
Participants will visit key sites in Durham’s historical landscape, hear from community leaders, and put their feet on the ground as they listen and reflect on what they encounter.  More information and sample itinerary. Please register by Sunday, April 24. All are welcome to participate, but space is limited. Spanish interpretation is available. Recommended for age 14+. Pay what you can toward the $300 cost. Donations to help support others are welcome! Meals (Friday dinner-Sunday lunch) are included. Contact Kati with questions. 

Johns River Valley Camp, multiple weeks and/or July 24-29
Youth of the church are invited to join a week-long church camp and retreat in the mountains near Lenoir. The camp director, Phil Hardy, has served our church on the Board of Youth and Young Adults. There are several options: check out the JRVC website and register for their summer camps and/or consider joining UCCH for a special mission week, July 24-29, with other UCC congregations to address environmental and poverty issues in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Scholarships are available.

Compassion Camp (Vacation Bible School), July 31-August 4
Led by Anitra Grove, VBS is a half-day camp (9am-12pm) for children ages 3 through 5th grade for one week during the summer. We invite youth and adult volunteers to lead. This year our curriculum is Compassion Camp: Be Loved, Be Kind, Be you. Registration is open.

All Church Night Out at the Durham Bulls, July 31
The whole congregation is invited to our church's night at the ballpark. Join our multi-generation choir to sing the National Anthem, or just come along and have a hotdog. A link for registration will be available soon.


Confirmation - May 1st, 9:45am in the Sanctuary

Rise Against Hunger - Saturday May 14,10am-12pm (Registration is open)

End of the Year Family Cookout Celebration - May 15 after Worship Services

Joint Youth Choir Evensong at Duke Chapel - May 26 at 7pm